[Adopted 5-13-1994 by Ord. No. 594-1]
No person shall keep, maintain, build or erect any outhouse, privy or cesspool for the disposal of sewage within the confines of the City.
[Amended 6-27-1994 by Ord. No. 694-1; 3-10-1995 by Ord. No. 395-2; 6-9-2000 by Ord. No. 600-1; 3-20-2006 by Ord. No. 0306-04; 3-28-2009 by Ord. No. 0309-05; 3-19-2010 by Ord. No. 0310-09; 2-18-2011 by Ord. No. 0211-03; 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 0312-01; 4-24-2019 by Ord. No. 0419-02; 8-16-2019 by Ord. No. 0819-01]
There is hereby established the following sewer service charges for all property served by public sewers within the corporate limits of the City, based upon water consumption and water meter size.
A Ready to Serve charge, based on water meter size for each meter for which a bill is processed, according to the following schedule:
Water Meter Size
Ready to Serve Charge
1 and less
1 1/2
6 and larger
A base volume sewer service charge of $18.81 per 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption.
[Amended 3-15-2024 by Ord. No. 0324-01]
The aforesaid sewer service charges shall be paid in the same manner and at the same time as required by this chapter for the payment for water service within the City limits.
Said sewer service charges shall become effective for bills processed on or after November 1, 2019.
There is established a sewer service charge for service furnished to properties located outside the corporate limits of the City. The sewer charge shall be 250% of the water service charge and shall be paid in the same manner and at the same time as the water service charge.
The City Manager is authorized and directed to discontinue water service to any property owner whose sewer service charge is unpaid for a period of 30 days after the bill is rendered. Five days' written notice shall be given to the customer whose water service is to be discontinued, directed to the customer at his last known address, before the water service is discontinued.
The City Manager is authorized and directed to add to any sewer bill which is unpaid for a period of 30 days after the bill for such service is rendered interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, the interest to be computed from the date the bill was rendered.
During the period of time that water service is discontinued for nonpayment of the sewer service charge, a service charge for sewer service shall be due and payable from the customer to the City. The service charge for sewer service shall be 235% for customers within City limits and 250% for customers outside of City limits times the water service charge described in § 220-2.
There is hereby established a charge of $30 for reconnecting water service to any property whose water service has been disconnected for nonpayment of the sewer service charge.
The City Manager is directed to collect any arrearages, together with interest thereon, all service charges and all charges for discontinuing and reestablishing service prior to reestablishing water service which has been discontinued for nonpayment of the sewer service charge.
Payment to the City is to be made in cash or by certified check unless approved otherwise by the City Manager.
No person desiring to connect any property located outside the corporate limits of the City with the sewage system and sewage treatment plant of the City shall be permitted to connect the property with the sewage system and sewage treatment plant until such person shall have entered into a written agreement which shall provide that:
The City Manager approves the connection of such property with the sewage system and sewage treatment plant of the City.
Such person shall connect the property with the system at the point designated by the City Manager.
Such person shall bear the initial cost of constructing a sewer line from his property to the point so designated by the City Manager, and in constructing the sewer line he shall comply with all rules and regulations of the Commissioners with respect to the materials used and the installing of sewer lines within the City.
Such person shall convey to the Commissioners, after it has been constructed, the sewer line, together with a full, free, exclusive and perpetual easement or right-of-way across any property where the sewer line may be laid to go upon the property, and repair, replace or remove all or any part of such sewer line.
Such person shall at all times during which each property shall be connected with the sewer system of the City conform the plumbing system of any building to be drained to the rules and regulations set forth in the Plumbing Code of the City[1] and shall abide by all other rules and regulations ordained by the Commissioners with respect to the use and enjoyment of the system by all persons owning property connected therewith.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 202, Plumbing.
Such persons shall pay in advance all sewer impact fees as described in and required by §§ 220-37, 220-38 and 220-39.
Sewer connection and/or lateral installations and/or replacements shall be made at a point designated by the City Manager.
Where the sewer main is at a depth of six feet or less:
The total cost for the connection to the City's sanitary sewer system and/or the replacement or installation of a sewer lateral shall be estimated by the City and paid for in advance by the owner prior to any work being done.
The estimated cost shall be based on but not limited to the following known cost:
[Amended 3-20-2006 by Ord. No. 0306-04]
Lateral replacement or installation
6-inch SDR PVC pipe
2 each 6-inch 45-degree bends
1 each 6-inch wye
1 each 6-inch cleanout
1 each 6-inch cleanout cover
Labor and equipment
Street excavation
New sewer connection
Add for sewer tap
If a new water service is installed at the same time and in a common trench with a new or replacement sewer lateral, the total street excavation charge for both shall be $1,500.
[Amended 3-20-2006 by Ord. No. 0306-04]
Sewer lateral installations and/or replacements done by the City shall include all related work from the sewer main to the property line, including the indicated cleanout and sewer tap.
The property owners shall be responsible for the installation and connection of their new or replacement sewer lateral to the City-installed lateral at the cleanout located at or near the property line.
The City reserves the right to subcontract the sewer connection and/or lateral work out to a contractor of its choice.
Where the sewer main is at a depth of greater than six feet:
The City does not do any sewer connection or lateral work at a depth of greater than six feet.
The property owners shall have the right to have the sewer connection and/or lateral work done by a contractor of their choice or have the City obtain bids on their behalf.
The property owner shall be required to pay for all contracted work done by a City-obtained contractor in advance.
In all cases, the sewer tap shall be done by the City at a cost to the property owner of $150.
All sewer and lateral work must be done by a licensed, City-approved contractor and inspected by the City. Approved contractors must obtain required City permits prior to beginning any sewer or lateral installation work.
All sewer piping for sewer service from the sewer main to any property being served shall be repaired, maintained and replaced at the cost of the property owner and at no cost or expense to the City.
The City's limit of responsibility in regards to maintaining sewer lines begins and ends with the sewer mains. Unless approved otherwise by the City Manager, the maintenance of any sewer lateral connecting a property to a sewer main is the responsibility of the property owner.
Property owners shall be billed a fee of $30 for any request made during normal working hours for the City to repair or clear a blockage that is not within the sewer main.
Property owners shall be billed a fee of $100 for any request made before or after normal working hours for the City to repair or clear a blockage that is not within the sewer main.