[Adopted 8-24-1977 by Ord. No. 77-13]
There is hereby created the position of Code Enforcement Officer in the Township of Waterford, County of Camden, State of New Jersey.
The Code Enforcement Officer may be appointed each year at the organization meeting of the Township Committee or any subsequent meeting thereof, and said appointment was accomplished or when a successor is duly appointed and qualified, whichever is the latter. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the members of the Township Committee.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall perform various types of field and office services under the direction of superior officials of the Township of Waterford to maintain a high standard of compliance with municipal ordinances regarding the utilization of lands and premises within the Township of Waterford. He shall conduct inspections and develop factual information to provide for the compliance and enforcement of municipal ordinances. He shall prepare reports as well as maintain records which will assist in the enforcement and promulgation of municipal ordinances, as well as provide such other related activities as required by members of the Township Committee or other superior officials of the Township of Waterford.
[Amended 5-13-1998 by Ord. No. 98-6]
The person appointed as Code Enforcement Officer shall have strong writing and oral communication skills, computer literacy, a valid New Jersey driver's license, knowledge of New Jersey municipal land use law and the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan regulations and the ability to read and understand surveys, site plans, subdivisions and related types of drawings. Previous investigative experience in the performance of these type of duties will be considered. For further definition/information, see the ordinance establishing the Waterford Township Department of Planning and Zoning.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 47, Planning and Zoning, Department of.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall provide the necessary hours per week requested by the Township Committee. The compensation shall be as fixed by resolution or ordinance of the Township Committee.