[Adopted 8-13-1991 by Ch. No. 983 as § 3-24 of the 1991 Code (Ch. No. 1402); amended in its entirety 8-9-2005 by Ch. No. 1548]
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, the Animal Control Officer or any sworn officer is authorized to issue a uniform summons for the various offenses in accordance with the following violation schedule and uniform summons.[1] In addition to the following violation schedule, a uniform summons may be issued for any violation of state statute or municipal ordinance in accordance with the penalties ascribed to those violations:
Westerly Police Department
Animal Control Officer
Violation Schedule
Section of Code/Type of Offense
§ 76-3C
Dog registration required (residents only)
§ 76-3.1
Dangerous animals prohibited
$100 for each and every incident
§ 76-6B
Noise disturbances
$25 for each offense after the third day
§ 76-7A
Vaccination for rabies required
§ 76-7.1
Spaying or neutering of cats
$75 per offense
§ 76-8A
Animals on public beaches, school properties and recreation areas
§ 76-8B
Animals in commercial establishments
§ 76-8C
Allowing dogs to run
§ 76-10
Adequate shelter or adequate water or food
First offense
Second offense
$200 and seizure of animals
Third offense
$400 and seizure of animals
§ 76-11
Canine waste removal
First offense
Second offense within one year
Third and any subsequent offenses within one year
§ 76-14A and § 76-14B
Cruelty to animals
§ 76-14C
Animals left in unattended vehicle
§ 76-23E
Business of keeping chickens, geese, ducks, rabbits and other fowl
Not less than $5 nor more than $10 for each violation
§ 76-27B
Aggressive dogs; enforcement
Editor's Note: The form for the uniform summons is on file in the Clerk's office.