There shall be established in the Town of Derry at least the following boards, commissions and committees pursuant to the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated (RSA) and Article 4, Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of the Town of Derry Charter, as amended:
Cemetery Trustees
RSA 289
Conservation Commission
RSA 36-A
Heritage Commission
RSA 673:4-a
Highway Safety Committee
RSA 238
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Town Charter § 4.2B and RSA 203 and 205
Derry Public Library Trustees
RSA 202-A
Taylor Library Trustees
RSA 202-A
Planning Board
RSA 673:2
Supervisors of the Checklist
RSA 41:46-a
Trustees of Trust Funds
RSA 31:22
Zoning Board of Adjustment
RSA 673:3
The powers and duties of these commissions listed include those set forth in the Town Charter or RSA cited.
Other administrative committees may be established pursuant to Article 4 of the Town of Derry Charter, as amended, and as deemed necessary by the Town Council.
Unless otherwise defined herein, the duties, responsibilities and terms of office of elected or appointed members of boards, commissions and committees shall be as stated in the applicable state law, the Town Charter, ordinances of the Town of Derry or the authorizing resolution of the Town Council.
Forfeiture or removal from office shall be as established by applicable state law or the appointing authority. Unless otherwise stated, the appointing authority shall have the power to remove for cause any member of a board, commission or committee.