Acetylene generators: to operate an acetylene
generator having a calcium carbide capacity exceeding five pounds.
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Cellulose nitrate motion picture film: to store,
keep or have on hand more than 25 pounds of cellulose nitrate motion
picture film.
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Cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin): to store,
keep or have on hand more than 25 pounds of cellulose nitrate plastics
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Combustible fibers: to store, handle or use
combustible fibers in quantities in excess of 100 cubic feet.
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Combustible materials: to store combustible
materials, including but not limited to empty combustible packing
cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers, rubber tires, baled cotton,
rubber, cork or other similar materials in excess of 500 cubic feet
gross volume on any premises.
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Compressed gases:
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To store, handle or use at normal temperatures
and pressures more than 2,000 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas,
or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas.
To store, handle or use any quantity of liquefied,
natural or hydrogen gas.
Cryogenics: to store, handle or use cryogenic
fluids, except cryogenics used as a motor fuel and stored in motor
vehicle tanks as follows:
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Production, sale or storage of cryogenic fluids.
Storage or use of flammable cryogenic fluids,
cryogenic oxidizers or liquefied oxygen in excess of 10 gallons.
Dry-cleaning plants: to use in excess of four
gallons of solvents or cleaning agents classified as flammable or
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Explosive ammunition and blasting agents:
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To manufacture, possess, store, sell or otherwise
dispose of explosives and blasting agents.
To use explosives or blasting agents.
To operate a terminal for handling explosives
or blasting agents.
Flammable and combustible liquids:
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To store, handle or use flammable liquids in
excess of six and one-half (6 1/2) gallons inside dwellings;
or in excess of 10 gallons inside any other building or other occupancy;
or in excess of 60 gallons outside of any building. This provision
shall not apply to liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft
portable or stationary engine, boat or portable heating plant; or
paints, oils, varnishes or similar flammable mixtures when such liquids
are stored for maintenance, painting or similar purposes.
To store, handle or use combustible liquids
in excess of 25 gallons inside a building, or in excess of 60 gallons
outside of any building. This provision shall not apply to fuel oil
used in connection with oil-burning equipment.
A permit shall be obtained for the initial installation
of an oil burner and a fuel oil tank used in connection therewith.
A permit shall be required for the replacement of a fuel oil tank
connected to an oil burner.
For processing, blending or refining of flammable
or combustible liquids.
Freestanding fireplace: to install and operate
a freestanding fireplace.
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Hazardous chemicals:
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To store, handle or use more than 55 gallons
of corrosive liquids; or more than 50 pounds of oxidizing materials;
or more than 10 pounds of organic peroxides; or more than 50 pounds
of nitromethane; or 1,000 pounds or more of ammonium nitrate, ammonium
nitrate fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures containing 60% or more
ammonium or any amount of toxic material or poisonous gas.
To store, handle or use any quantity of air-reactive,
water-reactive or unstable materials.
Liquefied petroleum gas: for each installation
of liquefied petroleum gas employing a container or an aggregate of
interconnected containers of over 2,000 gallons' water capacity; and
for each permanent installation, irrespective of size of containers,
made at buildings in which 20 or more persons congregate for civic,
political, educational, religious, social or recreational purposes.
Installers shall maintain a record of all installations and replacement
of portable cylinders and have it available for inspection.
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Organic coatings: to perform organic coating
operations utilizing more than one gallon of organic coating on any
working day.
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Ovens and furnaces: to operate industrial processing
ovens and furnaces operating at approximately atmospheric pressures
and temperatures not exceeding 1,400° F. which are heated with
oil or gas fuel or which, during operation, contain flammable vapors
from the material in the oven or catalytic combustion system.
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Places of assembly: to maintain, operate or
use a place of assembly.
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Welding and cutting: to operate a welding and
cutting business. A record of all locations where welding or cutting
operations are performed shall be maintained and kept available for
inspection by the permit holder.
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Woodburning stove or coalburning stove: to install
and operate any woodburning stove or coalburning stove.