Except as otherwise prescribed by this chapter or other ordinances and regulations of the Town of Griswold, all construction of streets and related improvements shall be constructed in accordance with "Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges and Incidental Construction, Form 814A, State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, 1995, or any revisions thereof, hereafter referred to as the "Standards."
All street improvements shall be inspected and approved by the Board, or its agent, who shall decide on all questions regarding the interpretation of plans and specifications. They may require additional working drawings from the applicant to facilitate inspection at any time during construction. As-built plans for all streets, drainage features and underground utilities shall be presented to the Board prior to the acceptance of any street or easement by the Town of Griswold and prior to the release of any applicable performance bond. The performance bond shall be released only by mutual consent of a majority of the members of the board and the members of the Commission, and said release shall be in writing.
The applicant will place easily identifiable stakes at even hundred-foot stations along the center lines of proposed streets prior to submission of the street plan to facilitate evaluation of the plan by the Board. The Board shall be notified in writing at least 72 hours in advance of the following stages of construction.
Completion of the subgrade.
Completion of, but before covering, drainage structures and pipes.
Completion of gravel subbase.
Beginning of construction of processed gravel base course.
Beginning of construction of asphalt surface.
There shall be no abrupt changes of grade. Select grades shall not exceed 9% or be less than 0.5%, except that the Board may permit steeper grades for short distances wherein, in its judgment, existing topographic conditions or the preservation of natural features indicate that such modification will not result in unsafe conditions. Where possible, grades shall not be greater than 3% within 50 feet of an intersection. Streets shall be designated with a cross pitch or crown of one-quarter-inch-per-foot, distance measured from the edge of the pavement to the center line of the street.
All street(s) shall contain a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet unless otherwise laid out with prior written approval of the majority of the Commission. The travel path of any street shall have a minimum width of 28 feet. No dead-end street shall be approved unless a turnaround (cul-de-sac) having a paved travel path of a radius of not less than 40 feet and a street right-of-way of a radius of not less than 50 feet shall be constructed therewith. All cul-de-sacs shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the recommended cul-de-sac layout contained in Appendix C.[1] There shall be no brush, trees, or boulders within six feet of each side of the roadbed.
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included at the end of this chapter.
The roadbed shall be constructed as follows:
Subgrade. All soft and yielding material and other portions of the subgrade which will not compact readily when rolled or which contain organic or man-made material shall be removed, and all loose rock or boulders over five inches in size shall be removed or broken to a depth of one foot below the subgrade. All holes or depressions made by the removal of unsuitable material shall be filled and rolled uniformly with a vibratory roller weighing at least 10 tons. If the surface of an existing road is two feet or less below the proposed subgrade surface, it shall be scarified for the full width of the roadbed. All ledge rock and boulders shall be removed to a depth of 12 inches below grade of the existing road. The allowable lift placement on fill areas shall be according to the capacity of the equipment used and soil material being compacted; however, no fill lifts shall be greater than 18 inches. All fills will be subject to materials and compaction testing according to the Standards. The subgrade shall be constructed 28 feet wide, plus 18 inches beyond the curb face on each side of the street.
Subbase. The subbase shall be applied over the subgrade and shall consist of bank run gravel with no stones larger than four inches. Where ledge rock is encountered, it shall be excavated to a depth of 12 inches, and the subbase shall be at least 12 inches thick. Where ledge rock is not encountered, the subbase shall be a minimum of eight inches thick. The subbase shall be compacted to no less than 95% of the dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor method. If at any stage of construction unusual conditions appear or exist, such as in a wetland area, the Board shall require additional measures be taken to produce a firm subbase.
Base course. The base course shall be applied over the subbase and shall consist of processed gravel with no stones larger than 1 1/2 inches. The base course shall be six inches thick. The base course shall be compacted to no less than 95% of the dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor method. Prior to the placing of pavement, the base course shall be treated with calcium chloride at a rate of 0.75 gallon per square yard.
Wearing surface (paved travelway). The wearing surface shall be applied over the base course and consist of a minimum of two inches compacted thickness binder course and a minimum of 1 1/2 inches compacted thickness riding surface, presently identified as Class 2 bituminous concrete, machine laid, for a total thickness of 3 1/2 inches after compaction. If the riding surface is placed more than two weeks after the binder course is placed, a tacking coat shall be applied over the binding course prior to the placement of the riding surface. The application of bituminous shall be in strict accordance with the Standards requirements.
All the efforts necessary for the compaction of the subgrade, subbase, the base course and the bituminous asphalt shall be accomplished with a roller weighing no less than 10 tons.
Where Portland cement concrete or granite curbing is used, the base course and wearing surface shall be constructed 28 feet wide. Where bituminous concrete curbing is used, the base course and wearing surface shall be constructed 28 feet wide plus one foot beyond the curb face on each side of the street.
Slopes shall be finished in a neat manner, and where streets are cut or filled, the side slope shall not be steeper than one foot vertical to two feet horizontal, unless the permanence of the slope shall be otherwise provided by the owner or developer to the satisfaction of the Board. All slopes and portions thereof shall be appropriately graded, loamed, and seeded so that same shall be stabilized so as to prevent any erosion.
Monuments shall be set, to the proper grade, on all street lines at points of curve and at suitable intermediate points. Monuments shall be of reinforced concrete, not less than three feet in length, tops not less than five inches square with a brass or other suitable center point, sides to taper with bases not less than six inches square. No monument shall be set in place prior to completion of all required right-of-way grading, and each monument shall be set with the brass or other suitable center place on the point of reference. The top of the monuments shall be set even with the final grade elevation.
Curbing shall be bituminous concrete, Portland cement concrete, or granite and shall meet size and installation specifications as illustrated in the Appendix to this chapter.[1] All curbing shall be properly graded and back filled.
Editor's Note: See Appendix A, included at the end of this chapter.
All shoulders shall be so constructed so that they maintain and control surface water and subsurface water. Catch basins and culvert pipe of a minimum diameter of 15 inches shall be installed at each corner of all intersections, and catch basins shall be installed at a minimum of every 300 feet on each side of the road except as may be varied by written permission of the Board. All catch basins shall be connected so as to cause a continuous flow of controlled surface and subsurface water to an ultimate destination of natural flow, brook, pond, or river. All culvert pipes shall be reinforced concrete or asphalt coated corrugated metal pipe and shall be covered with a minimum of 18 inches of gravel. Double-wall, smooth-interior, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe may be used only with the prior approval of the Board and/or the Commission. However, if HDPE pipe is used, the last section of pipe at the outlets (daylight) shall be concrete pipe with a concrete flared end or concrete headwall discharging structure. All catch basins shall be constructed as per dimensions illustrated in the Appendix of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: See Appendix B, included at the end of this chapter.
All necessary drainage rights and/or easements for maintaining drainage over or under adjoining lands to an ultimate destination of natural flow shall be procured by the developer at no cost to the Town of Griswold. The minimum width of the easement(s) where pipe(s) is placed shall be 20 feet.
In areas where there is evidence of subsurface groundwater, a perforated culvert pipe shall be laid or a solid culvert pipe shall be laid. When a solid culvert pipe is used, a six-inch perforated pipe shall be placed along each side of the aforenoted solid culvert pipe on a bed of washed stone, which bed of washed stone shall be laid six inches below the culvert pipe and ending six inches above the culvert pipe. Said six-inch perforated pipe shall be tied in to the catch basins.
All utilities shall be in place before final grading, compacting, and surfacing of streets, and when said utilities are constructed underground, they shall be required to be contained within appropriate "sleeve piping," excluding water mains, sewerage mains, and drainage mains. Said underground construction of utilities shall be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Board.
Guardrail posts and railing shall be installed where there is an elevation drop of four feet or more between the edge of the road and the shoulders and as may be directed by the Board.
New streets shall be named by the owner or developer, subject to the approval of the Board. Street signs shall be prepared and installed by the Town of Griswold, the costs of which shall be borne by the owner or developer.
Four-way intersections shall have two signs, located diagonally opposite corners. T- intersections shall have one sign. Each sign post shall identify both intersecting streets.