[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Closter 11-22-1967 by Ord. No. 1967:179 as Art. I of Ch. 36 of the 1967 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire prevention — See Ch. 106.
A Fire Department be and the same hereby is created, which Fire Department shall consist of the Closter Volunteer Fire Association known as and by the name of the "Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company," which Association is hereby designated and constituted the authorized Fire Department of said Borough of Closter.
All fire apparatus and means of extinguishing fires provided by said borough shall be entrusted to said Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company.
The Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company shall continue to be the authorized Fire Department of said borough and shall be entrusted with the apparatus and means of extinguishing fires provided by said borough only so long as, in the judgment of the Borough Council, said association shall prove worthy and efficient.
The Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company shall at all times be subject to the inspection and supervision of the Borough Council and when on duty at any fire shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Borough Council.
The Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company shall not act or acquire any rights under this chapter until it shall have accepted the provisions of this chapter by a vote of at least two-thirds ( 2/3) of its members, and after acceptance, said Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company shall have the right to surrender all its rights hereunder by giving the Borough Council three (3) months' notice, in writing, and by giving up and surrendering all borough property in its possession.
The Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company, by its vote as required having accepted the foregoing chapter, and the Council agree to keep in repair the truck and all apparatus belonging to the Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company, also the firehouse in lieu of rent for the use of the firehouse for the housing of all apparatus belonging to both the Council and the Knickerbocker Hook and Ladder Company.
[Added 11-23-1987 by Ord. No. 1987:555; amended 9-9-1992 by Ord. No. 1992:631; 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023:1313]
Firemen shall receive for the calendar year, commencing December 2023, a clothing allowance in the sums and for attendance at the specified percentage of fires, drills and cleanups as follows:
Attendance Rate
Clothing Allowance
Commencing December 2024, and annually thereafter, the allowance set forth in Subsection A shall be adjusted by the same percentage as the average percentage base salary increase for all employees of the Borough (union and nonunion) during the preceding calendar year. Salary increases granted retroactively for prior years shall be considered increases in the year in which the retroactive increase is granted.
This allowance shall be paid by voucher signed by the individual fireman and approved by the Fire Chief.
The allowance will be paid after completion of the year upon receipt of a certification by the Fire Chief as to the hours served.
[Added 1-26-2022 by Ord. No. 2022:1290]
A stipend program shall be established to encourage active recruitment, retention, and participation by members of the Closter Fire Department.
The terms, conditions and governing rules applicable to the stipend program shall be established by a resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Closter and may be amended, in their sole discretion, by subsequent resolutions of the Mayor and Council.