No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Superintendent.
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, cooling water or unpolluted industrial waters to any sanitary sewer. Swimming pool drains shall not be connected to any sanitary sewer.
There shall be two classes of sewer lateral permits:
Residential, commercial and institutional service.
Service to establishments producing industrial wastes.
In either case, a permit application shall be submitted to the Superintendent. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent, in the judgment of the Superintendent. A fee, established by § 112-123, shall accompany the application.
A separate and independent building lateral shall be provided for every building requiring sanitary facilities. When, however, there is a building behind a front building, the second building may use the front building's building lateral, if there is no other way to provide sanitary service to the back building.
New street laterals and/or building laterals shall not go under building basements. In like fashion, a building shall not be constructed over an existing lateral; the lateral shall be relocated after the Superintendent has approved plans showing the relocation. If relocation is not physically possible, then the lateral shall be:
Exposed and totally encapsulated in not less than three inches of concrete; or
Exposed and walled and the building rooms above positively ventilated outdoors.
All existing manholes in or under the basement shall be sealed air-tight in a manner acceptable to the Superintendent. No new manholes shall be constructed on the portion of the lateral under the building.
When building laterals are to serve multiple dwelling structures, the building lateral shall be sized in accordance with the metered water use and with sound professional engineering judgment.
Where a lateral sewer is to serve a complex of industrial, commercial, institutional or dwelling structures, special design of the building lateral system shall be required. Such lateral sewer shall be connected to the public sewer through a manhole. The Superintendent shall determine if and where this connection to the public sewer is required. If required, a new manhole shall be installed in the public sewer pursuant to §§ 112-35 and 112-94, and the lateral connection made and tested as directed by the Superintendent. Plans and specifications shall be prepared and submitted for approval pursuant to this chapter.
Dry sewers shall be designed and installed in accordance to this chapter.
Existing building laterals may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination by the Superintendent, to meet all requirements of this chapter.
Building and street lateral pipe materials shall be one of the following:
Tar-coated, service grade, cast-iron soil pipe conforming to ASTM Specification A-74, Cast-iron Pipe and Fittings. All dimensions, weight and markings of the pipe shall conform to the requirements of ANSI, Designation A-112.5.1, except spigot ends shall be plain end, if gasket joints are used.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings conforming to ASTM Specification D-3034-73, SDR-35 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. All pipe shall be suitable for gravity sewer service. Provisions shall be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a rubber ring. The bell shall consist of an integral wall section stiffened with two PVC retainer rings which securely lock the solid cross-section ring into position. Minimum pipe stiffness (F/Y) at five-percent deflection shall be 46 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM Specification D-2412.
Any part of the building or street lateral that is located within five feet of a water main or water service shall be constructed of cast-iron soil pipe. Cast-iron soil pipe may be required by the Superintendent where the building or street lateral is likely to be damaged by tree roots. If installed on fill or unstable ground, the building or street lateral shall be of cast-iron soil pipe, although other pipe material may be permitted if such pipe is uniformly supported on a poured concrete cradle approved by the Superintendent. The distance between consecutive joints, as measured along the center line of the installed pipe, shall not be less than 10 feet, except under abnormal circumstances, in which case this dimension may be diminished, if approved by the Superintendent. The size and slope of building and street laterals shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent, but in no event shall the internal pipe diameter be less than four inches, nor shall the pipe slope be less than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot.
At the point of connection of a street lateral to a main sewer, a standard Y-fitting and sufficient one-eighth-bend (forty-five-degree) fittings shall be used. The Y-fittings shall be installed so that flow in the arm shall transition smoothly into the flow in the public sewer. No lateral connection shall be made to the public sewer which permits the flow into the public sewer from the lateral to enter at right angles.
The street lateral, including the Y- and one-eighth-bend fittings, shall be connected to the main sewer at the time of constructing the main sewer, for each proposed lot for either immediate or future development. Laterals installed for future development shall be fitted a standard plug approved for use by the Superintendent. All sewer connections shall be via a properly installed saddle on the main sewer pipe. No portion of the lateral pipe shall protrude into the main sewer pipe. The location of all lateral connections shall be field marked with a two-by-six-inch corrosion- and rot-resistant board. The marker board shall extend from the depth of the lateral to a minimum of two feet above grade. The location of all lateral connections shall be indicated on a drawing, and four copies of this drawing, showing the as-built location of these connections, shall be furnished to the Superintendent. A refundable deposit shall be placed with Village of Albion to assure receipt of these as-builts. The deposit shall be placed when application is made; the amount of the deposit shall be $100 per sheet of plans showing locations of lateral connections. No sanitary sewer shall be accepted by Village of Albion until four copies of this record drawing have been so filed with the Superintendent and the Superintendent has approved the submitted drawings.
When any street lateral is to serve a school, hospital or similar institution or public housing or is to serve a complex of industrial or commercial buildings or, in the opinion of the Superintendent, will receive wastewater or industrial wastes of such volume or character that frequent maintenance of said building or street lateral is anticipated, then such street lateral shall be connected to the public sewer through a manhole. The Superintendent shall determine if and where this type of connection to the public sewer is required. Connections to existing manholes shall be made as directed by the Superintendent. If required, a new manhole shall be installed in the public sewer pursuant to §§ 112-35 and 112-94, and the lateral connection made thereto as directed by the Superintendent.
Whenever possible, the building lateral shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. Building laterals laid parallel to a bearing wall shall not be installed closer than three feet to such wall. The building lateral shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment insofar as possible. Changes in direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings. Changes of direction of 90° or greater shall be made with a cleanout which extends to grade, terminating in a terminal box set in concrete. The ends of all building or street laterals which are not connected to the interior plumbing of the building for any reason shall be sealed against infiltration by a suitable stopper, plug or by other approved means.
In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, wastewater carried by such drain shall be lifted by mechanical means and discharged to the building lateral, on approval of the Superintendent.
All excavations required for the installation of a building or street lateral shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent. Pipelaying and backfilling, regardless of pipe material used, shall be performed in general accordance with Paragraphs 3 through 6 of ASTM Specification C-12, except that trench width, measured at the top of the installed pipe, shall not exceed the outside pipe diameter plus 14 inches and except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected. The depth of cover over the pipe shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost, but in any case such depth shall not be less than four feet.
Watertight joints. All joints and connections shall be made watertight.
Cast-iron pipe poured joints. Poured joints for cast-iron pipe shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp, and the annulus filled with an approved compound not less than one inch deep. Said compound shall be run in with a single pouring and caulked tight, if appropriate for the compound used. No paint, varnish or other coatings shall be permitted on the jointing material until after the joint has been tested and approved. The transition joint between cast-iron pipe and other pipe materials shall be made with special adapters and jointing materials approved by the Superintendent. If such joints are hot-poured, the material shall not soften sufficiently to destroy the effectiveness of the joint when subjected to a temperature of 160° F., nor be soluble in any of the wastes carried by the lateral.
Cast-iron push joints. Premolded gaskets may be used for hub and plain end cast-iron pipe joints and joints with fittings, if approved by the Superintendent. The gasket shall be a neoprene compression-type unit which provides a positive seal in the assembled joint. The gasket shall be a premolded, one-piece unit, designed for joining the cast-iron hub and plain-end soil pipe and fittings. The assembled joint shall be sealed by compression of the gasket between the exterior surface of the spigot and the interior surface of the hub. The joint shall be assembled following the manufacturer's recommendations using acceptable lubricant and special pipe-coupling tools designed for that purpose. The plain spigot end shall be forced into the hub end of the pipe for the full depth of the hub itself. Lubricant shall be a bland, flax-base, nontoxic material and shall not chemically attack the gasket material.
PVC push joints. Joints for PVC sewer pipe shall follow the manufacturer's recommendations, using properly designed couplings and rubber gaskets pursuant to the published information relating thereto, and conforming to the applicable ASTM specification identified in § 112-48.
Building lateral/street lateral connection.
The connection of the building lateral to an existing street lateral shall be made at the property line. Except as provided under §§ 112-30 and 112-31, if a lateral has not previously been provided, the lateral will be constructed from the existing public sewer at the owner's expense. The street lateral shall be installed with a properly sealed and covered cleanout to grade located at the property line. The cleanout shall terminate in a metal box imbedded in concrete.
The cost of constructing the lateral from the existing public sewer shall be at the property owner's expense; all subsequent costs and expense incidental to the installation and connection of the building lateral shall also be borne by the owner.
The property owner shall indemnify the Village of Albion from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building lateral.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain, repair or replace the building lateral, as needed.
The method of connection of the building lateral will be dependent upon the type of sewer pipe material and, in all cases, shall be approved by the Superintendent.
Cleanout repair and replacement. If, in the judgment of the Superintendent, it is determined that a building lateral without a property line cleanout needs repair or replacement, the Superintendent may require a cleanout at the property line, at the property owner's expense, such that the street lateral can be maintained independently of the building lateral.
Street lateral replacement; expenses. Any existing street lateral which, upon examination by the Superintendent, is determined to be in need of replacement will be replaced with a new street lateral with a property line cleanout. The cost of constructing the replacement street lateral and cleanout shall be at the property owner's expense.
The street lateral, building lateral or the combined lateral shall be tested for infiltration/exfiltration by:
Any full-pipe method described in § 112-36; or
By a suitable joint method, with the prior written approval of the Superintendent.
The applicant for the building lateral permit shall notify the Superintendent when the building lateral is ready for inspection and connection is to be made to the street lateral. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent.
The applicant for the street lateral permit shall notify the Superintendent when the street lateral is ready for inspection and connection is to be made to the main sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent.
When trenches are excavated for the laying of building lateral pipes or for laying of street lateral pipes, such trenches shall be inspected by the Superintendent. Before the trenches are backfilled, the person performing such work shall notify the Superintendent when the laying of the building lateral is completed, and no backfilling of trenches shall begin until approval is obtained from the Superintendent.
All excavations for constructing building laterals shall be adequately protected with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent. When installation requires disturbance of paved public roads and shoulders, restoration shall involve backfilling to road grade. Shortly thereafter, the Village of Albion Department of Public Works (DPW) shall complete road and shoulder restoration to the Village of Albion standards. The cost for such final road and shoulder restoration by the Department of Public Works shall be included with the fees paid with the application for the permit required in § 112-42.
An interior cleanout fitting shall be provided for each building lateral at a readily accessible location, preferably just inside the basement wall. The fitting shall contain a forty-five-degree branch with removable plug or test tee, and be so positioned that sewer cleaning equipment can be inserted therein to clean the building lateral. The cleanout diameter shall be no less than the building lateral diameter.
All costs associated with the provisions of this Article shall be borne by the builder and/or property owner unless specifically stated or agreed to be a cost borne by the Village of Albion. The property owner shall indemnify the Village of Albion from any loss or damage that may be directly or indirectly occasioned by the installation of the building and street laterals and connections and appurtenances.