[Adopted 4-26-1988 as §§ 2-186 to 2-197 of the 1988 Code]
A Department of Public Works of the City is hereby created. There is hereby established within the Department of Public Works the divisions in §§ 20-13 to 20-17, the affairs of which shall be as set forth in those sections together with such added affairs as the Commissioner of Public Works shall determine.
All matters having to do with the construction, repair and care of streets and ways, including bridges and sidewalks, and of all poles, conduits and wires in, upon or over the same, except as to matters having to do with engineering, sewers and drains, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Division of Streets and Highways, Department of Public Works.[1]
Editor's Note: Original §  2-189, Division of Sewers, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 12-13-1988.
[Amended 4-4-1989; 12-23-2008]
All matters having to do with the collection and disposal of ashes and waste, garbage and dead animals shall be under the jurisdiction of the Division of Waste Disposal, Department of Public Works, under the direction of the chief executive of the City. The Commissioner of Public Works shall possess, in addition to the foregoing, power and authority to make regulations concerning the days of collection, the hours of collection, type and location of suitable containers and such other matters pertaining to the collection, conveyance and disposal as he shall find necessary and to change and modify the same after notice, which notice shall be printed in the newspaper and posted in the City Hall at least 14 days prior to the effective date of the change or modification of the rules or promulgation of new rules, and provided further that such regulations are not contrary to law. All of such regulations shall be in compliance with the Department of Public Health's Code of Massachusetts Regulations regulating garbage and rubbish. Violations of such regulations shall be punishable by a fine of $50 for each offense.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 2-191, Division of Water, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 7-11-1989. See now Ch. 81, Art. II, Regional Water Utility.
All matters having to do with the construction, alteration, repair, care and maintenance of public buildings, except engineering matters in connection therewith, and the care, superintendence and management of such public grounds as are appurtenant to buildings in charge of other departments of the City shall be under the jurisdiction of the Division of Lands and Buildings, Department of Public Works.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, which placed all electrical matters under the Division's jurisdiction, added 6-1-2010, was repealed 7-27-2021.
All matters having to do with surveying and engineering required for any public purpose, and all matters and duties as presently performed and carried out by the City Engineer, together with the keeping of such records as will show the engineering principals and data pertaining to any function carried on by the Division of Engineering, Department of Public Works, shall be under the jurisdiction of such division.
All matters having to do with the record and account section of the Department of Public Works, including but not limited to preparation and recordkeeping of water billing and receivables, budget data, bill drafts, payroll of all divisions of the Department of Public Works and building and construction contract records, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Division of Administration.
[Added 7-27-2021[1]]
All matters having to do with electricity, as more fully set forth in Chapter 140 of the City Code entitled "Electrical Standards," shall be under the jurisdiction of the Division of Electrical.
Editor's Note: Former § 20-18, Electrical Division, added 12-23-2008, was repealed 6-1-2010. See § 20-15B. Original § 2-196, Cost systems, payroll systems, other control systems, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 12-23-2008. See now § 28-10. Original § 2-197, Accounts of division of water to be kept separate, was also repealed 12-23-2008. See now Ch. 81, Art. II, Regional Water Utility.
[Added 6-20-2023]
All matters having to do with sustainability required for any public purpose, and all matters and duties as presently performed and carried out by the City Engineer, together with the keeping of such records as will show the engineering principals and data pertaining to any function carried on by the Division of Engineering, Department of Public Works, shall be under the jurisdiction of such Division.
It will be the function of the Division of Sustainability to manage, administer, and promote sustainability and resilience programs furthering the City of Lowell's vision of becoming sustainable, resilient, green, livable, prosperous, and equitable. The Division's primary goal is making sustainability and resilience values understood, integrated and practiced by the City government and throughout the Lowell community.
[Added 6-20-2023]
In order to allow for the necessary flexibility to permit the Department of Public Works to reflect ongoing current organizational responsibilities and to have staff titles reflect ongoing current staff functions, the City Manager shall have the authority to change staff titles and the Table of Organization in said Department. It is further understood that any future changes of staff titles and/or the Table of Organization, as authorized, shall not result in any added or deleted positions without prior approval by ordinance by the City Council. The Table of Organization appears as "Attachment A" and is incorporated into this article.[1] (The Table of Organization does not contain all of the currently existing positions in the Department of Public Works. Such positions will remain unfunded.)
Editor's Note: Said Table of Organization is on file in the City offices.
[Added 6-4-2024]
All positions in the Recreation Division, formerly in the Department of Health and Human services, are transferred to the Department of Public Works.