[Ord. No. 53-2014]
It shall be prohibited for the owner or occupant of any property in the Township to use, permit or suffer the use of, on a nontemporary basis, a trailer, truck body or any temporary structure for purposes of storage without first having obtained an approval from the Construction Official. Temporary storage that is non-construction related shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 134, Section 134-67. Prior to approval a plan must be submitted showing location of the trailers.
[Ord. No. 53-2014]
Storage in temporary trailers at the site of existing commercial or industrial facilities in connection with the renovation or reconstruction of such existing commercial or industrial facilities may be permitted, provided that the Construction Official authorizes the use of such temporary trailers and issues a permit pursuant to the following conditions and provisions:
The trailers shall be located on the site of the existing facility to be renovated or reconstructed. No trailer shall be located closer than 25 feet to any existing building or other structure on the site. Each trailer shall be located at least 25 feet from any adjacent trailer, property line or row. Trailers shall not be stacked more than 2 units high.
[Ord. No. 53-2014]
No more than 30 trailers shall be permitted.
The storage shall consist only of merchandise, material, equipment and items that existed in the facility immediately prior to reconstruction or renovation and shall not consist of any inventory, merchandise, material or equipment brought to the site subsequent to the commencement of renovation or reconstruction. No retail sales of the stored material shall be permitted from the storage trailers.
Such storage shall be permitted only for the period of reconstruction or renovation. All temporary storage shall cease upon the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. All storage trailers must be removed from site and within 30 days of issuance of either the temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy and the site restored to pre-construction condition.
In addition to the penalties provided and set forth in § 176-8, the violation of any provision of this section or this chapter or of the terms of any permit issued pursuant thereto shall result in issuance of a stop work order.