Preliminary layouts submitted to the Planning Commission shall be drawn to a convenient scale, not more than 100 feet to an inch, and shall show the following information:
The location of the property with respect to surrounding property and streets; the names of all adjoining property owners of record or the names of adjoining developments; the names of adjoining streets. There shall be included an area map at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet, showing all streets and property within 1,000 feet of the proposed subdivision, and identifying all property held by the subdivider and all boundaries of zoning districts within this area.
The location and dimensions of all boundaries of the property (include entire area proposed to be subdivided and remainder of the tract owned by the subdividing owner), certified by a surveyor.
The location of existing streets, sewers, drains, water mains, easements, water bodies, streams and other pertinent features, such as swamps, buildings, outstanding trees and outlines of densely wooded areas, that may influence the design of the subdivision. Topography shall be shown at a contour interval of not more than five feet, or as required by the Planning Commission, referenced to City of Rye datum.
The location, width, grade and profiles showing existing surfaces and proposed grades of all streets; typical cross sections of the proposed grading of the entire right-of-way and 30 feet on both sides.
Proposed connections with existing water supply and sanitary sewerage system or alternative means of providing sanitary waste treatment and disposal as provided in Section 89 of the Public Health Law; proposed provisions for collecting and discharging surface or subsurface water, including the proposed location and sizes of drains, culverts, catch basins, curbs and gutters; the proposed locations of fire hydrants, street trees, streetlighting standards, street signs, monuments or other improvements to be provided in connection with the subdivision.
The approximate locations, dimensions and areas of all proposed or existing lots.
The approximate location and dimensions of all property proposed to be set aside for park or playground use.
The name and address of the owner or owners of land to be subdivided; the name and address of the subdivider, if other than the owner; and the name of the surveyor and engineer.
The date of the map, approximate true North point and scale.
The location, caliper and species of all trees 10 inches or more in caliper.
[Added 4-7-1976]
Base flood elevation data.
[Added 3-5-1980 by L.L. No. 3-1980]
A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) consistent with the requirements of Chapter 174 of this Code shall be required for preliminary subdivision plat approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards in § 174-7 of this Code. The approved preliminary subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of this Code.
[Added 12-12-2007 by L.L. No. 7-2007]
[Amended 4-7-1976; 5-21-1986 by L.L. No. 7-1986]
Subdivision plats shall be accompanied by separate sheets of construction plans, tree preservations plans, erosion and sediment and surface water control plans and shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval as follows:
Drawing, scale and size of plat, construction plans, tree preservations plans, erosion and sediment control plans and surface water control plans. The plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn on transparent linen tracing cloth or on Mylar with black waterproof ink, at a scale of not more than 100 feet to an inch, but preferably at a scale of 40 feet to an inch. Maps shall be on uniform size sheets, not larger than 24 inches by 36 inches, but the map part proper shall not exceed 19 inches by 34 inches. Whenever any project is of such size that more than one sheet is required, an index map on the same size sheet shall be filed showing the entire subdivision at an appropriate scale. Construction plans, tree preservation plans, erosion and sediment plans and surface water control plans may be drawn in pencil or ink on good quality tracing paper or Mylar.
Information to be shown on plat. Plats shall show the following information:
Proposed subdivision name or identifying title, which shall not duplicate or too closely approximate that of any other development in the city.
Date of the plat, approximate true North point and graphic scale.
Name, address and signature of owner-subdivider, engineer and surveyor.
Names of owners of record of abutting properties or developments.
Boundary lines of the property being subdivided.
Locations, names and widths of existing and proposed streets.
Locations and names of existing and proposed public open spaces.
Locations and widths of existing and proposed easements.
Lot lines with accurate dimensions and bearings or angles.
Lot areas in square feet, or acres to hundredths, for all lots shown; any city line or any school, sewer or other tax district line. Where a lot is divided by such a city or district line, the area of the lot in each municipality or district shall be shown.
Setback lines or approximate house locations, where specified.
Block and lot numbers as assigned by the Assessor of the City of Rye.
Sufficient data acceptable to the City Engineer to determine readily the location, bearing and length of all lines and to reproduce such lines upon the ground. Where practicable, these should be referenced to monuments included in the state system of plane coordinates, and in any event should be tied to reference points previously established by a public authority.
Base flood elevation data.
[Added 3-5-1980 by L.L. No. 3-1980]
Information to be shown on construction plans. Improvements shall be designed and construction plans drawn by an engineer. Construction plans shall show all necessary information for the construction of all improvements, except that where requirements have been waived by the Planning Commission, applicable specifications may be omitted. Written specifications may also be required for any unusual construction or use of materials. Construction plans shall show the following, among other things, on plans, profiles cross sections and detail drawings:
Plans shall show the location of street pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pedestrian walks, manholes, catch basins, street trees, streetlighting standards, fire hydrants and street signs; the widths of pavements, sidewalks and pedestrian walks; the location and size of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, stormwater drains, water and gas mains and other underground utilities and structures.
Profiles shall show existing and proposed elevations along the center lines for each 50 feet of all proposed streets as well as center-line elevations of intersecting streets for a distance of 100 feet; elevations along pedestrian walks; size and invert elevations of existing or proposed storm and sanitary sewers and locations of manholes and catch basins; grades of proposed streets and sewers; size and location of water and gas mains and other underground utilities. All elevations must be referred to City of Rye datum.
Cross sections shall show existing and proposed elevations at five points on lines at right angles to the center lines of all streets and spaced 50 feet apart along the center lines, said elevation points to be at the center lines of the street, each property line and points 30 feet inside each property line. A map showing present and proposed contours at a satisfactory interval may be substituted for the cross sections.
Detail drawings shall show typical cross sections of pavement, gutters and sidewalks and construction drawings for manholes, catch basins or other structures needed for the completion of improvements.
Base flood elevation data.
[Added 3-5-1980 by L.L. No. 3-1980]
Information to be shown on tree preservation plans. The plan and the procedures to be followed to preserve trees shall be prepared by a landscape architect. The tree preservation plans shall show the location and identify the species and caliper of each tree 10 inches or more in caliper and shall indicate which trees the Planning Commission has authorized to be removed. The plan shall also show the location and indicate the caliper and species of any supplemental tree required to be installed. Written specifications shall be submitted setting forth the procedures to be used for construction within the drip line of each tree and specifications for the erection of protective barriers around trees or areas in order to prevent damage to the trees during construction. Tree preservation plans and written specifications shall show the following, among other things:
Plans shall identify each tree, including existing, supplemental and street trees, with a tree identification number and set forth in a table the tree identification number, the caliper and species of the tree and the nature of proposed construction or alteration of the topography within the drip line of the tree.
Plans shall be prepared on a topographic map indicating existing and proposed contours, supplemented with critical spot elevations, finished first-floor elevations, all trees 10 inches or more in caliper, proposed lot lines, yard setback lines, all street and utility improvements and lot improvements, to include house location, driveways, entrance walks, exterior stairs, retaining walls, utility lines, grading and other lot development. If lot improvements are not specifically approved by the Planning Commission at the time of subdivision approval, improvement of the lots shall be subject to review by the City Planner as set forth in § 170-8A(5) of these regulations.
The written specifications shall set forth detailed specifications for methods of construction within the drip line of any tree shown on the plan, the protective barriers to be erected around trees during construction and the installation of supplemental and street trees, all to at least American Association of Nurserymen (A.A.N.) minimum specifications.
Information to be shown on erosion and sediment control plan:
The proposed subdivision name or identifying title.
The date, approximate true North point and graphic scale.
The subdivision layout.
A schematic layout of the proposed methods of providing for erosion and sediment control, consistent with best management practices.
Existing and proposed contours and critical spot elevations.
Base flood elevation data.
Existing tree lines, grassy areas or unique vegetation.
Boundaries of the different soil types existing on the site.
The dividing lines and direction of flow for different drainage areas.
Areas with potentially significant erosion problems.
Areas which are to be cleared and graded.
Any structural practices used that are not referenced to the Best Management Practices Manuals shall be explained and illustrated with detail drawings.
Construction schedule showing the sequencing of the installation of the required surface water control improvements, erosion and sediment control devices, and other site construction activities, which shall be supplemented as directed by the City Engineer to show required inspections.
Information to be shown on surface water control plan:
The proposed subdivision name or identifying title.
The date, approximate true North point and graphic scale.
The subdivision layout.
A schematic layout of the proposed methods of controlling surface water runoff.
Existing and proposed grades.
Surface water control calculations, unless set forth in a separate document.
Base flood elevation data.
Construction schedule showing the sequencing of the installation of the required surface water control improvements, erosion and sediment control devices, and other site construction activities, which shall be supplemented as directed by the City Engineer to show required inspections.
A stormwater pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Chapter 174 of this Code and with the terms of preliminary plan approval shall be required for final subdivision plat approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards in § 174-7 of this Code. The approved final subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of this Code.
[Added 12-12-2007 by L.L. No. 7-2007]