[The Town Board of the Town of Yorktown established a Planning Board on June 15, 1932, pursuant to Article 16 of the Town Law of the state of New York.]
[Added 5-1-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001]
The Town Board may appoint not more than two alternate members of the Planning Board. Each such alternate member shall attend meetings of the Planning Board and participate in its deliberations but shall vote only in the event that a member of the Planning Board is absent or otherwise unable to act with respect to a particular matter. When acting pursuant to the Planning Board authority provided hereby, such alternate member shall have all of the rights and privileges of a member of the Planning Board. The term of appointment of said alternates shall be as authorized by the Town Board under a duly adopted resolution. This section is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by § 10, Subdivision 1(e)(3), of the Municipal Home Rule Law and shall supersede any provision of the Town Law which is inconsistent herewith.