[Added 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-16[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. IX, R-4 Townhouse and High-Rise Apartment Residential Zone, added 6-21-1971 by Ord. No. 71-16, as amended.
Purpose. The PR Zoning District is established to permit well-designed residential development at a density consistent with smart growth principles while also ensuring that the Borough provides ample opportunities for the development of affordable housing. The focus of the zone is on infill and redevelopment with particular focus on encouraging the development of a mix of market-rate and low- and moderate-income housing within the Borough of Clementon. The adoption of the PR Zone was conceived in the context of an overall strategy for redevelopment and balancing residential growth with commercial revitalization and conservation.
Proposed Planned Residential Base Zone
Current Zone
Proposed Zone
1.01 through 1.181
4.02 and 13
R-3 and B-2
22 and 23
Permitted principal uses.
Single-family detached dwellings as permitted and regulated in the Residential (R-5) District §§ 298-26 through 298-29.2.
Single-family semidetached dwelling units (twins).
Single-family attached dwelling units (side-by-side townhouses).
Permitted accessory uses.
Off-street parking.
Common recreational facilities to benefit all residents in a development.
Detached garages.
Trash and recyclables enclosures.
Utilities infrastructure.
Storage sheds.
Fences and walls, up to six feet in rear and side yards, not permitted in front yards.
Signs subject to this chapter.
Stormwater management facilities in accordance with this chapter.
Bulk and area regulations.
Bulk and area requirements for single-family development are in accordance with § 298-29F (R-5); other permitted housing types are as follows:
[Amended 10-15-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-11]
Semidetached Twins
Maximum gross density
8 du/acre
Minimum number of affordable housing units in accordance with COAH's rules and UHAC
Minimum tract frontage on public street
200 feet
200 feet
Minimum common open space
Minimum individual lot size
3,000 square feet per unit
1,200 square feet per unit
Minimum lot width for individual lot or unit
30 feet
Minimum 60% of units 20 feet;
remaining may be 16 feet
Minimum lot depth
90 feet
75 feet
Minimum front yard setback from property line or curbline
15 feet
15 feet*;
20 feet if driveway
Minimum side yard setback
0 feet one side; 10 feet one side
0 feet;
10 feet end units
Minimum rear yard setback
20 feet
20 feet
Maximum lot coverage (individual lots)
Maximum lot coverage (overall tract)
Maximum building height
35 feet
40 feet
Maximum building length
8 units or 160 feet
Porches, entryways, stairs and other building features may encroach into the front yard area.
Parking requirements are as follows:
The number of spaces per unit shall be consistent with the standards set forth in the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Parking lots, drive aisles and new roads must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from county or state roads.
Parking areas and drive aisles must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from side and rear property lines.
Structures must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from parking areas, drive aisles and roads.
A twenty-five foot wide perimeter buffer is required around the entire tract. (Roads and access may cross the buffer area in a perpendicular manner and stormwater basins may be within 15 feet of the property boundary.)
Requirements pertaining to the development of affordable housing.
[Amended 10-15-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-11]
All affordable housing units must be made affordable and maintained in accordance with the rules of the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) or its successor, the New Jersey Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq.), and the requirements of the Borough's Fair Share Ordinances, including, but not limited to, phasing, bedroom distribution, 50-50 low-moderate income split, affordability controls, affirmative marketing, etc.
Any bonus credits which may result from the creation of rental housing shall accrue to the benefit of the Borough of Clementon and shall not be used to reduce the applicant's affordable housing obligation.
All master deeds, covenants, restrictions, easements and homeowners' association documents, including bylaws and similar documents, shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Board and its experts before they are filed, recorded or take effect.
Design standards.
Spatial relationships between buildings, public and semipublic spaces and other structures should be designed to relate to one another, both functionally and visually. Features such as courtyards, greens, pedestrian and bicycle pathways that tie the site together and connect it to the surrounding area shall be incorporated into the site design. The site design should reinforce street frontages, both existing and new and main entryways should be emphasized to create a sense of identity. Care should be taken to relate the development to the broader municipal context and identity while also creating a new focal point within the community. The development should enhance a positive sense of community, neighborhood and personal well-being for the future residents.
Conceptual architectural plans shall be submitted at the time of preliminary approval. Elevations referencing specific dimensions and materials shall be submitted prior to final approval.
The architectural character of each dwelling unit shall be consistent with an overall theme, though variations among individual units are encouraged. The development should reflect the overall character and the Borough's vision for a vibrant mixed use redevelopment area.
Buildings on corner lots and at a visual terminus shall be considered significant structures and may be designed with additional height and architectural embellishments to emphasize their location. Buildings with two street frontages must be designed with architectural features worthy of the principal facade.
Sidewalks must be provided throughout the development and pedestrian pathways shall connect to the exterior of the site.
Streets and internal circulation drives must be connected to each other and to other existing streets to the greatest extent possible.
A minimum of 50% of the housing units shall have a front porch at least five feet deep.
No more than 55% of the horizontal width of the first floor on the principal frontage may be consumed by garage doors. Rear garages are encouraged and need not comply with the 55% of horizontal width requirement on the rear elevation.
A minimum of 300 cubic feet of internal storage area with a minimum height of seven feet shall be provided for each unit within the garage.
Refuse and recycling areas shall be provided and located for the convenience of the residents. The storage area may be inside a garage or storage area, or common collection areas may be established. For storage on individual lots, sufficient space must be available so that garbage and recycling cans are not in the public view on non-collection days. Common collection areas shall consist of an adequately sized masonry enclosure designed consistent with the building architecture, a minimum of six feet in height with gates and a pedestrian access and surrounded by evergreen trees.
One freestanding monument style sign may be installed to identify the development on each frontage of the tract, set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line, outside of sight triangles, and a maximum of 12 square feet in area and five feet in height.
Lighting must be consistent with a neighborhood lighting standard and designed to provide safety and security at a residential and pedestrian scale.
In addition to other required landscaping, street trees must be planted along the tract's frontage on county and state roads as well as internal roads. Alleys are not required to comply with this street tree provision.
The site plan and subdivision plan must comply with all applicable requirements of all county and state agencies with jurisdiction.
Existing development, exceptions for existing nonconforming lots. Lots and structures that have been previously subdivided (via a minor subdivision or final major subdivision) and that have been filed and recorded at the County Clerk's office prior to the effective date of this ordinance, and that meet the standards of the prior zoning designation, and were compliant with the zoning requirements prior to 2009 (the adoption of this ordinance) may continue to exist as a conforming lot or use.