[Amended 8-25-1986 by Ord. No. 86-8; 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-16]
Permitted uses.
Any production, fabrication, processing, cleaning, testing, repair, storage and distribution of materials, goods, foodstuffs and products not involving a retail activity on the lot, except those excluded by this article.
Contractor's establishment not engaging in any retail activities on the site.
Laboratories: research, experimental or testing.
Public utility installations.
Administrative and business offices.
Prohibited uses.
Retail businesses of any kind, except those referred to in this section.
Residential dwelling units of any kind, except those permitted in this section.
The manufacture of heavy chemicals such as but not limited to mineral acids or other corrosives, ammonia, caustic soap and sulfuric acid; the manufacture of basic or semifinished chemicals, such as cellulose products, resins, dyestuffs, glue, vegetable, animal or mineral fats or oils, explosives, combustible gases, soap and detergents, fertilizers derived from animal origins, asphalt and tar products; the manufacture or production of cement, plaster, cork and their constituents, matches, paints, oils, varnishes, lacquer, rubber or rubber products; and the processing, sale, storage or reclamation of junk of all kinds, including automobile wrecking and storing.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private garage space necessary to store any vehicles on the premises.
The warehousing and storage of goods and produces, provided that retail sales do not take place on the premises, and provided that materials are stored indoors or within a fenced area screened with landscaping.
One facade sign is permitted for each business affixed to the building facing the road frontage. Signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in area and must meet the requirements of the Borough's sign regulations.
One freestanding monument sign is permitted along the street frontage. The freestanding sign may not exceed 40 square feet in area and may not exceed six feet in height. The sign may be illuminated in accordance with the Borough's sign regulations (no flashing or blinking). The sign must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from all property lines and may not interfere with sight triangles.
Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum lot area
5,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
100 feet
Minimum lot depth
250 feet
Minimum front yard
50 feet
Minimum side yard
50 feet
Minimum rear yard
50 feet
Maximum impervious cover
Maximum height
40 feet
Parking setback
10 feet from property lines
Design and performance standards.
Fire and explosive hazards. All activities involving and all storage of flammable and explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazards of fire and explosion, and adequate fire-suppression equipment shall be installed and maintained in an operable condition in accordance with the regulations of the Fire Marshal's Office, Construction Official and the regulations of applicable local, county, state, and federal agencies.
Electrical disturbance. No activity shall be permitted which results in an electrical disturbance adversely affecting the operation of any equipment beyond the building in which the disturbance is created.
Smoke, ash, dust, fume, vapor, gases and other forms of air pollution. There shall be no emission at any point from any chimney or otherwise which can cause damage to human health, to animals or vegetation, or to other forms of property, or which will cause any excessive soiling or air pollution.
Liquid and solid wastes. There shall be no discharge at any point, into any private or public sewerage system, or into any stream, or into the ground of any materials in such a way, or of such temperature, as to contaminate or otherwise cause the emission of hazardous materials except as regulated by applicable local, state, or federal agencies.
No activity or use shall produce a sound pressure level on adjacent property in excess of the level permitted by the applicable laws of the State of New Jersey, and regulations adopted by the NJDEP, and as currently enforced by the Camden County Health Department or any other duly authorized enforcement agency.
Vibration. No activity or operation shall produce at any point along the property line continuous perceptible vibrations.
Glare. No activity or use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or reflection of same beyond its lot lines. Exterior lighting shall be shielded, buffered and directed so that glare, direct light, or reflection will not be a nuisance to adjoining properties, dwellings, streets, districts, or from adjacent buildings within the light industrial zone. In no event shall a lighting intensity greater than 0.125 footcandle, measured at grade, be permitted beyond the subject lot lines.
Odor. No operation shall release materials capable of becoming odorous, either by bacterial decomposition or chemical reaction, that cause or will cause odorous matter or vapor to be generated so as to be readily discernible without instruments from any point along the boundaries of each lot.
Operation. All fabricating, manufacturing, or assembling activities shall be conducted entirely within enclosed buildings.
Truck loading and unloading areas shall be provided in an amount sufficient to permit the transfer of goods and products in an area outside of the public right-of-way and outside of the required front yard area.
No more than two two-way ingress/egress driveways are permitted for each 200 feet of frontage upon a public street. Driveways may not be closer than 50 feet to the intersection of two streets, and driveways may not be wider than 30 feet.
A landscaped buffer shall be provided around the perimeter of the property in order to provide a visual screen and to improve the aesthetics of the property. Evergreen plantings must be six feet high at the time of planting and should be supplemented with deciduous trees.
All nonimpervious areas on the site must be landscaped and maintained in good condition.
Off-street parking and loading must be in accordance with § 298-55.