[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen (now Town Council)[1] of the Town of Boonton 12-17-1990 as Sec. 1-6 of the 1990 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 02-21, adopted 2-16-2021, changed the name of the governing body from Board of Aldermen to Town Council and the name of its members from Alderman and Aldermen to Council Member and Council Members, respectively. See Ch. 55, Art. I.
Description of Seal. The seal heretofore provided and used by and for the Town of Boonton is described as follows: Central view of blast furnace and attachments; underneath the motto "Per Industria Prosperamus"; encircling the whole are the letters and figures following: "The Seal of the Town of Boonton, 1867," the impress of which seal represented as aforesaid has been affixed hereto, is hereby declared to be the common seal of the Town of Boonton.[1]
Editor's Note: A copy of the Town Seal is on file in the Town Clerk's office.
Custody of Seal. The Town Clerk shall have the custody of the Town Seal, and the same shall be carefully preserved and kept by him at all times in his office.
[Added by Ord. No. 19-96]
Flag established. There is hereby established an official flag for the Town of Boonton; its specifications are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, said flag being similar to the flag which is displayed in the Town Hall meeting room with the exception that the official flag will not have a multicolored center logo, all as set forth in the attached specifications.
Specifications for Town of Boonton flag.
General description.
The flag shall be rectangular in shape and the hoist shall be less than the size of its fly.
The flag shall have a blue base and a gold border around the entire flag.
Along the top of the flag shall be the words "Town of Boonton" and at the bottom, the words "New Jersey." All words shall be shown in gold block letters.
At the left side, equidistant between the top and bottom, shall be the year 1760. On the right side, also equidistant between the top and bottom, shall be the year 1829. These shall be gold in color.
In the center of the flag shall be the Town logo. A representation of the Morris Canal surrounded by a circle and scrollwork. The phase "Inc. 1867" is imprinted at the bottom of the logo. The circle, the scrollwork and the phase "Inc. 1967" also shall be gold in color.
NOTE: The flag now on display in the Town Hall Meeting Room, which was presented to the Town of Boonton at the time of the centennial celebration in 1967, shall also be deemed an official flag of the Town of Boonton. That flag conforms to the above description in all respects, except for its multicolored center logo.
[Added 4-15-2024 by Ord. No. 08-24]
Purpose. To establish the Town of Boonton policy governing the display of flags by the Town on flag poles on Town property and upon stages and podiums at Town-sponsored events. Town-owned flag poles are not intended to serve as a forum for free expression by the public and are for official purposes set forth herein.
Definitions of flags.
Official and nonofficial flags that may be displayed:
Flag of the United States of America (current fifty-star American Flag).
Official Flag of the State of New Jersey.
Official Flag of the County of Morris (vertically banded yellow and white Morris County Flag with County seal).
Official Flag of the Town of Boonton.
Official Flag of the United States Army.
Official Flag of the United States Navy.
Official Flag of the United States Marine Corps.
Official Flag of the United States Air Force.
Official Flag of the United States Coast Guard.
Prisoner of War/Missing In Action (POW/MIA "You Are Not Forgotten") Flag.
Killed in Action (KIA) Flag.
"The Federal Flag Code" refers to Title 4 U.S.C. §§ 1 through 10 (P.L. 94 - 344, 94th Congress, S.J. Res. 49, adopted July 7, 1976).
The Town of Boonton adheres to the Federal Flag Code for display of flags on flagpoles on Town property and upon stages and podiums at Town-sponsored events.
The American Flag and POW/MIA. Flag shall always be displayed on Town flag poles in accordance with the Federal Flag Code and as per N.J.S.A. 40A:12-23 and N.J.S.A. 52:3-10. Other flags listed in § 52-3B(1) may also be displayed on Town flag poles, in accordance with the Federal Flag Code.
The American Flag and New Jersey State Flag shall not be displayed at half-staff on Town property, except as specifically provided for under Section 3(m) of the Federal Flag Code[1] and as specifically directed by the President of the United States or Governor of the State of New Jersey by executive order.
Editor's Note: See 4 U.S.C. § 7(m).
In the event of the death of any person of local prominence, such as officers, officials, and employees, for whom a half-staff display of the American flag is not authorized under the Federal Flag Code, the Town of Boonton flag may be displayed at half-staff. The period designated shall not exceed 10 days.
The official flags of the Town of Boonton may be displayed in Council Chambers at Town Hall, at the podium, dais, and hallways in municipally owned buildings, and on Town-sponsored temporary displays erected for public celebration or memorial.
No other flags shall be displayed by an official action of the Town.