The primary purpose of the Corporate Commerce
District C-1 is to permit, where appropriate, the construction of
facilities providing research and development, and information and
communication services. This district is primarily for the location
of high-technology facilities, office parks, research and development
facilities and headquarters of corporations and organizations, with
light manufacturing that is consistent with the purpose of this article.
The district is also intended to provide a location for office, research,
computer and telecommunication uses in a well-designed and landscaped
setting. By establishing design and site development standards, the
C-1 District encourages the. creation of a quality office and technology
building environment. The district is also intended to allow various
nonretail service-oriented uses in areas transitioning from residential
to nonresidential uses, so as to preserve the residential character
of the area. The district provides a greater variety of uses for existing
residential structures/lots located along major roadways whose appeal
as strictly a single-family residence is being impacted by increased
traffic and development. Because of the generally low volume of traffic
associated with such uses and their hours of operation and noise characteristics,
they are compatible as transition uses.
The following special uses may be permitted or denied subject to review under Article
XIX of this chapter:
A. Warehousing and distribution facilities accessory
to a permitted use above.
B. Light manufacturing conducted within a completely
enclosed building, provided that there is no outdoor storage of material
or product.
C. Publishing, printing or bookbinding facilities.
D. Motor vehicle fueling stations and car washes with
buildings and canopies not to exceed a combined 5,000 square feet.
E. The excavation and removal of stone and gravel.
F. Electrical substation, gas district governor station,
telephone exchange or other public utility building, structure or
H. Storage of LP gas in excess of 1,100 gallons.
I. All other telecommunication towers as needed to support
the permitted use.