Bowling alleys shall conform to all other applicable requirements of this chapter as well as the following provisions.
[Amended 12-5-1984 by L.L. No. 17-1984]
A permit shall be required for bowling pin refinishing and bowling alley resurfacing operations involving the use and application of flammable liquids or materials. Applications for such permit shall be accompanied by an inspection and permit fee of $50. Each such permit or renewal thereof shall expire on December 31 next following its issuance and may be renewed for a period of one year from the date of expiration after application therefor and payment of the permit fee.
Resurfacing operations shall not be carried on while the establishment is open for business. The Fire Inspector shall be notified when bowling lanes are to be resurfaced. Proper ventilation shall be provided. Heating, ventilation or cooling systems employing recirculation of air shall not be operated during resurfacing operations or within one hour following the application of flammable finishes. All electric motors or other equipment in the area which might be a source of ignition shall be shut down, and all smoking and use of open flames prohibited during the application of flammable finishes and for one hour thereafter.
Pin refinishing involving the application of flammable finishes shall be done only in a special room meeting the requirements of § 98-60; such room shall not be located below grade nor shall it have communication with any pits, wells, pockets or basements.
Storage of flammable liquids in such rooms shall not exceed a combined aggregate of 60 gallons in original metal containers or in approved safety containers not exceeding five gallons' individual capacity. A metal waste can with self-closing cover shall be provided for all waste materials and rags; contents shall be removed daily. Smoking shall be prohibited at all times in refinishing rooms.