The executive power of the Township shall be exercised by the Mayor. The Mayor shall enforce the Charter and ordinances of the Township and all general laws applicable thereto.
The Mayor shall annually report to the Council and the public on the work of the previous year and on the condition and requirements of the Township government. He/She shall make such recommendations for action by the Council as he/she deems in the public interest. He/She shall supervise all the departments of the Township government and shall require each department to make an annual report and such other reports of its work as he/she deems desirable.
Time limit for action on ordinances.
After receiving an ordinance adopted by the Council and submitted to him by the Clerk of the Council, the Mayor shall, within 10 days after receiving it, either approve the ordinance by affixing his/her signature thereto or return it to the Council by delivering it to the Township Clerk, together with a statement setting forth his/her objections thereto or to any item or part thereof.
In computing the aforementioned period of time, the day in which the Mayor receives the ordinance shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday nor legal holiday.
The Mayor may attend meetings of the Council and may take part in discussions but shall have no vote except as prescribed by law.
The Mayor shall appoint each department head with the advice and consent of the Council. The Mayor may, in his/her discretion, remove any department head after notice and an opportunity to be heard. Prior to removing a department head, the Mayor shall first file written notice of his/her intention with the Council. Such removal shall become effective on the 20th day after filing such notice unless the Council shall prior thereto adopt a resolution by a 2/3 vote of the whole number of the Council, disapproving the removal.
During the month of November, the Mayor shall require all department heads to submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year and to appear before the Mayor or the Business Administrator at public hearings, in accordance with State Statutes or the directives of the Local Finance Board of the Department of Community Affairs.
[Ord. No. 53-2014]
Where no other provision is made for appointments, the Mayor shall have the power to appoint with the advice and consent of the Council.
The Mayor shall have the power to assign and reassign, transfer and retransfer, either temporarily or permanently, any property or personnel from one function to another or from one administrative unit to another as the management of the Township government may require, subject to the express requirements of the Charter and all other applicable general laws and ordinances of the Township.
The Mayor may appoint an executive assistant, a secretary and other personnel as he/she deems necessary, each of whom shall receive such compensation as shall be authorized by ordinance.
The Mayor may designate the Business Administrator, any other department head or the Township Clerk to act as Mayor whenever the Mayor is prevented, by absence, disability or other cause, from attending to the duties of his/her office. During such time, the person so designated by the Mayor shall possess all the rights, powers and duties of the Mayor.
The Mayor may delegate to the head of any department functions, powers or duties conferred upon the Mayor by ordinance which are not required by Charter or general law to be performed or discharged personally by the Mayor.
The compensation of the Mayor shall be $18,750 annually, to be paid as all other salaries are paid.