Furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to lay and join all polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe and fittings for gravity sanitary sewer services as shown or as required to complete the work.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM Specification D3034-SDR35. Each pipe section must be manufactured to provide a minimum pipe stiffness of 45 psi. Pipe ends must be compatible with the joint coupling so as to provide confinement of the rubber gasket.
All fittings, such as elbows, sweeps, wyes, etc., shall be (PVC) SDR35.
All pipe or fittings shall be examined before laying, and no piece shall be installed which is found to be defective. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped. Any damage to the pipe linings or castings shall be promptly removed from the site and replaced with sound pipe at the contractor's expense. Handling and laying of pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.
All pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned before laying, shall be kept clean until they are used in the work and, when laid, shall conform to the lines and grades required. A firm, even bearing throughout the length of the pipe placed in not less than three separate lifts shall be constructed by tamping selected material at the sides of the pipe up to one foot over the top of the pipe. Blocking will not be permitted. If any defective pipe is discovered after it has been laid, it shall be removed and replaced with a sound pipe in a satisfactory manner by the contractor at his own expense.
When laying is not in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by watertight plugs or other approved means. Pipelines shall not be used as conductors for trench drainage.
When pipe is cut in the field, the cut end shall be tapered back approximately 1/8 inch at an angle of 30º with the center line of the pipe with a coarse file or grinder to remove any rough edges which might injure the gasket.
The minimum size pipe for sewer service connections shall be six inches.
Sewer service pipe shall be laid at a continuous and constant grade of not less than 1/4 inch per foot.
A six-inch PVC cleanout shall be constructed within 10 feet of the building foundation. The cleanout shall be capped by a threaded cover. Push-on caps are prohibited. Figure 1 is a detailed illustration of a cleanout assembly.[1]
Editor's Note: Figure 1 is on file at the office of the Department of Public Works.
All sewer services shall be laid on a six-inch bedding of crushed stone. Stone shall also be placed to within half the diameter of the line being laid.
All sewer services shall be covered by 12 inches of sand as stipulated by § A175-22 herein unless otherwise requested by the Town's Engineer.
If less than four feet deep under a driveway, ductile iron pipe is required. Grip couplings shall be used to connect different types of pipe materials.
Sewer and water services must have a minimum 10 feet of horizontal separation and minimum 1.5 feet of vertical separation.
Duplexes or other multi-unit dwellings shall have separate connections to the main line and be installed as outlined herein.