This work shall include all operations necessary to maintain traffic flow and to maintain access to all properties adjacent to the work. This work shall include, but not be limited to, use of uniform traffic control and flaggers, furnishing, erecting, moving and dismantling barricades, signs and temporary lighting to inform the general public of hazards existing near the site of work.
The contractor shall facilitate the passage of school buses and provide safe access to all school bus stops and notify the Police Chief and the School Superintendent at least 72 hours in advance where the contractor intends to work and the location of all detours.
Road construction approach signs shall be built, erected, and located in accordance with New Hampshire Department of Public Works and Highways standards. Cost for all sign packages and barricades required shall be borne by the contractor.
Traffic paddles and flagger equipment shall conform to those described in the MUTCD or New Hampshire Traffic Control Handbook, as appropriate.
Traffic control personnel shall use two-way radio communication at all times when two traffic control people are used.
Uniformed officers shall be attired with regulation duty uniforms, headgear, reflective vests, and unexposed badge. Flaggers shall be attired with blaze orange caps and vests.
Uniformed offices and flaggers shall possess the following qualifications: at least average intelligence and alertness, good sight and hearing, courteous but firm manner, neat and presentable appearance, pleasing personality, and a sense of responsibility.
Uniformed officers and flaggers shall have been given specific instructions by the contractor as to their duties and responsibilities, both to the public and to their fellow workers on the job. They shall direct traffic in accordance with Section 618 of the New Hampshire Department of Public Works and Highways Standard Specifications titled "Uniform Officers and Flagmen."
Uniformed officers and flaggers shall not be paid under a separate pay item but shall be absorbed under various pay items.
At the preconstruction meeting, the contractor shall submit a traffic control plan to the Town for approval. The traffic control plan shall be approved prior to any construction.
Except where permitted by the Town as part of an approved detour plan, all streets where work is being performed shall be left in a passable condition at night.
No open trenches shall be left open overnight. Excavations shall be backfilled and compacted, as specified for temporary trench pavement, including all roadway base course gravel.
The contractor shall spread water or calcium chloride for dust control as directed by the Engineer. Cost for this procedure shall be absorbed under various pay items.
The contractor shall provide a field supervisor or equivalent to rectify problems within traveled ways if they develop. The field supervisor or equivalent shall be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, during the time of the contract. The field supervisor or equivalent shall have the appropriate equipment, tools, and materials available to immediately rectify any problems which represent a safety hazard to the residents of the Town. The contractor shall provide the Town a means of reaching the field supervisor during nonbusiness hours (such as a paging service, etc.).
The Director of Public Works and the Chief of Police shall retain the authority to suspend all or part of the contractor's operation as they may deem necessary in the interest of public safety. The contractor shall make no claims for additional compensation or time on account of such suspension.