The following named streets or portions of streets are hereby designated and declared to be routes for heavy traffic:
East Capitol Drive from the west Village limits to North Lake Drive.
North Oakland Avenue from the south Village limits to the north Village limits.
North Wilson Drive from East Capitol Drive to the north Village limits.
North Lake Drive from the south Village limits to the north Village limits.
No person or persons shall operate any vehicle with the classification of heavy traffic, as defined under § 349.17, Wis. Stats., over any street or streets, except the streets above named; provided, however, that it is not the intent of this section that it shall prohibit the ordinary use of any street for the purpose of obtaining orders for the delivering or moving of supplies or other necessary commodities to or from any place of business or residence fronting on such street.
[1]On Village streets which have been designated as heavy traffic routes, there shall be erected appropriate signs giving notice thereof.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, regarding vehicles weighing more than 6,000 pounds, was repealed 12-1-2008 by Ord. No. 1946. This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of former Subsections D and E as Subsections C and D, respectively.
All streets and alleys within the Village of Shorewood, other than those designated as heavy traffic routes, are hereby designated as Class "B" highways and are subject to the weight limitations imposed by § 348.16, Wis. Stats.