Tax Map No. 9.073-7-22, Route No. 56, outer Andrews Street: Mile Square
No. 35, commencing in the southerly boundary of New York State Route No. 56
at the northwest corner of John Mahoney lot, proceed north 61 degrees 08 minutes
57 seconds east, 265.09 feet along the southerly boundary of Route No. 56
to an iron pipe found and thence the point of beginning; thence north 61 degrees
08 minutes 57 seconds east, 95.33 feet along the highway boundary to an iron
pipe found at the northwesterly corner of Heritage Homes, Inc. (liber 974,
page 656); thence south 30 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds east, 173.28 feet
along the westerly boundary of Heritage Homes, Inc., to an iron re-rod set
in the town line of Louisville and the corporation line of the Village of
Massena; thence south 61 degrees 08 minutes 57 seconds west, 95.33 feet along
said town and village line to an iron pipe found; thence north 30 degrees
04 minutes 17 seconds west, 173.28 feet along the easterly line of Jerry R.
and Carol T. Sharp (liber 921, page 379) to the point or place of beginning;
containing 0.379 acres of land, as surveyed by Haynes and Smith Associates,
professional land surveyors, during October of 1986.