[Adopted 2-13-2001 by Ord. No. 260]
[Amended 4-18-2018 by Ord. No. 487]
In order to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and welfare of the public, it is necessary for the Commissioners to initiate construction and repair of the streets and sidewalks.
The required work shall consist of the construction and repair of the streets and sidewalks, the drainage systems, the various utility systems, including the location or relocation of water, sewer, electric, telephone and cable transmission lines, street and sidewalk lights, landscaping, as well as maintaining existing entrances from public and private property to the street and sidewalks, and to do all things necessary to accomplish same.
To carry out the aforesaid street and sidewalk construction and repairs as duly authorized by the Town Charter, the Town employees, their agents and assigns, shall have the right of entry, for the purpose of accomplishing said work, at all reasonable hours, upon any premises in the Town which abuts a Town street or sidewalk.