[Adopted 8-13-1991 by Ch. No. 983 as §§ 10-16 through 10-18 of the 1991 Code]
There shall be a Conservation Commission for the Town consisting of seven members to be appointed by the Town Council. Initial appointees shall be for the following terms: Three shall be appointed for three-year terms, two shall be appointed for two-year terms, and two shall be appointed for a term of one year. Thereafter, as terms expire, appointments, other than interim appointments, shall be made in July and shall be for terms of three years. Such Commissioners shall continue to hold their respective offices until their successors are qualified. Members of the Conservation Commission shall serve without pay. The minutes of each meeting of the Commission shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk.
There shall be one auxiliary member of the Conservation Commission who shall be appointed by the Town Council for a two-year term, to be appointed in July of each even year, except for the initial appointment which shall occur upon passage of this article, for a term to expire the first even year following passage. The auxiliary member shall sit as an active member of the Commission when and if a member of the Commission is unable to serve at a meeting or hearing, and shall have the same voting rights, powers and duties of the absent member. The auxiliary member of the Conservation Commission shall serve without pay.
Members of the Conservation Commission, at the time of their appointment and for the duration of their term, shall be residents and qualified to vote in the Town of Westerly.
[Added 3-10-2014 by Ch. No. 1809]
The duties of the Conservation Commission shall be as follows:
To make recommendations on the use and management of natural resources, such as soil, water, forests, wildlife and minerals;
To gather and disperse information regarding these natural resources;
To make information available to the Town Council, Zoning Board, Department of Public Works and the Planning Board to help locate industry, roads, housing, and other developments in such a way that complementary uses of the Town's natural resources will not be jeopardized.