[Adopted 4-26-1988 as §§ 2-198 to 2-208 of the 1988 Code]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 9, Art. VI, Board of Parks. The Department of Parks and Recreation is now the Parks Department. See the 6-9-2015 ordinance establishing the Department of Health and Human Services (Art. XII of this chapter). The Recreation Division and its staff are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works.
Under the authority of MGL c. 43, § 5 there is hereby established a Department of Parks and Recreation (hereinafter referred to as the "Department") under the jurisdiction of the City Manager in conformity with Plan E.
This Department shall combine therein what was formerly the Division of Parks and Playgrounds under the Department of Public Works as well as the Cemeteries Department and the Recreation Department.
It is intended that the Cemetery Commission and the Board of Parks shall continue to function, adjunct to the Department, with respect to statutory and ordained responsibilities of policy-making and regulatory powers; however, the administration, operation and maintenance of commons, parks and playgrounds and cemeteries shall be a function of the Department of Parks and Recreation.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
It shall be the function of the Department to administer, operate and maintain the commons, parks and playgrounds, cemeteries and recreational activities within the City of Lowell.
The Department shall be staffed by the following personnel:
Commissioner of Parks and Recreation;
Parks and Recreation Planner;
Superintendent of Cemeteries;
Superintendent of Parks and Open Space;
Superintendent of Recreation;
Support and clerical personnel; and
Such other personnel as the City Council, with the advice of the City Manager, shall from time to time authorize.
The Department shall be headed by the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, who shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the City Manager. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to:
Prepare plans and objectives for the Department under the general approval of the City Manager.
Develop a program for the carrying out of said plans and objectives under the general approval of the City Manager.
Be responsible for the overall maintenance of open space, commons, parks, playgrounds, cemeteries and recreational facilities.
Exercise general supervision over the following personnel:
Parks and Recreation Planner.
Superintendent of Cemeteries.
Superintendent of Parks and Open Space.
Superintendent of Recreation.
Other subordinate employees within the Department.
Prepare the budget for the Department.
Administer the Department in general.
Carry out the extension of all duties prescribed by law, ordinance, policy and/or rules or regulations regarding the commons, parks, playgrounds and recreational activities with the City of Lowell.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the City Manager and for the City Council.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Planner to:
Conduct recreation need assessment.
Act as liaison with public and corporate recreational sponsors.
Plan and develop training programs.
Plan and develop a scheduling system for use of all recreational facilities.
Plan and implement new recreational programs.
Act as liaison with the state and national park authorities regarding recreational matters.
Prepare an updated open space and recreational program.
Assist the Department of Public Works and other departments in planning and implementation of community development block grants and other federal and state programs.
Perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the City Manager, the City Council or the department head.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Superintendent of Parks and Open Space to:
Be responsible for the overall maintenance of all commons, parks and playgrounds under the general direction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation.
Be responsible for the supervision of special maintenance programs, under the overall direction of the City Manager and the department head, including but not limited to:
Downtown maintenance crew.
Vandalism reporting and enforcement in coordination with the Police Department or the rules and regulations under Chapter 214, Parks and Recreation, of the Code of the City of Lowell.
Vacant lot cleanup program.
Other special maintenance programs as assigned by the office of the Manager through the department head.
Be responsible for coordination with the Police Department regarding the towing of vehicles.
Be responsible for coordinating the conduct of festivals and similar public events.
Perform all of the above under the general direction of the department head.
Perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the City Manager, the City Council or the department head.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Superintendent of Cemeteries to:
Be responsible for the maintenance of cemeteries.
Be responsible for the supervision of special maintenance programs under the overall direction of the City Manager and the department head, including but not limited to:
Tree crews.
Summer employment training programs.
Other special cleanup crews as assigned by the office of the City Manager through the department head.
Perform all of the above under the general direction of the department head.
Perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the City Manager, the City Council or the department head.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Superintendent of Recreation to:
Be responsible for the coordination and administration of:
Recreation programs.
Sports programs.
Aquatic programs.
Sports and recreational activities.
Be responsible for the implementation of a recreation needs assessment.
Be responsible for the coordination and administration of:
Indoor recreation programs.
Special projects and programs.
Perform all of the above under the general direction of the department head.
Perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the City Manager, the City Council or the department head.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Administrative Clerk/Parks and Recreation to:
Assist the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, the Parks and Recreation Planner, the Superintendent of Cemeteries, the Superintendent of Parks and Open Space and the Superintendent of Recreation in carrying out the administrative/clerical related duties of the Department.
Supervise subordinate clerical personnel and exercise decisionmaking authority within related field.
Prepare, inspect, check and keep records for the purchase of materials and supplies in accordance with the procedures of the Purchasing Department.
Prepare and submit financial reports as required by the Commissioner.
Handle all payments of accounts, payroll and payments in accordance with ordained procedures.
Assist in the preparation of the budget.
Perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the City Manager, the City Council or the department head, or his designee.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 2-208, Table of organization, which immediately followed this section, has been removed at the City's request. The current table of organization for the Department of Parks and Recreation is on file with the Department.