Part 3 of these Land Development Control Regulations shall be known as the "Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire."
These regulations have been prepared in accordance with the authority vested in the Town of Derry Planning Board by vote of Town Meeting on March 8, 1960, and in accordance with RSA 674:43, as amended.
The purpose of this Part 3 is to:
Uphold the purposes set forth in RSA 674:44, including to:
Provide for the safe and attractive development or change or expansion of use of the site and guard against such conditions as would involve danger or injury to health, safety, or prosperity by reason of inadequate drainage or conditions conducive to flooding of the property or that of another; inadequate protection for the quality of groundwater; undesirable and preventable elements of pollution such as noise, smoke, soot, particulates, or any other discharge into the environment which might prove harmful to persons, structures, or adjacent properties; and inadequate provision for fire safety, prevention, and control;
Provide for open, harmonious and aesthetically pleasing development of the municipality and its environs;
Provide for open spaces and green spaces of adequate proportions;
Require the proper arrangement and coordination of streets within the site in relation to other existing or planned streets or with features of the Official Map of the municipality;
Require suitably located streets of sufficient width to accommodate existing and prospective traffic and to afford adequate light, air, and access for fire-fighting apparatus and equipment to buildings and to be coordinated so as to compose a convenient system;
Require, in proper cases, that plats showing new streets or narrowing or widening of such streets be submitted to the Planning Board for approval;
Require that the land indicated on plats submitted to the Planning Board shall be of such character that it can be used for building purposes without danger to health; and
Include such provisions as will tend to create conditions favorable for health, safety, convenience, and prosperity.
Assist the Planning Board in carrying out the objectives of Chapter 165, Zoning, including the provisions of Article XIV, Growth Management, of Chapter 165.
Assist the Planning Board in carrying out the objectives of the Town's Master Plan.
Provide for the timely installation of off-site and on-site improvements necessitated by the development and for the payment of such improvement costs.
These regulations shall apply to all site plans, for nonresidential and/or multifamily development, located within the boundaries of the Town of Derry.
Neither nonresidential nor multifamily residential land development activities shall commence until:
The proponent has obtained final approval of the site plan; and
The approved site plan has been recorded at the Rockingham County Registry of Deeds.
Notwithstanding these regulations, any person may, without Planning Board approval, record a plan of the type described in RSA 676:18, II and II-a; provided, however, that no other or additional information is included thereon except as authorized by said statute and certified thereon in accordance with RSA 676:18, III.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Planning Board upon these regulations may appeal to the Superior Court as provided in RSA 677:15.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Planning Board concerning site plan approval or disapproval may appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment if the decision was based upon the terms of Chapter 165, Zoning, as provided in RSA 676:5, III.
[Amended 5-9-2012]
Pursuant to RSA 674:44, III(e), the Planning Board may include provisions for waiver of any portion of the regulations.
Where the Planning Board finds that unnecessary hardship may result from strict compliance with these regulations with respect to a particular tract of land, the Board may modify or waive these regulations so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured, provided that:
The waiver shall not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations;
The Planning Board requires such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure the objectives of the regulations which are waived;
The waiver is requested in writing;
The waiver is based on evidence presented to the Board by the applicant;
The Planning Board formally votes on such waiver; and
The waiver is noted on the final approved plan.
The Planning Board may set higher requirements with regard to any standards in these regulations if, in the opinion of the Board, it is necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of the community.
The requirements of § 170-68 of these regulations pertaining to special flood hazard areas shall not be waived.