[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Brecknock 12-12-1995 as Ord. No. 106. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Park and Recreation Board — See Ch. 21.
Campgrounds — See Ch. 49.
Dogs and other animals — See Ch. 54.
The following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any individual, corporation, association, partnership, firm, trust, estate or legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by the law as the subject of rights and duties.
The Board of Supervisors of the township or its designee.
The Township of Brecknock, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Any real estate owned or leased by the township for recreational purposes, including but not limited to Brubaker Park.
As used in this chapter, words expressed in the singular include their plural meaning, and words expressed in the plural include their singular meaning. Words in the masculine gender include the feminine gender and the neuter.
From and after the enactment of this chapter, the following regulations shall be effective for the proper conduct or behavior of all persons using any facilities of the township or being upon any township park:
No person shall permit any dog or other animal, except wildlife, to run at large in the township park. Any person who shall bring a dog or other animal into the township park shall at all times attend to and maintain control of such animal. Any person who brings a dog or other animal into the township park shall remove all feces deposited by the animal.
No person shall hunt for, shoot at, chase, catch or intentionally injure or kill or attempt to shoot at, chase, catch or intentionally injure or kill, with or without dogs, any bird or animal. Notwithstanding the foregoing, fishing is permitted if such person has a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and is in compliance with all applicable Pennsylvania Fish Commission regulations.
No person shall swim or bathe.
No person shall wade except in connection with fishing in accordance with Pennsylvania Fish Commission regulations.
No person shall use or possess any slingshot, air rifle or any other device (other than a firearm) capable of throwing a projectile of any sort, including the hand throwing of rocks or stones intended to be used as weapons. No person shall use or possess any bow and arrow except in an authorized archery range.
[Amended 3-10-2015 by Ord. No. 205-2015]
No person shall transport, possess, drink or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
No person shall break, cut, deface, disturb, injure or take any flower, fruit, plant, tree, shrub, bench, building, fence, plaque, monument or other structure, apparatus or property.
No person shall gather or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand or gravel.
No person shall injure, deface or destroy any posted or permanently fixed sign or notice.
No person shall smoke in areas where forbidden by signs.
No person shall discard matches, cigars or cigarettes in any area.
No person shall leave any cans, bottles, broken glass, paper or rubbish of any description. All refuse shall be removed from the site by the person or party that generated same before leaving the township park. If provided by the township, trash generated during park use may be left in designated trash receptacles.
No person shall dump any refuse, dead animal or offensive matter or substance of any kind.
No person shall make or kindle open fires except in picnic stoves or enclosed fireplaces in designated areas. All fires must be extinguished before leaving.
No person shall post or erect any bills, notices or advertising matter of any kind. This shall not apply to notices placed by employees of the township engaged in the performance of their duties.
No person shall sell or rent or service or offer for sale or rent or service any merchandise, article or thing whatsoever. This shall not apply to concessionaires authorized by the Supervisors.
No person shall engage in camping.
No person shall stand or park any vehicle except at those places designated therefor.
No person shall violate any posted rules for or misuse any picnic area, walking path, ball field or other recreational area.
No person shall operate any electric generators or chain saws or other powered implements unless authorized by the Supervisors.
No person shall wash, polish or repair any motor vehicle, except for emergency repairs.
No person shall have or conduct any live musical, theatrical or other entertainment or exhibit, instruct, compete, demonstrate or allow a special event unless authorized by the Supervisors and all necessary permits have been obtained.
No person shall operate any vehicle or bicycle at any place other than authorized roadways or special areas designed for operation of such vehicles. The speed limit shall be no more than ten (10) miles per hour.
No person shall commit noisy, boisterous, reckless, negligent, immoral or indecent conduct, congregate in any area or manner which will hamper the free movement of pedestrians or commit any public nuisance.
No person shall operate snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATV's), dirtbikes, minibikes, go-carts or other unregistered motorized land or air vehicles.
No person shall horseback ride and/or drive horses except on the right side of roads that are open to public vehicles. All solid waste shall be removed by the rider and/or driver.
No person shall create or place any fixed or temporary structure within any township park.
No person shall use a metal detector.
No person shall be in the township park before dawn or after dusk.
No person shall commit any unlawful act as designated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the township.
Organized groups must receive authorization from the Supervisors and all required permits for activities which must be scheduled to assure availability of township park facilities or areas or which require a variance from the provisions of this chapter. Activities which are part of a program recognized by the township, such as organized sports leagues for township children, shall receive priority in scheduling.
The Board of Supervisors may establish fees, by chapter or resolution, for use of the township park or facilities within the township park. If the Board of Supervisors establishes fees, the fee shall be paid at the time the township park or facility is reserved.
The Park and Recreation Board shall approve all items, such as benches, plantings and improvements, dedicated to the township for use in the township park to ensure compatibility with any plans for the township park.
Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, before a district justice, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.) nor more than six hundred dollars ($600.) and the cost of prosecution for each and every offense, plus the cost of all damages inflicted upon township parks.