The use and dimensional requirements mandated
in all districts shall be as set forth in the tables included at the
end of this chapter.
[Amended 12-17-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012]
Accessory buildings and/or structures, including swimming pools
and tennis courts, to be located or constructed in any residential
zone in the required rear yard for a main or principal building shall
not occupy more than 20% of such required rear yard. The total lot
coverage shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage as described in
the Table of Dimensional Regulations.
The minimum road frontage of a lot at the street
line shall be at least 40 feet in all districts, and also in the case
of approved flagpole lots where the minimum road frontage at the street
line shall be at least 20 feet, and this minimum shall apply along
the entire length of the flagpole.
The schedule of off-street parking space requirements
for nonresidential uses is as follows:
Number of Spaces Required
Agricultural workers' housing
1 per every employee housed
Delicatessen or neighborhood convenience grocery
1 per 100 square feet of gross floor area, but
in no case fewer than 12 spaces
Farm stand
Provision for informal parking of at least 5
vehicles off the public right-of-way
Golf course
3 per hole, plus 1 per employee
Greenhouse, farm stand and garden center
1 per 180 square feet of the area of the structure
devoted to sales, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of area devoted to
display, plus 1 per employee
Office and office building not otherwise classified
1 per 180 square feet of gross floor area
1 per 3 persons of rated occupancy as determined
by the Town Department of Fire Prevention, plus 1 per employee at
the peak shift
Retail antique store
1 per 180 square feet of gross floor area
1 per employee, plus 1 per each 8 students.
1 per 100 square feet of space for public use,
including patios, plus 1 per employee at peak times; or 2 per 3 persons
of rated occupancy as determined by the Town Department of Fire Prevention,
plus 1 per employee at peak times, whichever is greater
On a corner lot in any district within the triangular
area determined as provided in this section, no wall or fence or other
structure shall be erected to a height in excess of two feet; no vehicle,
object or any other obstruction of a height in excess of two feet
shall be parked or placed; and no hedge, shrub or other growth shall
be maintained at a height in excess of two feet, except that trees
whose branches are trimmed away to a height of at least 10 feet above
the curb level, or pavement level where there is no curb, shall be
permitted. Such triangular area shall be determined by two points,
one on each intersecting street line, each of which points is 50 feet
from the intersection of such street lines.
[Amended 6-13-2011 by L.L. No. 7-2011; 12-17-2012 by L.L. No.
7-2012; 2-18-2014 by L.L. No. 7-2014]
A. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the following meanings:
The extraction, removal or stripping of material from the
ground or the breaking of the surface soil in order to facilitate
or accomplish the removal, extraction or stripping of fill.
The act of causing fill as defined herein to be removed from
a parcel of real property located within the Village and transported
to another parcel of real property located outside of the Village.
Topsoil, loam, earth, sand and/or gravel or any similar material.
The act of causing fill as defined herein to be brought to
a parcel of real property located within the Village which originated
from another parcel of real property located either inside or outside
of the Village.
B. Site plan approval required. Except to deposit and grade soil excavated at a site in compliance with §§
245-65F and
245-66C and incident to any lawful construction which does not change the natural grade or existing topographical elevation or existing surface water runoff, the placement, deposit, excavation or importation of fill which either changes the natural grade or changes topographical elevation or changes surface water runoff shall be prohibited excepting upon Planning Board approval of a site plan for said placement, deposit, excavation or importation.
C. Fill permit required. The importation of fill shall, in addition
to site plan approval, require a fill permit from the Planning Board. The exportation of fill shall require an exportation permit
from the Building Inspector.
D. Exemptions. A fill permit is not required for any of the following:
(1) Dredging of a waterway pursuant to all required regulatory approvals.
(2) Any activity for which a waiver of fill permit is granted by the
Board of Trustees upon an express finding that regulation of such
activity is outside the purpose of enactment of this section.
(3) Removal, cleanup and/or remediation of contaminated soil required
by order of a federal or state agency pursuant to the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 or
similar statute or regulation.
E. Permit application. Any application for a fill permit shall include
at least the following:
(1) A detailed statement of the proposed work, the proposed excavation
or importation and exact condition of the plot or premises before
the work proposed to be accomplished under the requested permit is
commenced and proposed topography of said plot or premises when the
work is completed.
(2) An estimate prepared by a licensed engineer of the total volume of
fill proposed to be excavated, or imported to the property.
(3) The elevations of all abutting properties to the extent available
and to the extent necessary to indicate the existing drainage condition
and its relationship to the subject property.
(4) A duly acknowledged consent of the owner of the premises, including
(5) Where the application pertains to land used in agricultural production,
the application must be referred to the Commissioner of Agriculture
and Markets of the State of New York or his or her duly appointed
agent or representative to ascertain that any fill to be exported
is apparently free from golden nematode or similar condition.
(6) The purpose of the proposed excavation or importation.
(7) The groundwater level at the location as determined by a current
test well or boring.
(8) The procedures whereby dust or other fugitive or windborne materials
shall be controlled.
(9) A current site plan including such topographical data as required
by the Planning Board.
F. Standards of review. The Planning Board, upon any review of an application
hereunder, must affirmatively find that the importation of fill shall
not cause damage to Village roads or other Village resources; the
placement of any fill shall not cause adverse changes in existing
surface water runoff patterns; any change in topography resulting
from the placement or removal of fill shall be necessary to the reasonable
development of the site; and granting of any approval of a permit
hereunder shall achieve a harmonious balance between existing site
topography and any development activity at said site.
G. Fee. Except as amended by resolution of the Board of Trustees, the
fee for a fill permit shall be $10 per cubic yard of fill imported
or exported. The fee for an exportation permit shall be calculated
by the Building Inspector based on an estimate prepared by a licensed
engineer of the total volume of fill to be exported. Any payment of
a fee shall be subject to a supplemental payment in the event the
Village Engineer determines that the applicant's estimate of cubic
yards was inaccurate and understated. The payment of a fill permit
fee and an exportation permit fee shall occur upon the filing of either