Members shall be neat, clean, well-groomed, clean shaven and present a professional appearance at all times while on duty.
General regulations for personal grooming — male and female.
Hair will be neatly trimmed, clean and combed or brushed in such a manner that all Department headgear (emergency, protective and uniform), of a size commensurate with the head size, may be worn.
The length, bulk or appearance of a member's hair shall not be excessive, ragged, shabby, bushy, unkempt or neglected.
Male hair shall not be worn in braids, ponytails, cornrows, or in a Mohawk style.
Hair regulations — males.
Hair on the forehead shall be groomed so that it does not fall within one inch of the eyebrows and will not extend below the band of properly worn headgear.
Hair on the back and sides of the head shall be cut in a tapered style so that the hair conforms with the general shape of the head.
Hair will not extend over the shirt or coat collar when the member is standing with the head in a normal posture, and will not be grown to a length greater than one-half inch at the base of the back of the head. Hair must be neatly tapered.
Sideburns may not extend below the lowest part of the exterior opening of the ear, not flared, and shall be of even width and ending with a clean-shaven horizontal line.
Hair may not cover any part of the ears nor shall the hair (when normally combed) extend outward from the skull to a depth greater than that measured by the outward protrusion of the ears.
Members are prohibited from growing beards or facial hair of any description unless authorized as part of their official duties. Well-groomed mustaches are allowed.
Hair regulations — females.
Hair may not be worn longer than the bottom of the collar on the back of the head, and to the bottom of the earlobe on the sides. The total length will not interfere with the normal wearing of Departmental headgear.
A bun or twist will be permitted on the top or back of the head, provided it is worn in a neat manner and does not interfere with the wearing of Departmental headgear.
No ribbons or ornaments shall be worn in the hair except for inconspicuous bobby pins or conservative barrettes which blend with the hair color.
Jewelry. Earrings, piercing studs, necklaces, and other forms of jewelry which may cause injury, disgrace the Department's public image, or otherwise interfere with enforcement actions shall not be worn on duty.
Cosmetics. Female members may wear cosmetics, provided that they are natural-looking and match the natural skin color of the individual. Fingernail polish, if worn, must be clear. The wearing of false eyelashes, or excessive lipstick or mascara, is prohibited.
Nonuniform attire — males. Male members of the Department who are not required to wear a uniform on the job must be neatly dressed in an appropriate shirt and tie with matching sport coat or suit, and appropriate dress shoes and socks. Members must be cleanly shaven and neatly groomed in accordance with the foregoing regulations concerning personal grooming. When authorized, other forms of nonuniform attire are acceptable for undercover and/or surreptitious investigations.
Nonuniform attire — females. Female members of the Department who are not required to wear a uniform on the job must be neatly dressed in an appropriate skirt, slacks and matching blouse or an appropriate dress, and appropriate dress shoes. Members must be neatly groomed in accordance with the foregoing regulations regarding personal grooming. When authorized, other forms of nonuniform attire are acceptable for undercover and/or surreptitious investigations.
Tattoos. Members shall not tattoo exposed body areas in any manner that will disgrace the Department's public image. "Disgrace the Department's public image" shall mean any reasonable citizen would be offended when viewing such a tattoo on the member.