Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3-69.1 to 26:3-69.2, the regulations set forth in Title 7, Chapter 9A of the New Jersey Administrative Code titled "Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems"[1] are hereby adopted by reference in their entirety.
Editor's Note: Title 7, Ch. 9A, Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems, is also known as Ch. 199 of the State Sanitary Code.
Editor's Note: Former § 554-2, Fees for plan review and inspections, was repealed 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-01.
In addition to the penalty established in Chapter 500, Article IV, there shall be imposed a fine of $100 for each and every day that a violation of the above-referenced regulations exists.
[Amended 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-01]
Three copies of N.J.A.C. 7:9A have been placed on file in the office of the Board of Health upon introduction of this article and shall remain on file there for the use and examination of the public.
Editor's Note: Former § 554-5, Fees for application, permit and alteration, was repealed 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-01.
[Amended 11-7-2022 by Ord. No. BH2022-2]
In addition to compliance with the distances established by N.J.A.C. 7:9A-4.3, all disposal fields and seepage pits for new systems or alterations with an expansion of use shall be located no less than 25 feet from a rear or side property line adjacent to a developable property. This requirement shall not apply to property lines adjoining roadway rights-of-way. In no instance shall the municipal requirement be less stringent than the state regulation. This requirement does not apply to alterations without expansion of existing systems.
Where a property owner demonstrates to the Board that the enforcement of this requirement would create a substantial hardship, the Board of Health may grant a variance from this requirement where said variance will not have a detrimental impact on health, safety or welfare or create a hardship on adjacent properties. Said variance shall be granted in the minimum amount necessary to relieve said hardship.
No person shall locate, construct or alter any individual sewage disposal system until a permit for the location, construction or alteration of said disposal system shall have been issued by the Board of Health.
The Board of Health may issue a permit if an application for the same is accompanied by a certificate made by an engineer licensed to practice professional engineering in New Jersey stating that the design of the individual sewage disposal system as proposed is in compliance with the code.
Applications for permits shall be submitted with two sets of sealed plans and two sealed applications, and, upon completion, two sets of as-built plans with two certifications from the preparing engineer.
[Amended 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-01]
Should the owner/builder refuse to allow the engineer to print his telephone number and address on the septic plan, the engineer must indicate this on the plan. In such cases, information regarding the septic plan review will not be provided to anyone other than the engineer who designed the plan.
Plans that do not meet the above-mentioned specifications will not be reviewed by the Franklin Lakes Health Department.
New individual disposal systems shall not be placed in operation, nor shall new dwellings or buildings or additions thereto be sold or occupied which must rely on such a system for sewage disposal, until the Board of Health shall have issued a certificate indicating that said disposal system has been located and constructed in compliance with the terms of the permit issued and the requirements of the aforesaid code. Issuance of such certificate shall not be required for alterations to an existing individual sewage disposal system.
The Board of Health may issue such a certificate if an engineer licensed to practice professional engineering in New Jersey submits a statement in writing signed by him to the Board of Health that said disposal system has been located and constructed in accordance with the terms of the permit issued and the requirements of the aforesaid Code.
Persons shall not engage in the business of emptying or cleaning septic tanks, cesspools, privies or any place used for the reception or storage of human excrement who do not hold a license to engage in such business issued by the Board of Health. Such licenses shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance but may be renewed by the Board of Health. Said license may be revoked for failure of the licensee to comply with the provisions of the Code or any rule or ordinance of the Board of Health.
The contents of any septic tank, cesspool, privy or other receptacle containing human excrement shall not be removed until a permit for such removal has been obtained from the Board of Health.
In case any permit or certificate required by this article is denied by the Board of Health, a hearing shall be held thereon before the Board within 15 days after request therefor is made by the applicant, and upon such hearing the Board of Health shall affirm, alter or rescind its previous determination and take action accordingly within 15 days after the date of such hearing.
The Board of Health may order all further work in and about any individual sewage disposal system which is being erected or installed in violation of the Code to be stopped forthwith, except such work as shall be necessary to remedy such violation, and thereafter the work continued without any violation of any of the provisions of the code, and after issuance of any such order and the service of a copy thereof upon any person connected with or working in and about the erection or installation of any such disposal system, or any part thereof, no further work shall be done thereon except as aforesaid.
Editor's Note: Former § 554-12, Fees and charges, was repealed 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-01.
Editor's Note: Former § 554-13, Violations and penalties, was repealed 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-01.