Any officer or employee of the Village of Massena, whether paid or unpaid, who has, will have or intends to acquire any interest, direct or indirect, in any matter being considered by the Village Board or by any other official board, agency, officer or employee of the Village of Massena, and who participates in discussion before or gives opinions or advice to any board, agency or individual considering the same, shall publicly disclose on the official record the nature and extent of such interest.
Any officer or employee of the Village of Massena, whether paid or unpaid, who has knowledge of any matter being considered by any board, agency, officer or employee of the Village of Massena in which he has or will have or intends to acquire any direct or indirect interest, shall be required to disclose, in writing, his interest to such board, agency, officer or employee and the nature and extent thereof.
In the case of a person serving in an elective office, the disclosure shall be filed with the governing board of the municipality. In all other cases, the disclosure shall be filed with the person's supervisor or, if the person does not have a supervisor, the disclosure shall be filed with the municipal officer, employee or board having the power to appoint to the person's position. In addition, in the case of a person serving on a municipal board, a copy of the disclosure shall be filed with the board. Any disclosure made to a board shall be made publicly at a meeting of the board and must be included in the minutes of the meeting.