[Amended 7-18-1990 by Ord. No. 23-1990]
The plat shall be prepared and sealed by an engineer, surveyor, architect or planner who is licensed or certified by the State of New Jersey.
It shall be drawn to one of the following scales:
One inch equals 10 feet.
One inch equals 20 feet.
One inch equals 30 feet.
One inch equals 40 feet.
One inch equals 50 feet.
The following scales which may be used only for composite plans where the size of the development is so large that it must be divided into smaller component sections for drafting of detailed plans at one of the above scales.
One inch equal 100 feet.
One inch equals 200 feet.
The plat shall be drawn on one of the following standardized sheet sizes.
Twenty-four inches by 36 inches.
Thirty inches by 42 inches.
The information required to be shown on a site plan or plat pursuant to § 174-24 of this chapter and any additional information required for the review of a site plan application shall be provided as follows:
General Description of Information Required
Cover Sheet
Name of applicant, owner, tax block, lot key map, sheet index, project name, zoning schedule, signature blocks, etc.
Vicinity Map
at a scale of 1 inch = 100 feet
All existing street rights-of-way and lots, and all subdivisions which have received preliminary or final approval, but which are not yet developed, within 500 feet of the site and the existing land use of all such property as well as existing zoning district lines
Existing Conditions
Scale as necessary Same scale as site plan, plat
A map showing all existing natural features of and improvements to the subject site, or lot if only a portion of the lot is proposed to be developed; including all off-site street rights-of-way, cartways, watercourses, and entrance drives within 500 feet of the site in all directions
Development Suitability
Same scale as site plan, plat
A map showing topography, highlighting slopes of 20% or greater; soils; wetlands; watercourses; ponds; floodplain; natural drainage flow; vegetation; depth to seasonal high water; and cultural and historic sites on the site; overlaid to depict the developable land area of the site as defined in § 225-3 of the Harrison Township Zoning Ordinance
Site Plan
Scale as needed
Proposed improvements
Stormwater Management
Scale as needed
Drainage sheds, system improvements, detention basin details, etc.
Landscaping, Lighting, and Signage
Scale as needed
All appropriate details
Preliminary Building Plans
Scale as needed
As required to show elevations of buildings
#9 and beyond
As many additional sheets as needed to provide a full presentation of application
The following information shall be shown on the site plan:
Map. A key map of the site with reference to the surrounding areas and existing street locations.
Owners of record within 200 feet. The name and address of the owner and site plan applicant together with the names of the owners and the lot and block numbers of all land within 200 feet of the site as shown by the most recent Township tax records.
Property lines; contiguous lots. The bearings and distances of all property lines for the lot in question and any contiguous lots owned by the applicant or owner of record, or in which they have a direct or indirect interest, even though only a portion of the entire property is involved in the site plan for which approval is being sought.
Distance to intersection street. The distance to the nearest intersecting street as measured along the roadway center lines.
Location of fences; walls; other installations. Location of all existing and proposed fences, walls, culverts, bridges, streets, entrances and exits, and traffic control devices on the site and within 100 feet of the site.
Location of structures; existing and proposed. Location of all existing and proposed structures on the site and the outside dimensions and finish grade at all structure corners.
Setbacks. Building setback, side and rear yard distances.
Existing physical features. All existing physical features on site including streams, watercourses, water tables, floodplains, existing trees greater than five inches in caliper measured six feet from the base, and significant soil conditions such as swamp or rock.
Topographic map. Topography (based upon U.S.C. & G. datum or approved local datum) showing existing and proposed contours at five-foot intervals for slopes averaging 10% or greater, and two-foot intervals for land of lesser slope. A reference bench mark shall be clearly designated. Contours shall extend 60 feet beyond the property line.
Parking; unloading. Parking and unloading areas.
Vehicular traffic. Ingress, egress and internal circulation and projected volume.
Design details for improvements. Cross sections, design details and dimensions for improvements such as roads, curbs, bumpers and sidewalks.
Existing and proposed utilities. Location and design of existing and proposed utilities including:
Electric and gas systems.
Stormwater systems.
Sanitary waste disposal systems.
Water supply systems with appurtenances, and method of redisposal and storage.
Manhole elevations and direction of flow, shown for all sewer systems.
Landscaping. Landscaping and buffering plan showing what will remain and what will be planted, indicating names both common and botanical of all plants, trees and dimensions, in keeping with the soil erosion standards of the Soil Conservation Service. All areas of any lot not occupied by building, pavement or other surfacing or otherwise improved or used in accordance with an approved site plan shall be landscaped by the planting of grass and/or ground cover, trees and shrubs and shall be shown on the site plan application.
Lighting details. Lighting details indicating type of standard, location, radius and pattern of light, and intensity in footcandles.
Signs. Location, dimensions and details of signs.
Architectural sketches. Architectural perspective sketches of proposed buildings along with preliminary floor plans.
Rights-of-way; easements. The location, size and nature of all existing and proposed rights-of-way, easements and other encumbrances which may affect the site in question; also the locations, size and description of any lands to be dedicated to the Township.
Improvement to adjoining streets. Show improvements to streets and roads and traffic control devices necessary in streets and highways. Provisions shall be made for storm sewerage inlets, catch basins and manholes, and they shall have the approval of the Township Engineer as for both design and location. The discharge is subject to county approval.
Zone district. The zone district in which the site is located, and the zone district of the adjoining properties within 200 feet.
Refuse containers. Location and screening of refuse containers and mechanical equipment areas.
Fire protection. Fire protection arrangements, including fire hydrants and water storage, delineation of fire zones, parking provisions, and special traffic constraints. Fire hydrants shall follow these specifications: Operating and cap nuts shall be one-and-one-half-inch pentagon. They shall be equipped with two hose nozzles and one steamer nozzle, size and threads to be in accordance with local fire company requirements. The steamer nozzle shall be equipped with a four-and-one-half-inch F NH by five-inch Storz permanent hydrant adaptor with cap and cable connector. The fire hydrants shall have a provision for six-inch connection to the main. Minimum valve opening for the hydrant shall be 4 1/4 inches.
[Amended 2-6-2014 by Ord. No. 3-2014]
Legends to be located on site plan. The following legends shall be located on the site plan:
To be signed before submission of site plan:
[Amended 3-5-2012 by Ord. No. 15-2012]
I consent to the filing of this site plan with the Planning Board of the Township of Harrison and if required also with the Combined Planning Board.
Owner and Address
To be placed on site plan before submission:
Site Plan of _________________________________
Lot__________ Block __________ Zone__________
Date ______________________ Scale ___________
Applicant __________________________________
Address ___________________________________
To be signed before submission of site plan:
I hereby certify that I have prepared this site plan and that all dimensions and information are correct.
Title and License No.
To be signed before planning board approval is given:
I have reviewed this site plan and certify that it meets all codes and ordinances under my jurisdiction.
Township Engineer
To be signed before issuance of building permit:
Approved by the Planning Board of the Township of Harrison
To be signed prior to granting a building permit:
I hereby certify that all required improvements have been installed or that a performance bond has been posted in accordance with _______________________________ of the Township Ordinances.
Township Clerk
To be signed prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy:
I hereby certify that all the required improvements have been installed in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
Township Engineer
Township Construction Official
Occupancy permit issued