[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Beacon 10-21-1985; amended in its entirety 12-7-2009 by L.L. No. 15-2009. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Continuity of government — See Ch. 19.
There shall be a Emergency Management Committee appointed by the Mayor, which shall consist of 11 members which shall include the City Administrator, the Building Inspector, the Chief of Police, the Superintendent of Streets, the Superintendent of Water and Sewer, the Chief of Beacon Volunteer Ambulance Corps, the Fire Chief and the Superintendent of the Beacon City School District. The Emergency Management Coordinator will be responsible for convening the Committee when an emergency situation arises. The appointed City of Beacon and school district representatives shall serve as long as each holds his or her respective offices. The ninth, 10th and 11th members, chosen from the community, shall serve a three-year term.
If a vacancy shall occur other than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.
Any member of the Emergency Management Committee may be removed by the appointing authority for cause and after a public hearing.
Members of the Emergency Management Committee shall receive no payment for their services as members of the Committee. The municipal officials on such Committee shall not, by reason of membership thereon, forfeit their right to exercise the power, perform the duties or receive the compensation of the municipal office held by them during such membership.
The Emergency Management Committee shall prepare and provide for updating a comprehensive emergency management plan for the protection of the residents of the City of Beacon in the event of a public disaster. (See Chapter 19, Continuity of Government.) This Committee will routinely review and update the plan to ensure that current information and direction is provided. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall ensure that all appropriate agents and/or agencies receive copies of this plan and that all copies are tracked following issuance to allow for proper updating and availability. He/she shall also provide for the updating of these copies and will ensure that this updating occurs at least semiannually and/or more frequently if needed. The Mayor shall be notified in writing of all changes and/or updates to the plan.
The Emergency Management Committee shall meet monthly or as otherwise needed to update the Emergency Management Plan.