It shall be the duty of any person owning or operating any public place or establishment to provide receptacles adequate to contain the litter generated at the establishment.
Garbage set out for collection and disposal by the refuse removal vehicles of the Town under the provisions of this article shall be placed in metal or plastic container of not more than 30 gallons' capacity equipped with a tight-fitting cover. The container and cover shall be in such condition as to protect contents of the container from flies, dogs and cats.
Rubbish and ashes set out for collection and disposal by the refuse removal vehicles of the Town under the provisions of this article may be placed in any type of container; provided, however, that the container and the contents shall not be too heavy to be easily and quickly loaded. Such containers shall be provided with a cover or other means to prevent scattering of the contents and shall be strong enough to withstand handling in the process of loading the refuse removal vehicles of the Town.
Covers on all containers for garbage, rubbish, ashes or litter shall be kept in place except when containers are being filled or emptied.
Hot ashes shall not be handled or collected by the refuse removal vehicles of the Town.
All containers containing garbage, rubbish, litter or ashes set out for collection and disposal by the refuse removal vehicles of the Town under the provisions of this article shall be so placed or located that they may be easily and conveniently reached by the employees of the Town engaged in collection and disposal of refuse.
Employees of the Town engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse shall not enter any building used as a residence or dwelling for the purpose of removing refuse.