[Ord. No. 54-2015; Ord. No. 31-2018]
Scope. The promotion procedure covered by this Article shall cover all Police Department promotions, except promotions to the Deputy Chief and Chief of Police. The Appropriate Authority or his/her designee shall be responsible for administering the promotional process.
Sergeant. All applicants for promotion to Sergeant shall have served as full-time police officers with the Wayne Township Police Department for a minimum of five continuous years prior to the date of expiration of the current eligibility list for promotion.
Lieutenant. All applicants for promotion to Lieutenant shall have held the rank of Sergeant for a minimum of two years prior to the date of expiration of the current eligibility list for promotion.
Captain. All applicants for promotion to Captain shall have held the rank of Lieutenant for two full years prior to the date of expiration of the current eligibility list for promotion.
Promotion criteria. The following factors will be considered in the evaluation and recommendation of candidates for promotion:
Written examination.
Oral examination.
Length of service.
Contents of personnel jacket.
Personnel review.
Physical examination.
Written examination.
Each candidate for promotion shall be required to take a written examination, which shall be administered by the Association of Chiefs of Police for the State of New Jersey or, in lieu of the foregoing, to be tested by the International Association of Chiefs of Police ("IACP") Assessment Center. The choice of which organization will administer the examination will be made jointly by the Business Administrator and Chief of Police in their sole discretion prior to testing. Notice of the approximate or actual examination date shall be posted a minimum of eight weeks prior to the examination. Any police personnel on leave or vacation at the time of posting of the notice shall be notified of the date by personal service or certified mail.
[Ord. No. 5-2016]
The testing organization shall assign each candidate an identification number, which shall be the only identification used when the examination is graded and results are posted.
Grades on the written examination shall be used to determine eligibility to proceed to the oral examination as follows: Those applicants receiving a grade of 70 or above shall be eligible to take the oral examination.
The identification numbers of all candidates for promotion shall be posted on a pass/fail basis only. A complete master list of the results of the written examination shall be placed under seal and retained in the office of the Business Administrator and shall not be revealed to any member of the Review Board except after the ranking is complete.
Scoring of passing examinations for purposes of final evaluation.
The maximum score a candidate shall receive on the written examination shall be as follows:
Maximum Points
The highest grade for each rank shall receive the maximum allowable points. Each other passing candidate shall receive a score equal to the ratio of his grade to the highest grade, multiplied by the maximum allowable points. Scoring shall be accurate to two decimal places.
No test scores shall be made available until the entire testing procedure is completed and documented by the Business Administrator and Chief Financial Officer.
Oral examination.
Examination Board. The Examination shall be conducted by a panel of three Police Chiefs who are members of the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Examination Committee and selected by the Chairman of the Examination Committee of the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police. The score of each examiner shall be equally weighted.
The oral examination at the promotional level shall be geared to the many facets of the police profession. Each candidate for promotion shall be asked the same questions and will be graded on the response which they give. The questions asked shall be different for each rank (Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain) and shall reflect current trends in law enforcement, court decision, policies, administration, organization and any new developments pertaining to law enforcement. All answers shall be scored numerically and these scores shall be totalled and divided by three for a single final grade.
The questions to be asked each police candidate in the oral interview will be prepared by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Examination Committee.
The maximum grade a candidate shall receive on the oral examination shall be as follows:
Maximum Points
Each other candidate shall receive a score equal to the ratio of his grade to the highest grade, multiplied by the maximum allowable points. Scoring shall be accurate to two decimal places.
Length of service.
Sergeant: One-half point shall be awarded to a candidate for each year of service completed as a Wayne Township Police Officer.
Lieutenant: One-half point shall be awarded to a candidate for each year served in the rank of Sergeant for the Wayne Township Police Department.
Captain: One-half point shall be awarded to a candidate for each year served in the rank of Lieutenant for the Wayne Township Police Department.
Review Board. The Review Board shall consist of the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police (if position is currently filled), available command personnel holding the rank of Captain, or higher, and the Business Administrator (who shall be a nonvoting member), who shall review and discuss the criteria set forth herein. Where, because of a vacancy, or conflict, there is an insufficient number of officers, the Review Board may consist of no fewer than three voting members.
[Ord. No. 31-2018)]
Personnel jacket review.
In order to proceed to this step, a candidate must receive a score of at least 70, which is the minimum passing score, on the written examination, and must take the oral examination. The Review Board will not be apprised of any candidate's written or oral scores at any point during the testing process.
Each member of the Review Board shall review the personnel jacket of each candidate. A maximum grade of 5 points may be awarded, based upon the criteria set forth herein. At the conclusion of the personnel jacket review, Board members shall submit their scores from the personnel jacket review and the personnel review to the Business Administrator.
Each candidate shall have the prior right to examine his/her personnel jacket. The personnel jacket review shall consist of, but not be limited to, work habits, initiative, job skills, enforcement activities, availability, attendance, performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, letters of commendation, citations and awards, educational history, leadership abilities, management skills, productivity, reliability and adherence to policy.
Personnel review.
In order to proceed to this step, a candidate must receive a score of at least 70, which is the minimum passing score, on the written examination, and must take the oral examination. The Review Board will not be apprised of any candidate's written or oral scores at any point during the testing process.
The Review Board shall meet as a body and each member of the Review Board shall review the candidate's qualifications. A maximum grade of 15 points may be awarded based upon the personnel review. At the conclusion of the personnel review, Board members shall submit their scores from the personnel jacket review and the personnel review to the Business Administrator.
Personnel review shall take place after the oral exam and personnel jacket review by the Review Board.
Physical examination. All candidates whose names are submitted to the Mayor for consideration shall be required to pass a medical physical examination prior to Mayoral consideration.
Recommendation of candidates to Mayor.
The Business Administrator shall tabulate the scores of all the candidates.
After scores are tabulated, the Business Administrator and Chief shall review all scores and compile a list of candidates in order of point standing, together with any mutually derived comments as to the suitability of each candidate for promotion.
For each rank, the Business Administrator shall then compile a list of three finalists. The list shall be in order of recommendation in accordance with § 25-18D(8)(b) and shall consist of those candidates receiving the highest scores and shall include the actual score received.
Mayoral appointments. The Mayor shall promote the successful candidates from the list submitted by the Business Administrator. In the event the Mayor selects a candidate or candidates other than in the order on the list compiled in accordance with § 25-18D(8)(c), he/she shall, thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the promotion, submit to the Township Council a written statement setting forth his/her reasons for such selection. The recommendation of the Chief of Police and the Business Administrator shall be appended to the Mayor's statement. The Township Council may request a special meeting to discuss this matter. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Mayor from promoting the candidate upon the expiration of the thirty-day period.
Within ten (10) days of the posting of the ranking of candidates a candidate may file a written letter of redress. Said letter must contain the reason(s) or justification(s) for a redress and must be submitted to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will assess the request, and make a determination of how the request will be addressed on a case by case basis. Such requests may address the following areas of the promotional process:
Review and re-tabulation of the scored elements of the selection process.
Review any evaluation or internal document that was used in the selection process related to the candidate.
If the issue of redress impacts upon the results of the promotional ranking as determined by the Chief of Police, the candidate may be permitted to be re-evaluated.
[Ord. No. 54-2015]
Results from the promotional exam shall be valid for three (3) years from the day following the expiration of the previous eligibility list for promotion.
In the event that a vacancy occurs within the three (3) years that examination scores are valid, the Business Administrator, Chief and Deputy Chief shall meet and compile a new list of finalists from among the highest scoring candidates, using the scores of the last evaluation process. The list submitted to the Mayor shall be compiled using the same procedures set forth in § 25-18D.