All improvements shall be installed in complete accordance with the standards of this chapter, with other particular specifications approved by the municipal agency and City Engineer and with all other applicable City, county, state and federal regulations, including the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21) and New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual.[1]
Should improvements be required which are not provided for within the particular sections of this chapter, they shall be designed and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice and recognized design standards.
The developer (or his engineer) shall submit detailed design calculations and construction specifications in each instance.
Prior to initiation of such specialized design, the particular standards to be utilized shall be submitted for review by the municipal agency and City or municipal agency engineer.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (latest edition), including all addenda, and the Standard Construction Details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (latest revision) as modified, supplemented, amended or superseded by the requirements of this chapter, by the approved final plat, by particular agreements among the municipal agency, City Council and subdivider or by other applicable City, county, state or federal regulations, shall govern the completion of the required improvements. Such Standard Specifications and Standard Construction Details are made a part of this chapter by reference and will not be repeated herein. It is the responsibility of all developers to familiarize themselves with these standards, copies of which may be examined at the offices of the City Clerk, administrative officer and City Engineer and may be obtained, upon payment of the cost thereof, from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The requirements of this chapter, of an approved final plat or of particular agreements and conditions of approval and of applicable City, county, state or federal regulations shall govern and prevail in the case of conflict between them and the Standard Specifications or Standard Construction Details. Should the City adopt, subsequent to the effective data of this chapter, particular and specific standard construction details for the City, they shall govern and prevail over the Standard Construction Details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation previously referred to.
All site plan and subdivision plats shall conform to design standards that will encourage desirable development patterns within the City.
Where either or both an Official Map or Master Plan has been adopted, the site plan or subdivision shall conform to the proposals and conditions shown thereon.
The streets, drainage rights-of-way, school sites, public parks and playgrounds and other municipal facilities shown on an adopted Master Plan or Official Map shall be considered in the review of site plan plans and subdivision plats.
Where no Master Plan or Official Map exists, or an adopted Master Plan or Official Map makes no provisions therefor, streets and drainage rights-of-way shall be shown on the final plat in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-38, and shall be such as to lend themselves to the harmonious development of the City and the enhancement of the public welfare.
Within the criteria established by and subject to the review and approval of the municipal agency, all design of a site plan or subdivision is the responsibility of the developer and he shall be responsible for and bear the entire cost of any and all investigations, tests, reports, surveys, samples, calculations, environmental assessments, designs, researches or any other activity necessary to the completion of the design.
The standards set forth in this chapter shall be taken to be the minimum necessary to meet its purposes as set forth elsewhere herein.
The responsibility of the municipal agency shall be to see that these minimum standards are followed and, in those cases not covered by these standards, sufficient precautions are taken to assure that the eventual design is conducive to the implementation of the purposes of this chapter and the City Master Plan.
The municipal agency may employ professionals in various disciplines to advise and assist it in its determinations.
Any decisions of the municipal agency regarding the suitability or sufficiency of any design proposal, taken upon advice of its professionals and subject to the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed conclusive.
To properly execute the design of a site plan or subdivision, it is anticipated that the developer will obtain or cause to be obtained certain design data, including, but not limited to, soil tests and analyses, environmental assessments, traffic studies and traffic projections, surveys, reports and similar design data.
Any and all such data obtained by the developer, or by others retained by him to complete the design, shall be made available to the municipal agency and its employees and professional consultants, for the purpose of reviewing the proposed design.
Should the municipal agency determine that the design data submitted is not sufficient for the purpose of completing a full review of the proposal, it may request the applicant to provide such additional information as is deemed necessary.
Until the applicant supplies such information, no submission under the provisions of this chapter shall be termed complete.
Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to prevent the municipal agency from making or causing to be made such independent studies, calculations or other undertakings as it deems necessary in the review of any application for development.
When a developer determines that it will be necessary to utilize design standards in addition to or other than those minimum requirements established herein, he is advised to consult with the City Engineer prior to beginning his detailed design, for review and approval of his proposed design standards.
Standards utilized should generally be nationally recognized and in common use in this area.
Design standards may not be utilized if they do not have the approval of the City Engineer.
It is recognized that, in certain instances, preexisting conditions or the uniqueness of a particular proposal may require the waiver of some of the standards presented herein.
The municipal agency may consider and, for cause shown, may waive strict conformance with such of these detailed design standards as it sees fit.
Any developer desiring such action shall present with his application for development a listing of all such waivers desired, together with reasons therefor.
All improvements referred to in this section shall be subject to inspection and approval by the City Engineer, who shall be notified in writing by the subdivider at least 24 hours prior to the start of each phase of construction. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved.
Before any subdivider, contractor or agent shall install any of the above required improvements, said subdivider, contractor or agent must be approved and accepted by the City Council for competency and previous experience, and shall be required to supply such information as shall be necessary for the City Council to make such determination.
No construction work shall commence without the City Engineer being notified in advance of such proposed construction, and such notice shall be given by the subdivider at least 24 hours before the commencement of said work.
Prior to the submission of the final plat to the Planning Board, the subdivider shall obtain from the City Engineer an estimate of all improvements or uncompleted portions thereof in accordance with the requirements and specifications in this section, together with an estimate of any damage to any existing accepted streets abutting the proposed subdivision which may be caused by reason of work performed in said subdivision.
As a condition to the final approval of the final plat by the City Council, the subdivider shall post a performance guarantee conditioned upon the completion of the required improvements and for repair of any damage caused by the subdivider to existing streets, for soil protection, and protection against removal of trees.
The performance guarantee shall consist of a performance bond in an amount consistent with the laws of the State of New Jersey issued by a bonding or surety company authorized to issue such performance bonds in New Jersey and to be approved as to form by the City Solicitor or by the deposit in escrow of cash or negotiable securities as approved by the City Council or other collateral or surety agreements as may be approved by the City Council.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012; 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 10-2018]
Such performance guarantee shall run for a period to be fixed by the City Council, but in no case for a term of more than three years.
However, with the consent of the subdivider and the surety, if there be one, the City Council may by resolution extend the term of such performance guarantee for such additional period as it shall deem reasonable under the circumstances.
The amount of the performance guarantee may be reduced by the resolution when portions of the required improvements have been installed and inspected as above set forth.
The subdivider shall also pay the City a fee amounting to 5% of said estimated cost, to cover the cost of construction observation, payable prior to the signing of the plat by the appropriate City officials or prior to issuance of a construction permit. The fee shall be deposited in an escrow account with the City. If actual construction observation fees are less than the escrow fund, the remainder shall be refunded. If the fees exceed the escrow fund, the applicant shall deposit an additional amount to cover the cost of the construction observation.
For municipal acceptance of public improvements, when the subdivider has constructed and installed the streets, drainage facilities, curbs, sidewalks, street signs, monuments and other improvements in accordance with City regulations, standards and specifications, and desires the City to accept the improvements, he shall, in writing, addressed to the City Council with copies thereof to the City Engineer, request the City Engineer to make a semi-final inspection of the improvements. Along with this request, the subdivider shall submit an "as built" plan showing all subsurface utilities such as french drains, combination drains, sanitary sewage disposal systems, both public and individual water lines and control valves, gas lines, telephone conduits, monuments, property iron markers and any other utility installed but not shown on the original engineering detail plan.
The issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any residence within a major subdivision shall be accompanied by a statement from the City Engineer that all public improvements affecting the residence in question have been installed.
Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements herein.
Should improvements be required which are not provided for within the particular sections of this chapter, they shall be designed and constructed in accordance with sound and accepted engineering practices and recognized design standards.
The developer (or his designee) shall submit detailed design calculations and construction specifications in each such instance.
Prior to the completion of such specialized design, the particular standards to be utilized shall be submitted for review by the City Engineer.
All parking areas, passageways and driveways shall be constructed with either bituminous concrete flexible pavement structure or a portland cement concrete rigid pavement structure. Only one type of pavement shall be utilized throughout any site except for driveway apron areas.
The pavement structure design for each particular site utilizing either a flexible or rigid pavement type shall be the responsibility of the developer (or his/her engineer).
The pavement design shall be based upon traffic loading projections and field sampling and laboratory analysis of the subgrade soils to be encountered in roadway areas in the site and shall follow current design recommendations of the Asphalt Institute, Portland Cement Association or such other generally recognized standards as may be acceptable to the City Engineer.
As a minimum requirement, rigid portland cement paving shall be expansion joint type paving utilizing joints similar to Type A expansion joints, according to the Standard Construction Detail of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, shall be reinforced, constructed with Class B air-entrained concrete and shall have a minimum thickness of six inches.
For bituminous concrete pavements which shall be dedicated to the City, the following minimum design standards shall be applicable:
Four-inch gravel base consisting of compacted land aggregate, Mix I-5.
Four-inch stabilized base.
One-and-one-half-inch surface course consisting of FABC-1, Mix I-5.
For bituminous concrete paving areas to remain privately owned, the following minimum design standards shall be applicable:
Six-inch gravel base consisting of compacted road aggregate, Mix I-5.
Two-inch surface course consisting of FABC-1, Mix I-5.
Sidewalks with a minimum width of four feet and a minimum thickness of four inches shall be provided between parking areas and principal structures, along aisles and driveways, along all public rights-of-way, and wherever pedestrian traffic shall occur.
Sidewalks must be raised and curbed six inches above the parking areas, except where crossing streets or driveways, and wherever pedestrian traffic occur.
Sidewalks and parking areas must be arranged to prevent cars from overhanging or extending over sidewalk areas.
All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications.
Sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be six inches reinforced with welded wire fabric (6x6-10/10) or equivalent approved by the City Engineer.
The design and construction or approval of all sanitary sewer systems (or extensions of existing systems), either publicly or privately owned, shall be under the jurisdiction of the City and other agencies having jurisdiction over review. Prior to the approval of any site plans, the full approval of any public sewage disposal system must have been obtained from the City and other agencies having jurisdictional review.
No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as spoil. All topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed on all regraded surfaces so as to provide an even cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. All regraded areas shall be covered by a four-inch minimum thickness.
No tree of six-inch caliper or more, located on a lot between the borders of the lots and building setback line, shall be removed except for the installation of a driveway aisle or parking area unless such approval is in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Board.
All planting, clearing, selective thinning, topsoiling, seeding and other landscape work shall conform with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications.
The following standards and guidelines contained herein shall apply to all applications for site plan approval containing proposed new buildings and structures or alterations or modifications to existing structures.
These building design objectives are intended to assist the Planning Board in the review of specific development proposals.
All buildings should be located with proper consideration of their orientation and relationship to other buildings, both existing and proposed, in terms of light, air and usable open space; access to public rights-of-way and off-street parking; height and bulk; drainage and existing topography; trees and vegetation; watercourses; solar access; and energy conservation.
Groups of related buildings shall be designed to present a harmonious appearance in terms of architectural style and exterior materials.
Buildings should be designed to be attractive from all vantage points, including fences, storage areas and rear entrances.
Building setbacks should be varied to the extent practicable in order to provide an interesting interplay of buildings and open spaces.
Accessory buildings should be architecturally treated in the same manner as principal structures.
All exterior storage areas and service yards, loading docks and ramps, electrical and mechanical equipment and enclosures, storage tanks and the like shall be screened from the public view, within and from the outside of the development, by a fence, wall, or mature landscape materials, consistent with the exterior design of building within the development.
Colors, materials and finishes shall be coordinated in all exterior elevations of buildings to achieve continuity of expression. All roof and wall projections such as gutters, flues, louvers, utility boxes, vents, grills, downspouts, exposed flashing, and overhead doors shall be painted or installed with an anodized or acrylic finish, in a color to match adjacent surfaces.
All openings in the wall of a structure, such as windows and doors, should relate to each other on each elevation, vertically and horizontally, in a clearly defined order; and should take into account orientation to the sun, in terms of architectural elements for sun-shading and consideration of the efficiencies of heat loss and gain through such openings.
Buildings and parking areas should be designed to relate to existing grade conditions. Exposed basement walls are not acceptable as an architectural treatment. All exposed basement walls must be painted to relate properly to the side of the building.
Landscape elements shall relate to architectural design elements and shall be considered a strong unifying component of the overall site design, reflecting the natural and man-made (architectural and aesthetic) qualities of the development.
These residential design standards and guidelines are intended to assist the Planning Board in the review of specific proposals.
Residential design should create the appearance of individuality of housing units, and avoid the appearance of a large, undifferentiated project.
Dwelling units should have adequate interior living space, using low-maintenance, high-quality aesthetically attractive materials.
Easy access to outdoor space and parking from all residential units should be provided.
The design should provide a safe, well-lighted residential environment free of through traffic and congestion.
Senior citizen housing should be located near community facilities, public transportation and neighborhood retail services.
Each development in excess of 50 dwelling units shall contain at least three substantially different, yet architecturally compatible, principal building designs and elevations. The architectural design and materials used in the construction of the sides and rear of a principal building shall be the same as the design and materials used on the front of the principal building.
Appurtenances such as, but not limited to, tanks, condenser units and other equipment shall be fully screened from view. Such appurtenances and their screening, plus chimneys, cupolas and other items which extend above the roof line, shall not exceed 15% of the horizontal area of the first floor unless the highest such item shall be used to measure building height.
Permitted yard encroachments shall include chimneys, one-story bay windows projecting less than two feet, cornices, eaves, and roof overhangs, terraces or patios not covered nor rising more than three feet above finished grade, gutters and downspouts.
All building plans approved by the Planning Board shall be reviewed and approved by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Housing Inspection, or authorized plan review agency whose approval is required by state statute or municipal ordinance, before any building permits are issued by the Construction Official.
The following design guidelines should be adhered to:
Site design should create identifiable clusters of dwellings which relate visually and functionally to the open space network.
Site design should minimize noise intrusion into the dwelling cluster and protect the visual privacy of dwelling units.
Private and common open spaces should be clearly delineated. Recreation facilities should be designed and sited for the convenience of the uses. Where a variety of age groups are expected to inhabit the development, recreation facilities should be designed to accommodate the full range of inhabitants.
Pedestrian circulation routes should accommodate the predictable traffic patterns and form the shortest route between the dwellings and the facilities likely to be used. They should parallel access roads and adjacent streets and, where feasible, link the developments to off-site facilities to which residents are likely to travel.
Dwelling units in a development, designed for possible use by physically handicapped persons, shall meet or exceed New Jersey Uniform Construction Code minimum property standards and the additional requirements contained herein.
Each such dwelling unit shall be accessible from the nearest parking spaces by means of a walk uninterrupted by steps or abrupt changes in grade and shall have a width of not less than five feet and a gradient of not more than one foot in 20 feet or an approved ramp. The parking spaces for the dwelling unit shall be reserved for the use of its occupants and be not less than 12 feet wide and shall not be so situated as to require the handicapped to pass behind parked cars to reach the entranceway.
Electrical switches, controls and fire alarms shall not be located more than 54 inches above the floor within the dwelling unit or in any common area likely to be used by such dwelling occupants. At least one toilet on the first floor of such dwelling units shall be 19 inches from the floor to the seat.
The Planning Board shall approve common buildings and facilities only if adequate provisions have been made for use by the physically handicapped and shall be guided in such judgment by the specifications for making buildings and facilities accessible to, and usable by, the physically handicapped as set forth in N.J.A.C. 17:19A et seq., New Jersey Barrier Free Design Regulations, promulgated by the Department of Treasury, Division of Building and Construction.
The commercial office and industrial design standards contained below are intended to assist the Planning Board in the review of specific proposals.
Exterior materials may include brick, stone, anodized aluminum and baked enamel metal panels, precast concrete and similar materials, with appropriate texture and trim to prevent large undifferentiated facades of the same material. All buildings within the historical district shall utilize exterior materials compatible with and of a type which will enhance the historical character of the area.
All roof planes or caps meeting the exterior facade shall have overhangs or appropriate cornice and trim details.
All major entrances to buildings shall be properly identified with architectural elements such as recessed entranceways, projected overhangs, and porticos.
Flat roof canopies on metal pipe columns shall not be used on commercial buildings.
Window and door openings shall include appropriate trim and either recesses or overhangs to promote a harmonious variety of light and shade on the facade of the building.
Buildings and structures used for functional purposes, such as warehouses, indoor sports facilities and manufacturing facilities, shall include appropriate landscaping adjacent to boundary facades in the public view.
The block length, width, and acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size and dimensions of lots required for the zoning district by this chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation control, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians.
Block lengths may vary between 400 feet and 2,000 feet, but blocks along other than local collector streets shall not be less than 1,000 feet long.
Interior crosswalks with a right-of-way 20 feet wide containing a sidewalk of four feet or greater in width and fenced on both sides may be required for blocks longer than 1,000 feet from the ends of the culs-de-sac to adjacent streets and elsewhere as required by the public convenience, including the provision of walks giving access to schools, playgrounds and shopping centers without the necessity of crossing traffic thoroughfares.
For commercial, group housing or industrial use, block size shall be sufficient to meet all area and yard requirements for such use.
Buffers shall be required for tracts fronting on arterial and collector streets, namely on the perimeter of all tracts within N-B Neighborhood Business, C-B Community Business, R-C Regional Commercial, O-P Office Professional, O-PB Office Professional Business, C-MF Commercial-Multifamily Zone and R-SC Senior Citizen Residential, around parking lots and unloading areas, and of nonresidential uses where the municipal agency determines that a proposed development should be screened or separated from adjacent users and from public view.
[Amended 12-16-2014 by Ord. No. 7-2014]
A buffer shall include an area which is topsoiled and containing ground cover, seed, and/or sod and appropriate plantings of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Where buffers are required, the buffer shall be a minimum of three feet in width and located within common open space areas. In no case shall part of the yard area assigned to a building or a dwelling be considered as part of the buffer.
A landscaped buffer screen, where required, shall comply with the following minimum standards:
Shrubs and trees required as buffer elements shall be comprised of a variety of species approved by the municipal agency and shall conform to the current American Standard for Nursery Stock sponsored by the American Nursery and Landscape Association.
Where a commercial, business, office or industrial use abuts an existing, conforming residential use, a landscaped buffer shall be required along the perimeter and within the commercial, industrial, office or business use lot in conformance with the district regulations in Article XI of this chapter.
Preexisting vegetation and trees shall be preserved and incorporated into the landscaped buffer, provided that additional plantings will be incorporated to comply with the minimum standards above.
A berm may be used as part of the landscaped buffer screen, in which case the landscaping requirements may be reduced in minimum height and quantity, provided a suitable and attractive visual screen is maintained. The berm shall not be less than three feet horizontally. The design shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and the municipal agency.
The intensity of the buffer screen may be reduced by the municipal agency if it is found that the proposed use is visually attractive and not detrimental to the appearance of the neighboring uses.
Within a buffer area, no use, activity or sign shall be established other than the following:
Driveways which are necessary to provide proper means of ingress and egress for parking areas. Driveways, when located in a buffer, shall provide direct access from the road or right-of-way line to the nearest nonbuffered area. Loop or peripheral roads shall not be located within a buffer area.
Directional signs in conjunction with said driveways which are necessary for the proper guidance and control of vehicular traffic, provided that not more than one such sign is erected in conjunction with each driveway.
Within buffer areas required by Subsection A above, there shall be provided screening in accordance with the following regulations:
Figure 1
Standard Screening
Double Staggered Rows of Approved Evergreen Trees
Except as otherwise provided herein, the screening area shall be a minimum of 15 feet in width and shall be planted with evergreen trees approved by the municipal agency and the City Engineer. Trees shall be planted in two staggered rows seven feet apart and shall be between six feet and eight feet in height and shall conform to the current Standard for Nursery Stock of the American Nursery and Landscape Association. Within each row, the trees shall be planted on six-foot centers. The municipal agency may vary the spacing of the trees depending upon the species and the size of the specimens.
In cases where it is determined to be desirable by the municipal agency, evergreen trees planted with a minimum height of four feet may be substituted for the six-foot trees required under this section, provided that the developer shall install a solid six-foot-high stockade fence along the outside of the required screening strips in accordance with § 215-95 prior to commencing the construction of improvements on the site. The spacing of the trees may be varied by the municipal agency depending upon the size and species of the specimen to be used.
Where suitable trees exist within a screening area, they should be retained and supplemented with shade-tolerant evergreen trees to provide the equivalent of the required screening as determined by the municipal agency.
Where all proposed buildings, parking areas, and other improvements are located 100 feet or more from a property line abutting a residential zone or use, the Planning Board may permit a screening area 10 feet in width planted with a single row of evergreen trees in a location approved by the municipal agency planted on five-foot centers with a minimum height of six feet to eight feet of a type and species to be substituted for the screening area required in Figure 1 (see Figure 2 below). Spacing requirements for the buffer plantings may be varied by the municipal agency depending upon the size and species of the specimens to be used.
Figure 2
Modified Screening
Single Row of Approved Evergreen Trees
The required height for a screening area shall be measured in relationship to the elevation of the land at the nearest required rear, side or front yard setback line of the abutting residentially zoned properties. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is less than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line of the abutting residentially zoned property, the municipal agency may require the height of trees planted in the required screening strip to be increased by an amount equal to the difference in elevation. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is greater than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the municipal agency may permit the height of trees planted in the required screening strips to be decreased by an amount equal to 1/2 the difference in elevation, except that in no case shall the required height be reduced to less than four feet.
All trees in a screening area shall be watered weekly through the first growing season. The developer shall construct a six-inch-deep earth saucer six inches outside the drip line of each tree to hold water and fill it with woodchips or other suitable mulch. Trees shall be nursery grown, balled and bagged, sheared and shaped, of the required height, and planted according to accepted horticultural standards.
At the following locations within required screening areas, evergreen shrubs with a maximum mature height of 30 inches or less, approved by the municipal agency as to type, location and spacing, shall be provided in lieu of the evergreen trees specified above:
Within sight triangle easements.
Within 25 feet of intersections where sight triangle easements are not provided.
Within 25 feet of access drives.
Waiver. The municipal agency, after favorable recommendation by the City Engineer and the Shade Tree Commission, and after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this section in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions, and/or may require supplementary plantings. In cases where plantings are deemed not necessary, the payment representing the cost of said improvement shall be made by the developer to a Shade Tree Planting Fund to be established and maintained by the City for public rights-of-way.
All development on tidal lagoons, navigable waterways, or other bodies of water, either existing or proposed, shall provide for bulkheading. All development on nontidal bodies of water, either existing or proposed, shall provide for bulkheading or other appropriate permanent bank stabilization, acceptable to the municipal agency. In no case shall bank slopes, bulkhead, rip-rap, revetments, or other elements of bank stabilization be located within required minimum yard areas.
Bulkheads may be constructed of treated timber, reinforced concrete, marine alloy steel or other material in accordance with approved details (if adopted) and a detailed design to be submitted by the developer in each case for approval by the City Engineer, and such other approval authorities, including, but not limited to, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, as may be necessary.
The municipal agency may consider waiver and/or modification of this requirement when necessary to preserve wetlands or other natural features, provided that minimum lot sizes may be maintained and that all development may be made reasonably secure from erosion.
In zoning districts where bulk storage is a permitted accessory use, the following minimum requirements shall apply:
No bulk storage of material or equipment shall be permitted in any required front yard area or within 50 feet of any public street, whichever is greater.
No bulk storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted between any side or rear lot line and the required side or rear setback line.
All bulk storage areas shall be screened from public view by means of suitable fencing and/or evergreen plantings as required by the municipal agency. Where the property is adjacent to a residential zone or use, the screening shall meet the minimum requirements of § 215-85 of this chapter and a six-foot chain-link fence or equivalent shall be provided.
No fence used to screen a bulk storage area shall be placed closer to any property line than the distance constituting the required front, side, or rear setbacks, and all setback areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of § 215-85 of this chapter.
All service roads, driveways and bulk storage areas shall be paved with bituminous concrete or other surfacing material, as required by the municipal agency, which shall be of sufficient strength to handle the anticipated use.
In no instance shall on-site bulk storage of material exceed the height of 10 feet.
No heavy equipment shall be operated or parked closer to the front property line than the required front setback plus 20 feet, except as same may be in transit to or from the site.
All grading, excavation or embankment construction shall be in accordance with the approved final plat and shall provide for the disposal of all stormwater runoff and such groundwater seepage as may be encountered. All clearing, excavation and embankment construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. No excavated material may be removed from the site except in accordance with an approved final plat nor without the prior approval of the City Engineer. Where borrow excavation materials from off-site sources are required to complete the necessary grading, such material shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Borrow Excavation, Zone 3, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. All trees to be saved must have a snow fence erected at the drip line of the tree.
Material which the City Engineer judges unsuitable for use in roadway embankment may be used for grading outside the roadway right-of-way or in building areas with the permission of the City Engineer and the Construction Official (for building areas). Any unsuitable material which cannot be satisfactorily utilized on the site shall be removed from the site and disposed of at a place to be provided by the developer.
At major developments, a maximum "critical footprint area" extends 20 feet beyond the driveway and building footprint, where clearing of trees cannot occur.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
All construction layout and grading stakes shall be set by a licensed professional land surveyor employed by the developer or his contractor.
All rough grading must be completed prior to the construction of roadway subgrade. All sidewalk areas and slope areas must be fully graded prior to the construction of finished pavements or pavement base courses.
To preserve the integrity of pavements, embankments and excavations for streets or roadways shall be provided with slopes no steeper than one foot of vertical rise for every three feet of horizontal distance.
Such slopes shall be suitably planted with perennial grasses or other ground cover plantings in accordance with the plans approved by the municipal agency.
In areas where excavations or embankments would extend significantly beyond road rights-of-way, thereby causing disruption to the natural environment of the development, the municipal agency may, upon the application of the developer, consider or may, upon its own initiative, direct the use of terraces, retaining walls, crib walls or other means of maintaining roadway slopes.
In any event, the entire roadway right-of-way shall be fully graded and any retaining walls, crib walls or terraces shall be located outside of the roadway right-of-way and their maintenance shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property on which they are constructed.
The developer shall make suitable provisions in the instruments transferring title to any property containing such terraces, retaining walls or crib walls and shall provide a copy thereof to the municipal agency and the City Clerk.
All graded areas within or outside of the roadway right-of-way shall be neatly graded, topsoiled, fertilized and seeded to establish a stand of perennial grasses.
Top of slopes in excavations and the toe of slopes in embankment areas shall not extend beyond the right-of-way line or, where provided, the exterior line of the six-foot-wide shade tree and utility easement required herein.
Sidewalk and easement areas shall slope at 2% to the top of the curb elevation, and sidewalk construction shall conform to this slope.
In general, sidewalks shall be constructed three feet from the face of the curb.
Lot grading. Lots shall be graded to secure proper drainage and to prevent the collection of stormwater. Said grading shall be performed in a manner which will minimize the damage to or destruction of trees growing on the land. Topsoil shall be provided and/or redistributed on the surface as cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. Grading plans shall have been submitted with the preliminary and final plats, and any departure from these plans must be approved in accordance with the requirements of this chapter for the modification of improvements. Grading shall be designed to prevent or minimize drainage to structures or improvements when major storms, exceeding the design basis of the storm drainage system, occur.
Wherever possible at major developments, the land shall be graded so that the stormwater from each lot shall drain directly to an interior yard drainage designed in accordance with the standards for drainage facilities. If it is impossible to drain directly to interior yard drainage, it shall drain to the street.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Unless otherwise required by the Standard Specifications, all tree stumps, masonry and other obstructions shall be removed to a depth of two feet below finished grade.
The minimum slope for lawns shall be 3/4 of 1% and for smooth, hard-finished surfaces, other than roadways, 4/10 of 1%.
The minimum grade for lawns within five feet of a building shall be 2%, and the maximum grade for lawns within five feet of a building shall be 10% and for lawns more than five feet from a building, 25%.
Retaining walls installed in slope-control areas shall be constructed of heavy, treated timber or logs, reinforced concrete, other reinforced masonry or of other construction acceptable to the City Engineer and adequately designed and detailed on the final plat to carry all earth pressures, including any surcharges. The height of retaining walls shall not exceed 1/3 of the horizontal distance from the foundation wall of any building to the face of the retaining wall. Should the City adopt, subsequently to this chapter, standard details for such construction, the same shall govern.
The developer shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any siltation of streams during construction. Such provisions may include, but are not limited to, construction and maintenance of siltation basins or holding ponds, and division berms through the course of construction.
All concrete used in any subdivision or site improvement shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications for the various classes of concrete used, except that the twenty-eight-day compressive strength of the concrete used shall not be less than the following:
Type of Concrete
(pounds per square inch)
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Concrete shall be cured with a compound in accordance with the following methods or materials:
Methods of application. The compound shall be applied in a continuous uniform film by means of power-operated pressure spraying or distributing equipment at the rate directed by the Engineer, but not less than one gallon per 200 square feet of surface. The equipment for applying the compound shall provide for adequate agitation of the compound during application and must be approved by the Engineer before work is started. If the compound becomes too thick for satisfactory application during cold weather, the material may be warmed in a water bath at a temperature not over 100° F. Thinning with solvents will not be permitted. Should the method of applying the compound produce a nonuniform film, its use shall be discontinued and the curing shall be done by another method approved by the Engineer that will conform to the requirements for curing concrete.
Materials for curing: liquid compound, clear or translucent. Clear or translucent liquid curing compound shall consist of a blend of resins and other suitable materials held in solution in a volatile solvent. It shall not separate on standing, shall be nontoxic, and shall become dry to touch within four hours after being applied to the concrete under ordinary conditions. Acceptance for continued use also will be based upon satisfactory field performance.
Consistency. The consistency of the compound shall be such that it can be applied to the concrete in the amount specified, as a fine spray by means of an atomizing nozzle.
Character of film. The compound shall adhere to damp, vertical or horizontal concrete surfaces forming a continuous coherent film when applied at the specified rate. When dry, the film shall not be tacky or track off the concrete when walked upon, nor impart a slippery condition to the surface.
Color. The compound shall produce no darkening or changing of the color of the concrete to which it is applied. It shall, however, be of such a nature or so treated that the film will be distinctively visible for at least four hours after application. Any coloring matter added to the compound shall be a fugitive organic dye of a color approved by the Engineer. All trace of this color shall be indistinct 30 days after application.
Reaction with concrete. The compound shall not react deleteriously with the wet concrete and shall form a superficial layer over the surface thereof.
Moisture retention. When tested in accordance with current ASTM Designation C156, the moisture loss shall be not more than 0.055 gram per square centimeter of the mortar specimen surface, based on the amount of water in the mortar at the time the curing material is applied.
Curbing shall be required on all streets adjoining the proposed land development.
Any existing pavements damaged by curb construction shall be repaired to the standards herein and/or as shown on the final plat.
Where one side of the development boundary is along an existing street, the curb and/or curb and gutter shall be constructed only on the development side.
Curb cuts or flush curbs with curb stops are permitted in order to allow vegetated swales to be used for stormwater conveyance and to allow the disconnection of impervious areas.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
The following type of curb shall be constructed:
Concrete curb shall be eight inches wide at its base and not less than six inches wide at its top.
Its height shall not be less than 18 inches, constructed to show a vertical face above the roadway pavement of six inches.
It shall be constructed by use of suitable lumber or metal forms, true to line and grade, and open joints shall be provided at intervals of 10 feet and half-inch bituminous expansion joints every 20 feet.
Curb and/or combination curb and gutter shall be constructed of Class B concrete, air-entrained, in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications.
Curbing shall be laid in a workmanlike manner as directed and approved by the City Engineer.
At places where a concrete curb abuts portland cement concrete pavement, joints in the curb shall be placed to match the paving joints and intermediate joints shall be placed so as to create equal curb panels not longer than 20 feet.
When concrete combination curb and gutter is required, the gutter shall be eight inches thick and shall be constructed of Class B air-entrained concrete. Joints in the gutter shall be formed simultaneously with joints on the curb.
Curb and combination curb and gutter cross sections shall be as shown in Figures 3 and 4.[1]
Editor's Note: Figures 3 and 4 are included at the end of this chapter.
The requirements of the Standard Specifications regarding curing precautions must be strictly observed.
The curb at all delivery openings shall be depressed at the front of the curb to a point 1 1/2 inches above the finished pavement.
The rear top corner of this curb shall have a radius of 1/4 inch, and the front top corner shall have a radius of one inch.
Curb openings shall be in such width as shall be determined by the City Engineer, but in no case less than 16 feet at the edge of the pavement.
Use of combination curb and gutter will be allowed in all areas.
Timing of curb construction. In areas with bituminous concrete pavements, required curb and/or curb and gutter shall be constructed prior to the construction of the bituminous base courses. Any required repairs to curbs and/or combination curb and gutter which are not suitable for acceptance shall be made prior to construction of the final pavement wearing course. In those areas having portland cement concrete pavement, the curb shall be constructed after the construction and curing of the portland cement concrete pavement.
Alternate curb types may be necessary or desirable in certain instances. For example, these may be required by the municipal agency on the perimeter of channelizing islands or in the areas of unusually heavy gutter drainage flow, or may be desired by the developer for decorative purposes or to preserve vegetation (e.g., granite block curb, rolled concrete curb, etc.).
If alternate curb types are to be permitted, an appropriate construction detail shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and final plats.
Continuous slip-formed curb or combination curb and gutter may be permitted if such is considered to be acceptable by the City Engineer.
The use of continuous slip-formed curb or combination curb and gutter may only be permitted if the applicant submits for review and approval details and specifications concerning equipment, materials, and methods proposed for use and if the City Engineer has inspected the installation and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such curb or combination curb and gutter.
In the event the City Engineer does not approve the sample section of curb or combination curb and gutter, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of curb or curb and gutter permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the municipal agency.
Driveway aprons shall be required between the curbline and the sidewalk or right-of-way line. They shall be six inches of concrete reinforced with welded wire mesh (6x6-10/10) according to specifications required for curbing described in § 215-90E(4) above.
All entrance and exit driveways to public streets shall be located to afford maximum safety to traffic on the public streets.
Whenever possible, any exit driveway or driveway lane shall be so designed with regard to profile, grading, and location to permit the following recommended sight distance measured in each direction along the public street. The measurement shall be from the existing driveway immediately outside of the right-of-way line.
Allowable Speed on Municipal Street
Required Sight Distance
The dimensions of driveways shall be designed to adequately accommodate the volume and character of vehicles anticipated to be attracted daily onto the land development for which a site plan is prepared.
Driveway dimensions. The required minimum and maximum dimensions for driveways are indicated in the following table:
[Amended 10-18-1988 by Ord. No. 18-1988]
One-Way Operation
Two-Way Operation
Curb Line
Curb Line
Commercial and industrial
30 to 50
30 to 34
30 to 50
30 to 46
Service station
30 to 36
30 to 36
30 to 36
30 to 36
Driveways serving large volumes of traffic shall be required to utilize high to maximum dimensions.
Driveways serving low traffic volumes shall be permitted to use low to minimum dimensions.
Number of driveways. The number of driveways provided from a site directly to any one municipal street shall be recommended as follows:
Length of Site Frontage
Recommended Number of Driveways
100 or less
More than 100 to 800
Over 800
To be specified by the municipal agency upon receipt of advice of the City Engineer
No driveway to or from a parking area shall be located closer than 100 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersection collector or arterial street. However, no major use such as a shopping center or office complex, which in the opinion of the municipal agency will generate large traffic volumes, shall be located closer than 200 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersection of a collector or arterial street.
No part of any driveway from a nonresidential parking area may be located within the minimum side yard setback area required in the Schedule of Yard, Area and Building Requirements;[1] however, upon application to the municipal agency and approval of the design by the Board Engineer, the municipal agency may permit a driveway serving two or more adjacent sites to be located on or within 10 feet of a side property line between the adjacent sites.
[Amended 12-12-1989 by Ord. No. 20-1989]
Editor's Note: The schedule is included at the end of this chapter.
Driveway angle, one-way operation. Driveways used by vehicles in a one-way direction of travel (right turn only) shall not form angles smaller than 45° with the public street, unless acceleration and deceleration lanes are provided.
Driveway angle, two-way operation. Driveways used for two-way operation will intersect the public street at any angle as near 90° as site conditions will permit, and in no case shall the angle be less than 60°.
Parking areas for 25 or more cars and access drives for all parking areas on arterial highways shall provide curbed return radii of not less than 15 feet for all right-turn movements and left-turn access from one-way streets and concrete aprons on entrance and exit drives.
Parking areas for fewer than 25 cars may utilize concrete aprons without curb returns at entrance and exit drives which are not located on a minor arterial or principal arterial highway.
Access drives for single- and two-family dwellings shall utilize concrete aprons without curb returns, regardless of size or location.
Such drives shall have a minimum width of 10 feet and a maximum width of 12 feet when they provide access to a one-car garage (or when there is no garage); or a maximum width of 24 feet when they provide access to a two-car (or larger) garage.
Concrete aprons shall be paved as provided by § 215-89 of this chapter.
Stone driveway beyond the required concrete apron area shall be six inches deep consisting of a four-inch compact gravel level above the subsoil and a two-inch level of three-eighths-inch or three-fourths-inch chip granite stone placed thereon. There shall be placed a sheet(s) of polypropylene between the four-inch compact gravel and the subsoil.
[Amended 11-13-1990 by Ord. No. 15-1990]
Driveways and access aisles may use pervious paving materials to minimize stormwater runoff and promote groundwater recharge, as approved by the Municipal Engineer.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
The maximum curb depression width for single dwellings shall be the driveway width plus four feet, but not more than 25 feet.
For all other uses, the maximum curb depression width shall be the driveway width plus 10 feet, but not more than 35 feet.
All concrete should be constructed as provided by the appropriate section of this chapter.
Where a driveway connecting to a public street serves traffic from parking areas of a major traffic generator, acceleration and/or deceleration lanes may be required in accordance with the Geometric Design of Rural Highways 1965, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
The number of driveways, in such locations and of such widths, as shall be certified by the engineering official having jurisdiction over road design to be necessary and proper in order to achieve compatibility with the road design in view of the site conditions shall be permitted and shall be deemed to constitute compliance herewith.
If the road to which the driveways connect is a City street, the certifying official shall be the City Engineer; if a county road, the certifying official shall be such County Engineer as may be in charge of road design; If a state road, the certifying official shall be such official of the New Jersey Department of Transportation division, bureau or other unit in charge of road design for that road.
Width and type of aisles.
Aisles from which cars directly enter or leave parking spaces shall not be less than:
For perpendicular parking: 25 feet wide.
For 60° angle parking: 20 feet wide.
For 30° angle parking: 18 feet wide.
For 45° angle parking: 18 feet wide.
For all aisles allowing two-way traffic: 25 feet wide.
Only angle parking stalls or parallel parking stalls shall be used with one-way aisles.
Drainage easements.
If the property on which a proposed development is to be located is or is proposed to be traversed by a drainage facility of any kind, including a pipe, channel, stream, or swale, the municipal agency may require that a stormwater and drainage easement or right-of-way along said facility be provided by the developer, conforming substantially with the lines of such facility.
If existing land drainage structures such as french drains are encountered during the course of construction of any development, such drainage structures shall either be removed entirely or a revised final plat showing the location of such drainage structures and accompanied with detailed cross sections thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for consideration by the municipal agency. The municipal agency, after consulting its engineer and other appropriate agencies, shall either require a drainage easement, require that the structure be removed in part or in its entirety, or recommend such other action to the governing body as it deems appropriate.
All easements shall be shown on the final plat with a notation as to the purpose and restrictions of the easement. Easement lines of the final plan shall be shown with accurate dimensions and bearings unless the easement lines are parallel to or concentric with lot lines.
The land which is the subject of an easement or right-of-way shall, in the case of storm drains or constructed channels, be of a suitable width meeting the requirements for design of drainage facilities, or be a strip which conforms substantially to the floodplain of any watercourse along both sides of the watercourse to a width of 35 feet in each direction from the center line of the watercourse, whichever is the greater; except, however, that if the location of such watercourse is at or near the boundary of the subdivision, the dimensions of the easements and right-of-way shall be modified to retain it within the confines of the development.
Said easement and right-of-way shall include provisions assuring the following:
Preservation of the channel of the watercourse.
Except in the course of an authorized drainage improvement, prohibition of alteration of the contour, topography or composition of the land within the easement and right-of-way.
Prohibition of construction within the boundaries of the easement and right-of-way which will obstruct or interfere with the natural flow of the watercourse.
Reservation of a public right-of-entry for the purpose of maintaining the storm drain, drainage channel or the natural flow of drainage through the watercourse, of maintaining any and all structures related to the exercise of the easement and right-of-way and of installing and maintaining a storm or sanitary sewer system or other public utility.
Conservation easements.
Conservation easements may be required along all drainage and stormwater rights-of-way in the development and may be required also along ponds, marshes, swamps and streams or other watercourses along which drainage rights-of-way are not required. Such easements are intended to help prevent the siltation of streams and other courses and adjacent lands.
The land subjected to a conservation easement shall be a strip at least 25 feet but not more than 100 feet in width independently located or running adjacent to each side of any required drainage or stormwater right-of-way.
Such conservation easement shall contain provisions to restrict the removal of trees and ground cover except for the following purposes: removal of dead or diseased trees; thinning of trees and other growth to encourage a more desirable growth; removal of trees to allow for structures designed to impound water; and removal of trees in areas to be flooded for the creation of ponds or lakes.
The easements shall also prohibit filling or grading of the lands or the disposal of refuse or waste material of any type within the limits of the easement.
The easement shall be indicated on the plat and shall be marked on the land by iron stakes wherever the lines of such easement change direction or intersect lot lines.
Sight triangle easements.
In addition to right-of-way widths required for the full design of all streets and the wider intersections as specified, sight triangle easements may be required on all corners at all street intersections.
Such easements shall include provisions to restrict the planting of trees or other plantings or the location of structures exceeding 30 inches in height that would obstruct the clear sight across the area of the easements and a reservation to the public right-of-entry for the purpose of removing any object, natural or otherwise, that obstructs the clear sight.
Sight triangle easements shall be calculated as shown in Figure 5.[1]
Editor's Note: Figure 5 is included at the end of this chapter.
Where intersections occur on highways or roadways under the jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey or County of Atlantic, the sight triangle easements required by the state or the County of Atlantic may be substituted in lieu of the requirements above.
Sewer easements. Sewer easements shall have a minimum width of 15 feet and be designed to provide for the most convenient and economical gravity flow sewers from the probable site of each building to be erected in the subdivision to the most practical point or points of connection with existing or potential trunk lines or tributaries thereof. Such easements, except where they may cross the same, shall not be within the beds of street pavements, but may, if feasible, traverse and encompass any street right-of-way outside of the pavement or curblines. The land areas contained in such easements shall not be deducted from the total area of the lots on which they are located.
An environmental impact report shall accompany all applications for preliminary major subdivision and preliminary site plan approval for all projects which exceed 10 acres in size or those projects deemed by the municipal agency to be environmentally sensitive. Such report shall provide the information needed to evaluate the effects of the project for which approval is sought upon the environment and shall include data as follows:
A project description which shall specify what is to be done and how it is to be done, during construction and operation, as well as a recital of alternative plans deemed practicable to achieve the objective.
An inventory of existing environmental conditions at the project site and in the surrounding region which shall describe air quality, water supply, hydrology, geology, soils and properties thereof, including capabilities and limitations, sewage systems, topography, slope, vegetation, wildlife habitat, aquatic organisms, noise characteristics and levels, demography, land use, aesthetics, history and archaeology.
Air and water quality shall be described with reference to standards promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of New Jersey.
Soils shall be described with reference to criteria contained in the Cape Atlantic Conservation District standards and specifications.
An assessment of the probable impact of the project upon all topics set forth in Subsection A(2) above.
A listing and evaluation of adverse environmental impacts which cannot be avoided, with particular emphasis upon air or water pollution, increase in noise, damage to plant, tree and wildlife systems, damage to natural resources, displacement of people and businesses, displacement of existing farms, increase in sedimentation and siltation, increase in municipal services and consequences to the municipal tax structure. Off-site impact shall also be set forth and evaluated if appropriate.
A description of steps to be taken to minimize adverse environmental impacts during construction and operation, both at the project site and in the surrounding region, such description to be accompanied by necessary maps and schedules and other explanatory data as may be needed to clarify and explain the actions to be taken.
A statement concerning any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.
A statement of alternatives to the proposed project which might avoid some or all of the adverse environmental effects, including a no-action alternative.
A description of how the project will achieve the design and performance standards for stormwater management measures for major development intended to minimize the adverse impact of stormwater runoff on water quality and water quantity and loss of groundwater recharge in receiving water bodies as required by N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
When required, 12 copies of the environmental impact report shall be submitted to the municipal agency.
The municipal agency shall either approve or disapprove the environmental impact report as part of its underlying function with respect to site plan review. In reaching a decision, the municipal agency shall take into consideration the effect of the applicant's proposed project upon all aspects of the environment as outlined above as well as the sufficiency of the applicant's proposals for dealing with any immediate or projected adverse environmental effects.
Upon approval by the municipal agency, the environmental impact report shall be marked or stamped "Approved" by the secretary of the municipal agency and shall be designated as the "Final Environmental Impact Report."
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the municipal agency may, at the request of an applicant, waive the requirement for an environmental impact report if sufficient evidence is submitted to support a conclusion that the proposed development will have a slight or negligible environmental impact. Portions of such requirements may likewise be waived upon a finding that a complete report need not be prepared in order to evaluate adequately the environmental impact of a particular project.
An environmental impact report, as required herein, shall also be submitted for all public or quasi-public projects unless such are exempt from the requirements of local law or by superseding county, state, or federal law.
Submission of an environmental impact statement or assessment consistent with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 13:19-1 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 7:7D-1.0 et seq., the Coastal Area Facility Review Act (CAFRA) and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, will be conclusively deemed to meet the requirements of this section.
Fences, hedges and walls hereafter erected, altered or reconstructed in any zone in the City shall not exceed six feet in height above ground level except as follows:
Hedges, walls, and fences, which are not open fences as defined in this chapter, located in a front yard, or within 50 feet of any river, stream, or other body of water, shall not exceed 36 inches in height.
In any commercial or office zone, fences not exceeding eight feet in height may be erected in the rear or side yard areas and behind the building setback line.
On park, recreation or school properties, open wire fences not exceeding eight feet in height may be erected in the rear or side yard areas and behind the building setback line.
Fences specifically required by other provisions of this chapter and other City and state regulations.
In a residential district, no fence or wall shall exceed three feet in height in the required front yard or in the area in front of the building, whichever is greater. This shall also apply along the sides of the front yard.
All fences must be erected within the property lines, and no fence shall be erected so as to encroach upon a public right-of-way.
Razor wire, canvas or cloth fences and fencing construction are prohibited in all zones in the City.
All supporting members of a fence shall be located on the inside of the fence, and if erected along or adjacent to a property line, the supporting members of the fence shall face the principal portion of the tract of land of the property upon which the fence is erected.
All fences must also comply with the provisions of the City Building Code except where in conflict with the technical provisions of this section.
Tennis court fences, baseball and softball backstops and spectator protective fencing are exempt from the requirements of this section, provided they are not located within any required yard area. Located outside of any required yard area, they are subject to the height limitations of the particular zone district.
Fences which are painted shall be painted in only one color, harmonious with the surrounding area. Multicolored fences are prohibited.
Fences shall be erected in a manner so as to permit the flow of natural drainage, shall not cause surface to be blocked or dammed to create ponding and shall comply with § 215-52.
Before any fence or wall is erected, a building permit must be obtained. The request for permits shall be accompanied by a plan, to show the height and location of the proposed fence or wall in relation to all other structures or building, and in relation to all streets, lot property lines and yards, and type and design of fencing materials utilizing a survey of the property or copy of the Tax Map.
Except where specifically prohibited, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the use of hedges, trees and other planting anywhere on a lot.
Restrictions herein contained shall not be applied so as to prohibit the erection of a wall for the purpose of retaining earth.
A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued for a new residential structure which is the subject of a major subdivision or site plan, located in an area serviced by New Jersey water company, unless the distance from the midpoint of the frontage of such premises to a functioning fire hydrant which has been tested and approved, as measured down to the center line of connecting public streets, is 400 feet or less, or as required by the Fire Chief.
Final subdivision plats shall not be approved by the Planning Board unless fire hydrants are indicated on the final plat in accordance with the requirements herein contained as to location of and distance between fire hydrants.
Fire hydrants shall not be placed at the closed end of the turnaround of a cul-de-sac unless the distance between the open end and the closed end is greater than 400 feet, in which event the fire hydrants shall be placed at both the open end and the closed end of the cul-de-sac.
The installation of fire hydrants with respect to any subdivision shall not be considered a subdivision improvement to be included in the bonding requirements of this chapter, but rather the proper installation of fire hydrants shall be a condition of the issuance of certificate of occupancy; however, all costs shall be borne by the developer.
Flow capacity classification.
All fire hydrants shall be classified as follows:
Class A: flow capacity greater than 1,000 gallons per minute.
Class B: flow capacity of 500 gallons per minute.
Class C: flow capacity of less than 500 gallons per minute.
Said flow capacities are to be rated by a flow measurement test at a period of ordinary demand, the rating to be based on 20 pounds per square inch of residual pressure when initial pressures exceed 40 pounds per square inch. When initial pressures are less than 40 pounds per square inch, residual pressure shall be at least half of the initial pressure.
All fire hydrants shall be painted in accordance with the standards of the Northfield City Department of Public Works.
All fire hydrant barrels will be painted with white fluorescent paint.
All fire hydrants installed in the City shall have no less than two two-and-one-half-inch hose connection nozzles and one four-and-one-half-inch pumper nozzle. All threads are to be in accordance with the specifications of the Fire Department of the City of Northfield.
Hydrants shall be set plumb with nozzles 18 inches above the ground or, where they are to be placed in hose houses, 18 inches above the floor.
No structure or parking area, including but not limited to commercial business and residential buildings, or fill, will be allowed within 50 feet of the one-hundred-year floodplain or existing ponds, lakes, floodways, or stream corridors, nor within wetlands, tidelands, marshlands, and riparian lands unless a regulated use permit has been issued in accordance with the procedure and regulations of § 215-161 of this chapter.
Impervious surfaces shall not exceed 20% of the area of the tract within 80 feet of a floodplain, without a regulated use permit.
Any other resource protection area, as herein defined, including but not limited to marshlands (areas wherein standing water is retained for 24 or more consecutive hours and to which vegetation unique to marshes, swamps, or wetlands has become adapted) and areas where conservation is required, shall not be encroached upon if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, encroachment or construction upon such resource area will constitute a hazard to existing drainage patterns and to the balance of the natural environmental systems within and adjacent to the area of the site.
Underground garages or garages under structures shall be properly lighted and equipped with fire-fighting devices, with mechanical or other ventilation adequate to prevent the accumulation of carbon monoxide or exhaust fumes in excess of one part in 10,000 (0.01%) or the concentration of gasoline vapors in excess of 20% of the lower explosive limit.
Garages located under a principal or accessory building shall have an automatic fire alarm and a ceiling or protected construction of not less than 1 1/2 hours' fire resistance.
Roofs of garages may be landscaped or utilized for approved recreation uses such as, but not limited to, tennis courts.
A garage which is within the building line of a principal building shall contain not more than 50 parking spaces. Such shall be lighted, equipped with fire extinguishers, shall have a ceiling height of at least 10 feet, and shall be equipped with heat and smoke detectors and with natural and mechanical ventilation adequate to prevent the accumulation of carbon monoxide or exhaust fumes in excess of one part in 10,000 (0.01%) or the concentration of gasoline vapors in excess of 20% of the lower explosive limit.
Any portion of a garage located under a principal or accessory building shall have a ceiling of protected construction of not less than 1 1/2 hours' fire resistance.
Private garages which are an integral part of an individual dwelling unit shall not contain more than two parking spaces each, and each parking space shall contain a minimum of 240 feet square feet of floor area.
A private garage for an individual dwelling unit shall not have access thereto from another dwelling unit or garage.
An accessory commercial or industrial building garage shall be fully enclosed and have a full roof covering all parking spaces.
Such garage shall contain at least four parking spaces.
No portion of more than one level shall be above ground.
All levels shall be lighted, properly ventilated, and any underground levels shall meet all the requirements set forth above for an underground garage.
No freestanding commercial garage or parking structure building shall be placed nearer than 100 feet to a side or rear property line. In no case shall a garage or accessory building be permitted between a street frontage and building.
Garages, whether attached or detached, shall be arranged to open to the side or rear of the lot, except fully detached garages located entirely to the rear of the principal building.
Attached garages shall have a joint capacity of not more than 10 vehicles arranged in a row, and there shall be a minimum distance of 20 feet between such structures.
Garages and other accessory buildings shall be no more than one story in height.
The architectural design and materials used in the construction thereof shall conform to the design and building materials used in the construction of the main structure(s).
No part of any garage or other accessory building shall be used for living purposes.
All garages shall have adequate security provisions.
Only passenger vehicles, small vans, pick-up trucks, and similar vehicles, whether such carry passengers or commercial plates, may be parked in any parking space for extended periods.
Garages and parking areas shall be used as automobile parking units only, with no sales, dead storage, dismantling or servicing of any kind permitted.
Underground, structured garages or grouped parking facilities for nonresidential uses shall be subject to the applicable regulations of this chapter, including requirements for ventilation, lighting, and safety.
Guardrails, pipe railing, or other appropriate barricades, as required by the municipal agency, shall be designed and placed at drainage structures, streams, embankment limits, curves, and other required locations.
Guardrails shall be standard steel-beam type with galvanized steel posts in accordance with the Standard Specification details. Alternate design of guardrails and barricades may be used and shall be submitted for approval as part of the final plat submission.
All areas not devoted to structures, parking areas, or other required uses shall be appropriately graded, landscaped and maintained in accordance with the landscaping plan approved by the municipal agency and the City Engineer.
All nonpaved areas in residential, commercial, industrial, public and semi-public buildings in the area shall be suitably landscaped with lawn, trees, shrubs, and other landscape materials. Landscaping plans shall include provisions for watering of landscaped areas. Such methods shall be adequate and acceptable to the City Engineer.
In nonresidential zone districts, a minimum of 15% of the lot or tract area, not including any parking areas or drives, shall be devoted to landscaped open space, which may include existing vegetation.
The exterior perimeter and yards of all buildings shall be properly landscaped and lighted.
The exterior perimeter of all buildings shall include a landscaped strip at least four feet wide, suitably planted with shrubs, trees, and ground cover.
Yard areas and open spaces of buildings shall contain the equivalent of at least two shrubs and one shade or ornamental tree of two-inch caliper or greater for each 1,500 feet square feet of yard area, not including areas devoted to parking.
Existing healthy specimen trees may be included in satisfying these requirements.
Whenever possible, natural features will be preserved.
Landscaped areas not dedicated to the City shall be maintained by and at the expense of the owner(s) or an approved agent thereof.
The landscaping plan should observe the following design principles:
Locate landscaping to provide for climate control; for example, shade trees on the south to shield the hot summer sun and evergreens on the north for wind breaks.
Use landscaping to accent and complement buildings; for example, groups of tall trees to break up long, low buildings and lower plantings for taller buildings.
Landscaping shall be provided for public areas, recreation sites, and adjacent to buildings.
Landscaping plans shall provide for a variety and mixture of plantings. The variety shall consider susceptibility to disease, colors, seasonal interest, textures, shapes, blossoms, and foliage.
Local soil conditions and water availability shall be considered in the choice of landscaping. Consideration shall be given in the choice and location of plant materials to screen or create views, to define boundaries between private and common open space, to attenuate noise, to articulate outdoor spaces and define circulation systems.
With the exception of lawns, planted areas adjacent to hard surfaces should have wooden edges, raised borders, or similar structures to prevent soil washing over the adjoining paths.
Tracts being developed for the construction of two homes or more shall have a landscaping plan submitted to the municipal agency by the developer.
The plan shall include suitable shade trees on the street side of lot lines spaced not less than 30 feet apart and shall specify the location of planting material, their minimum sizes, quantity, variety and species.
Trees shall meet planting requirements as specified in sections of this chapter relating to planting of trees.
The plan shall indicate the location of all existing shade trees of six-inch or greater caliper, measured three feet above ground level, and of all existing ornamental trees of three-inch or greater caliper, measured one foot above ground level. Trees which are required to be removed shall be noted.
Street trees shall be provided in accordance with § 215-122 of this chapter.
Buffers are to be provided in accordance with § 215-85 of this chapter.
Additional trees in single-family subdivisions. Besides screening and street tree requirements, additional trees shall be planted throughout the subdivision in accordance with a planting plan approved by the municipal agency at time of final approval. The number of trees planted shall be not less than 10 per acre, calculated on the basis of the entire subdivision tract. The type of plantings may vary from those listed under shade tree requirements and may include flowering types and/or evergreens, not exceeding 30% of the total plantings.
Applicants for major subdivision or for site plan approval shall submit landscaping plans designed, prepared, and duly signed by a certified landscape architect or appropriately licensed professional.
The landscaping plan shall specify the location of planting material, their minimum sizes at time of planting, quantity, variety, and species (common names). The landscaping plan shall be forwarded to the municipal agency for advice and comment.
The landscaping plan shall show the location of all existing shade trees of six-inch caliper or greater, measured three feet above ground level, and of all existing ornamental trees of three-inch caliper or greater, measured one foot above ground level, and shall show all trees which are required to be removed.
A minimum of 25% of a site plan shall be reserved for landscaping, which shall be reasonably distributed within the area and which shall include suitable shrubbery in a planting strip not less than four feet wide on the front, sides, and rear of any building structure. This requirement shall be in addition to requirements set forth in § 215-85 for buffer and screening requirements in transition areas.
In parking areas, 500 feet square feet within each 10,000 square feet shall be landscaped with plant material reasonably distributed in the area. Any landscaping counted within this area shall not be considered as fulfilling the percentage of coverage of landscape requirements of this section set forth in Subsection C(3) above.
One pollution-resistant shade or ornamental tree, as hereinafter defined, shall be planted for every 10 parking spaces. These shall be reasonably distributed in parking areas, and in landscaped areas combined with shrubbery. The base of each tree shall be left free of pavement for a diameter of not less than eight feet.
Pollution-resistant shade trees shall be planted along all undedicated roads, drives, and parking areas. One tree is required for each 30 feet of curbing edge of pavement or designated area.
Pollution-resistant trees referred to above shall be selected in accordance with requirements set forth in § 215-122 of this chapter.
Areas in which parking is not permitted, pursuant to this chapter, shall be landscaped using trees, shrubs, grass or other plants or suitable size and variety in a plan compatible to the area.
Parking of motor vehicles on landscaped areas, on grass, or against trees and shrubbery shall not be permitted in business, commercial, industrial, and professional areas.
Bases of trees and other landscaped areas shall include suitable ground cover so as to discourage the growth of weeds.
Suitable ground covers include ivy, creeping myrtle, and pachysandra.
Non-plant material such as shredded bark mulch, clear hardwood chips, and licorice root shall be placed at least four inches thick.
Nonresidential uses in residential zones shall have landscaping to the extent that the area in lawn or shrubbery shall equal minimum of 15% of the maximum floor area of all nonresidential buildings and structures, but in no event less than Subsection C(3) above.
Any use required by this chapter or requested by a municipal agency to provide a buffer shall comply with the buffer regulations in accordance with § 215-85 of this chapter.
In conjunction with all uses other than single-family homes, all areas of the site not occupied by buildings, pavement, sidewalks, required screening, required parking area landscaping, required safety islands, or other required improvements shall be landscaped by the planting of grass or other ground cover acceptable to the municipal agency and a minimum of two shrubs and one tree for each 250 feet square feet of open space.
Parking lots of five or more spaces shall be landscaped as follows:
An area within the parking area equal to 5% of the parking area shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and ground cover.
At least one shade or ornamental tree of two-inch caliper or greater and two shrubs shall be provided for each 10 parking spaces. Planting areas shall be at least eight feet in diameter at the base of each tree.
Ground cover shall consist of ivy, creeping myrtle, pachysandra, or shredded bark mulch, or other similar material acceptable to the municipal agency, at least four inches deep.
No parking lot shall contain more than 20 spaces in a row in a business, commercial or industrial zone, nor more than 15 spaces in a row in a residential zone, without interruption by a landscaped divider at least eight feet wide.
All parking areas for 20 or more vehicles shall contain grassed or landscaped island areas of at least eight feet in width separating rows of parking spaces.
Such island areas shall be located within the parking area in accordance with the site plan approved by the municipal agency and shall occupy a minimum of 10% of the area formed by the outer perimeter of the paved parking area.
The island area shall contain a minimum of one shade tree for each four parking spaces along the edge of the parking island and shall be landscaped in accordance with the landscaping plan approved by the municipal agency.
The buffer screen around the parking lots and loading and unloading areas may include fencing of wood, cement, or other construction material, provided that not more than 25% of the fence is open on its vertical surface. In such cases, evergreens and deciduous trees and shrubs shall be planted along the fence to break up the monotony of the fence.
The required height for a landscaping screen shall be measured in relation to the elevation of the land at the edge of the adjacent area or structure to be buffered.
In cases where the ground elevation of the location at which the screen is to be planted is less than the elevation of the edge of the adjacent area to be buffered, the required height of the screen shall be increased in an amount equal to the difference in elevation.
In the event that the ground elevation of the location at which the screen is to be planted is greater than that at the edge of the adjacent area to be buffered, the required height of the screen may be reduced to the amount equal to said difference in elevation, provided that in no case shall the required height be reduced to less than three feet.
Sidewalks and paved pathways shall be provided from each parking space or area to the appropriate destination, minimizing the crossing of streets and parking aisles. All pedestrian crosswalks across aisles and streets shall be properly marked with striping or a change in the street paving material.
Parking lots and loading or unloading areas of commercial, business, or industrial uses abutting residential uses shall provide a landscaped buffer screen at least 50 feet wide on the perimeter of all parking or loading/unloading areas.
Shade and ornamental trees, shrubbery, and other plants to be used for landscaping shall be supplied and installed according to the specifications contained herein. All planting, clearing, selective thinning, topsoiling, seeding and other landscaping work shall conform to the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.
Shade trees shall be of a type and size and in locations approved by the municipal agency and shall be planted according to its specifications. All such trees must meet the minimum standards of the American Nursery and Landscape Association.
A list of approved and appropriate species of trees and ground covers may be obtained from the Cape Atlantic Conservation District.
As far as possible, each street block in a subdivision shall be confined to one variety or varieties that exhibit similar crown shapes at maturity and have similar growth rates. It is desirable that the other neighboring street blocks differ in the variety used.
Trees shall not be less than two-inch to two-and-one-half-inch caliper, measured 12 inches above the butt and not less than 12 feet high. They must be well branched, the branches to start not less than six feet from the crown of the root system.
When authorized by the municipal agency, ornamental trees may be planted instead of shade trees. They may be of a smaller size than shade varieties.
These trees shall be not less than 1 3/4 inch caliper, measured 12 inches above the butt, nor less than eight feet high.
They must be well branched, the branches to start not less than three feet from the crown of the root system.
All trees must be planted in the location approved by the municipal agency.
Large-growing shade trees shall be located not closer than five feet to the edge of the existing or future sidewalks on the property owner's side adjacent thereto, in a place which shall not interfere with utilities.
Trees are to be no less than 25 feet from intercepting curbs at street corners and not more than 30 feet apart.
Excavations for planting must be not less than 18 inches deep and not less than 30 inches in diameter. A seepage area shall be provided by loosening the soil to a depth of one foot below the excavation.
Planting soil shall be composed of one part peat, one part humus and one part of parent soil (all mixed thoroughly), to which shall be added and mixed in two pounds of bone meal or its equivalent.
Each tree shall be given a minimum of five gallons of water at the time of planting.
Staking and guying for trees subject to this chapter shall be white or red cedar, oak, or locust treated with an acceptable wood preservative, and must be five feet above ground and not less than two inches in diameter.
At least two stakes must be driven securely into the ground, one preferably on the northwest side of the tree trunk and at least one opposite.
Trees shall be guyed with wire padded with rubber hose or plastic.
Removal of all planting debris is required. The property must be left in a neat and orderly condition in accordance with good and accepted planting practices.
Notice must be given to the City Engineer three days prior to the start of planting in order that the Engineer may inspect the stock for variety, condition, size, and quality. All work shall be in accordance with specifications of the municipal agency and City Engineer.
The varieties or species of shrubbery and other plants selected for landscaping and screening shall be subject to the approval of the municipal agency. Evergreen plantings may be interspersed with or placed with appropriate deciduous plantings.
All plantings must be at least the maximum mature plant distance from the foundation, wall or fence, but not less than two feet therefrom.
One evergreen is required for each five feet of the foundation wall or fence, including side surfaces or projecting porches or steps.
Rear exposure may be exempted under circumstances as determined by the municipal agency.
Varieties will be selected and specified as appropriate to sun and wind exposures and will be suitable in mature size for the location to be planted.
Excavations for each plant shall comply with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, as amended.
Planting soil in the excavation shall comply with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, as amended. Fertilizer should be applied in an amount in conformance with said specifications.
There shall be no pieces or chunks of plaster, mortar, or other lime containing material, or loose lime around foundation plantings or other planting areas.
Each evergreen and deciduous shrub planted shall be mulched with clear hardwood chips or ground pine bark or other material approved by the municipal agency, four inches deep out to the branch tips, within two days after planting.
Topsoil protection shall be enforced according to requirements of § 215-124 of this chapter. Where necessary, topsoil temporarily stored shall be stabilized in conformance with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, as amended.
No material or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within six feet of any trees or shrubs designated to be retained on the preliminary and/or final plat. Where grading may be required, trees not shown for removal shall be walled in and extension tiled to the outer crown of the tree.
Throughout the development, except in areas specifically designated to remain in their natural state, in landscaped or buffer areas, on building lots and in open space areas for public or quasi-public use, the developer shall selectively thin to remove all dead or dying vegetation, either standing or fallen, and shall remove, including grubbing out stumps, all undesirable trees and other growth.
No tree of eight-inch caliper or more, located on a lot between the borders of the lots and building setback line, shall be removed except for the installation of a driveway aisle or parking area unless such approval is in accordance with a plan approved by the municipal agency.
The developer shall, in accordance with overall site development and his proposed landscaping scheme, provide cleared, graded, and drained pathways approximately four feet wide through all public or quasi-public open space in heavily wooded areas.
Such pathways should be sited to conform to the existing natural conditions and should remain unobstructed.
These pathways are not intended to provide improved walkways, but only to provide easy access through open space areas.
Landscaping of the area of all cuts or fills and terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion and shall be approved by the City Engineer and municipal agency. All roadway slopes steeper than one foot vertical to three feet horizontal shall be planted with suitable cover plants combined with grasses and/or sodding. Grasses or sodding alone shall not be acceptable.
Removal of all planting debris is required. The property must be left in neat and orderly condition in accordance with good and accepted planting practices.
All tree stumps and other tree parts or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with law.
No tree stumps, portions of a tree trunk or limbs shall be buried anywhere in the development.
All dead or dying trees, standing or fallen, shall be removed from the site.
If trees and limbs are reduced to chips, they may, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, be used as mulch in landscaped areas.
Existing plants may be salvaged and/or relocated from clearing areas within the development and utilized to meet the planting requirements of Subsections B(6) and C(8), provided that:
Each three items of salvaged and/or relocated plant material shall be considered equivalent to two items of new plant material; and
All such salvaged and/or relocated plant material shall be of a type, size, and quality acceptable to the City Engineer; and
All such salvaged and/or relocated plant material shall be dug, transported, and replanted at a season of the year and using equipment, methods and materials conforming to the requirements of the Standard Specifications and subject to the approval of the City Engineer; and
The developer has received the approval of the City Engineer, in consultation with the municipal agency, of the items to be relocated and the schedule and methods of relocation prior to any work of salvaging and/or relocation taking place.
A developer shall not be permitted to excavate land or remove trees, shrubs, and other plantings from a proposed building site or tract of land to be subdivided, or other undeveloped land on which an application is pending before the municipal agency, until a landscaping plan has been approved by the municipal agency, except that 10% of the trees and plantings of any tract may be removed to facilitate preliminary engineering associated with an application by the developer to the Planning Board.
Applicants or developers of any tract of land or building site shall be required to post a performance bond to cover the cost of the landscaping.
The amount of the performance bond shall be set by the City Engineer with the advice of the municipal agency, and posted with the City Council.
It shall be posted before a certificate of occupancy is issued and shall be released only after expiration of a twelve-month period following certification by the City Engineer and municipal agency that the total landscaping plan has been completed.
A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued by the Building Inspector until all requirements of this chapter have been met.
Landscaped areas and sections, including trees, shrubbery, fences, and the grounds in and surrounding these sections, shall be properly maintained throughout the twelve-month period following certification, with recourse by the City to the performance bond in the event of default by the developer or owner. All plantings which fail to survive for a period of 12 months following certification shall be replaced by the developer at no cost or expense to the City or the municipal agency. Such replacement shall be made within 60 days following written demand for such replacement from the municipal agency, or within such extended periods as may be specified. If the developer refuses to do so, the City shall have recourse to the performance bond to remedy his default.
All trees, shrubbery, and other plants which fail to survive for a period of 12 months following certification shall be replaced by the builder at no cost or expense to the City or the municipal agency. Said replacement shall be made within 60 days following written demand for such replacement from the municipal agency, or within such extended periods as may be specified.
The municipal agency, after favorable recommendation by the City Engineer, and after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this section in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions, and/or may require supplementary plantings.
All parking areas for five or more motor vehicles shall be illuminated with approved exterior lighting standards, with a minimum of 1/2 horizontal footcandle average lighting level at the surface of the lot.
The minimum lighting level at any location within the parking area shall be 75% of the average level.
Freestanding lighting standards or poles shall not exceed by more than 10 feet the height of adjacent buildings served by the parking lot.
All lighting fixtures shall be appropriately shielded to prevent glare on adjacent properties and streets.
All major pedestrian walkways and sidewalks which are not within a street right-of-way or abutting a private internal street serviced by street lighting and which are used by the public after sunset shall be illuminated with a minimum lighting level of 1/4 horizontal footcandle average at the surface of the walk.
All lighting fixtures shall be appropriately shielded to prevent glare on adjacent properties and streets. Glare shields shall be installed in such a way that no more than 1/2 (0.5) footcandle is visible at the property line. All lights should be properly shielded to prevent shadows from crossing common property lines. This is criteria for both commercial and residential properties.
[Amended 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, lot area and dimensions shall not be less than the requirements of the respective zoning districts as set forth in this chapter.
The municipal agency may require larger lots where additional area will partially or completely eliminate the necessity of changes in grade, which, in the opinion of the Board, would cause unreasonable destruction of the topography or environment or would create drainage or erosion problems.
The municipal agency may require larger lots adjacent to collector or arterial streets where, in the opinion of the Board, the larger lots would promote health, safety and general welfare of the public and the residents of the development.
The municipal agency may require larger lots where such lots are plotted on a tract or tracts containing tidal or freshwater wetlands, steep slopes in excess of 8%, lakes and ponds, stream corridors, floodways, and floodplains. Where such conditions exist, the Board may require that each lot contain an area unencumbered by the aforementioned conditions equal to the minimum area requirement of the respective zone district.
Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets, and radial to curved streets.
Lot line on widened street. Where extra width is to be provided for the widening of existing streets, lot measurements shall begin at the proposed right-of-way line, and all setbacks shall be measured from such lines unless provided by § 215-37B of this chapter.
Unsuitable lots. All lots shall be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended to be used. To prevent the use of lots which are not suitable because of adverse topography, flood conditions, shallow depth to water table or similar circumstances, the municipal agency may withhold approval of such lots, or require revisions in a layout of the subdivision.
To provide that the area of the unsuitable lot is included in other lots by increasing the size of the remaining lots.
Unsuitable lots may be included in an area to be deeded to the City or other public or quasi-public body and will be held in their natural state for conservation and/or recreation purposes.
Some other suitable arrangement could be derived to alleviate the condition.
All lots are to be entirely graded unless existing grades are suitable.
Reverse frontage. Except in case of existing lots, all lots created and having reverse frontage shall have an additional 25 feet of rear yard and same shall be planted in evergreen trees and shrubs to provide a visual screen at least six feet in height and covering 50% of the frontage of the property by the end of two growing seasons.
When a new lot is formed so as to include in its boundaries any part of a former lot on which there is an existing building or use, the subdivision must be carried out in such a manner as will not infringe upon any of the provisions of this chapter with respect to any existing structures or use, and any proposed structures or use.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
Monuments shall be of a size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq., N.J.A.C. 13:40-5.1, and amendments and supplements thereto, and shall be placed in accordance with said statute and Administrative Code. In addition to the required monuments after the grading is finished, the developer shall install a solid steel stake one inch in diameter and 30 inches in length on lot corners, lot line angle points, or other changes in direction not marked by monuments, and at all angle points or discontinuities in easement lines where such easements are not parallel to property lines.
For every building, structure, or park thereof having over 5,000 square feet of gross floor area erected and occupied for commerce, business, hospital, laundry, dry cleaning, places of public and quasi-public assembly, industry and other similar uses involved in the receipt and distribution by vehicles of materials, or merchandise, there shall be provided and permanently maintained adequate spaces for standing, loading, and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys.
Every building, structure, or addition thereto having a use which complies with the above definition shall be provided with at least one truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than 12 feet in width, 48 feet in length, and 15 feet in height.
Such buildings that contain an excess of 1,500 square feet of gross building area will be required to provide additional off-street loading spaces as determined by the municipal agency during site plan review.
No part of any off-street truck loading or unloading space and back-up area shall be located within the right-of-way of the public street, including the sidewalk area. Off-street truck loading and unloading spaces will be located and designed to permit any truck to maneuver from a driveway into and out of such space without encroaching upon any portion of a public street, existing or proposed right-of-way, including the sidewalk.
Whenever an off-street loading and unloading area shall be located next to a residential zone, said loading and unloading area shall be suitably screened and buffered, subject to approval by the municipal agency.
Off-street loading and unloading areas shall be surfaced with an adequately designed durable, all-weather pavement of either bituminous concrete or portland cement concrete clearly marked for loading/unloading spaces.
Access to truck standing, loading, and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from a right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.
Loading/Unloading spaces as required under this section shall be provided in addition to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking space.
Unless otherwise permitted, fire zones shall not be used as standing, loading or unloading areas.
Off-street loading and unloading areas shall conform, as applicable, to all design and locational standards set forth for off-street parking; including, but not limited to, those set forth in § 215-105 of this chapter.
No off-street loading docks or bays shall be permitted in a required front yard area.
In all zones and in connection with every industrial, commercial, institutional, professional, recreational, residential or any other use, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces in accordance with the requirements and parking lot standards contained in this section.
Each dead storage bay of an off-street parking space may be perpendicular with the aisle, parallel with the aisle, or at any angle between 60° and 90°. No angle parking layout shall be permitted with an angle less than 60°.
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided with necessary passageways and driveways, as further specified in this chapter.
All such space shall be deemed to be required space on the lot on which it is situated and shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner.
No parking area provided hereunder shall be established for fewer than five spaces, except for detached single-family dwellings on individual lots.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(5), prohibiting out-of-doors parking of commercial vehicles in excess of 1 1/2 tons in residential zones, which immediately followed, was repealed 4-1-2017 by Ord. No. 4-2017.
Parking for all uses in all zones shall not be located in any required front yard area, unless otherwise specified, nor between any existing or proposed building (or the extension of the planes of the exterior surface on any existing or proposed building to the lot boundaries) and any street right-of-way line.
Parking for single- and two-family dwellings shall be subject to yard area location restrictions.
Parking shall only be permitted with access aisles meeting the requirements of § 215-92.
No parked vehicles shall block or obstruct sidewalks or walkways, and no parking shall be permitted on lawn or landscaped areas or other areas not intended, designed and/or approved for such parking.
Parking areas for nonresidential uses shall not be located within 50 feet of any residence zones.
Parking areas of five or more spaces shall not be located within 20 feet of any street or right-of-way line except for private streets and drives, in which case the minimum distance shall be eight feet.
Parking facilities in commercial, office or industrial zones may be located in any yard space, but shall not be closer than 20 feet to any street line.
No area shall be used for parking unless it is large enough to provide for at least two contiguous stalls. For single- and two-family dwellings, the following shall apply:
Garage space may provide for one of the required spaces and the second space may be arranged in tandem.
Garage space shall comply with requirements of § 215-98D of this chapter.
All required parking spaces and facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the structure or use they shall serve.
The off-street parking requirements for two or more neighboring uses, of the same or different types, may be satisfied by the allocation of the required number of spaces for each use in a common parking facility, provided that the number of off-street parking spaces is not less than the sum of individual requirements, and provided further that there is compliance with all other provisions of this chapter.
Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing the required facilities for any other use, except that 1/2 of the off-street parking spaces required by any use whose peak attendance will be at night or on Sundays (such as churches, theaters, and assembly halls) may be assigned to a use which will be closed at night or on Sundays.
Off-street parking areas shall be designed to prevent the maneuvering of vehicles into or out of parking spaces or the storage of vehicles within any portion of an entrance driveway or driveway lane that is within 20 feet of right-of-way line of a public street.
Off-street parking areas shall be so designed as to permit all vehicles to turn around on the site in order to prevent the necessity of any vehicles backing onto a public street from such site.
No required off-street parking space, including adjacent parking access lanes or maneuvering space, shall be located within the existing or proposed right-of-way of public streets.
Any site that provides temporary stopping space or maneuvering space for vehicles of customers or patrons seeking service at a roadside business establishment, such as a drive-in bank, and others, shall be located so that the stopping, stacking and maneuvering aisles are set back at least 10 feet from any existing or, where applicable, future right-of-way line of a public street.
Where parking, other than for single- or two-family dwellings, is permitted between the front building line, a safety island or raised median separating the public street from the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements. (See Figures 6 and 7.[2])
The width of the safety island shall be that width between the proposed curbline to a point eight feet inside the property line. When this width is less than 18 feet, the parking area shall be reduced to provide a minimum width for the safety island of 18 feet. All required tree and shrub plantings shall be placed on the on-site portion of the safety island.
When perpendicular or angled parking spaces abut the safety island, the stall depth shall be measured from a point one foot outside the face of the curb for perpendicular spaces or angled spaces greater than 60° and two feet outside the face of curb for 60° angle spaces. Such parking spaces shall be separated from access drives by curbed islands with a minimum width of 10 feet.
Safety islands shall be landscaped, topsoiled, and seeded, except that they may, as an alternative to seeding, be provided with a cover or mulch of maintenance-free materials which provide a clear and unmistakable distinction between the parking area and the safety island.
Notwithstanding the use of maintenance-free materials, there shall be provided at least one deciduous tree two inches in diameter at breast height every 40 feet, or part thereof, on all safety islands. A greater distance will be allowed for plantings, if necessary, for traffic safety. The areas between trees shall be planted with a minimum of three evergreen-type shrubs. The portion of the safety island within 25 feet of any access drive or street intersection shall be planted with evergreen shrubs less than 30 inches in height. Alternate or additional plantings may be permitted by the municipal agency in accordance with an approved site plan.
No commercial signs, light standards or other aboveground obstructions other than plantings shall be permitted within 10 feet of the street right-of-way.
Editor's Note: Figures 6 and 7 are included at the end of this chapter.
No off-street parking or loading area shall be used for the sale, repair, dismantling or servicing of any vehicle, equipment, materials or supplies.
Each perpendicular or angle off-street parking space shall occupy a rectangular area of not less than nine feet in width and 18 feet in depth, exclusive of access drives and aisles, except that parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be 12 feet wide and for employees may be nine feet wide. Parallel parking spaces shall occupy a rectangular area nine feet by 21 feet.
The depth of perpendicular or angled parking stalls which abut a landscaped dividing strip shall be measured from a point one foot outside the face of the curb for perpendicular spaces or angled spaces greater than 60° and two feet outside the face of the curb for 60° angled spaces.
Uses that own, rent or service motor vehicles larger than automobiles which must be parked and/or stored on the site shall indicate in the statement of operations submitted with the site plan the size of such vehicles and the anticipated largest number of such vehicles to be stored and/or parked on the site at any single time.
The site plan shall show a sufficient number of parking and/or storage stalls at an adequate size for the largest number of such vehicles to be parked and/or stored on the site at any one time.
Aisles providing for access to such parking and/or storage stalls shall be of adequate width for the vehicles to be served.
Failure of an applicant to indicate, where applicable, in the statement of operations that vehicles larger than automobiles are to be parked and/or stored on the site and provide for such parking and/or storage on the site plan shall be a violation of this chapter, and any building permit or certificate of occupancy that has been issued shall not be valid and may be revoked.
Any change of use to a use which requires parking and/or storage space for a greater number of vehicles larger than automobiles than the previous use shall be required to make application for site plan approval.
All parking areas, passageways, and driveways shall be surfaced with a properly designed, durable, all-weather pavement of either bituminous concrete or portland cement concrete and clearly marked for parking spaces.
Parking areas for fewer than 50 cars, which the municipal agency determines are not likely to be utilized by heavy truck traffic or drive-up window service, may be paved with two inches of pavement, Type FABC-1, Mix I-5, over a six-inch gravel base, Mix I-5, all in accordance with the specifications contained in § 215-109.
Rigid portland cement concrete pavement may be utilized at the option of the applicant, who shall submit pavement details for review.
Minimum requirements shall be thickness of not less than five inches with reinforcing at least equivalent to welded wire fabric (6x6-10/10), Class C concrete (air-entrained) and appropriate expansion and/or contraction joints.
In parking areas for 100 or more cars, access drives and aisles, which the municipal agency determines are likely to be utilized by heavy trucks or unusually high traffic volumes, shall provide paving in accordance with the requirements for streets other than local streets set forth in § 215-109 of this chapter.
Sidewalks with a minimum width of four feet and a minimum thickness of four inches shall be provided in all parking areas for five or more vehicles, between parking areas and principal structures, along aisles and driveways and wherever pedestrian traffic shall occur.
Sidewalks must be raised and curbed six inches above the parking area, except where crossing streets or driveways, and wherever pedestrian traffic shall occur.
Sidewalks and parking areas must be arranged to prevent cars from overhanging or extending over sidewalk areas.
All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications.
Sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be six inches reinforced with welded wire fabric (6x6-10/10) or equivalent approved by the City Engineer.
Curbing. The perimeter of all parking areas and internal islands within all parking areas open to the general public shall have continuous cast-in-place concrete curbing (see Figure No. 3, included at the end of this chapter) with a six-inch face or such alternate curb types as may be approved by the municipal agency at the time of site plan approval.
Concrete used should be in accordance with § 215-89 of this chapter and shall comply with the Standard Specifications.
Curbing should comply with requirements of § 215-90 of this chapter.
The municipal agency may waive the requirement for curbs in parking areas open only to employees, service vehicles, or for loading and unloading, provided that drainage, vehicle control and safety can be properly accommodated by alternate means.
Stormwater management considerations.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Flush curb with curb stop or curbing with curb cuts is allowed to encourage developers to allow for the discharge of impervious areas into landscaped areas for stormwater management.
The City encourages the use of natural vegetated swales for the water quality design storm, with overflow for larger storm events into storm sewers.
Pervious paving is allowed to be used in areas provided for overflow parking, vertical parking structures, smaller parking stalls, and shared parking.
All portions of every site not utilized for pedestrian paths, parking, access drives, loading areas or approved outdoor storage and not covered by buildings or other construction shall be landscaped as provided in § 215-100 of this chapter.
This shall include areas immediately adjacent to the site on public rights-of-way between curb and sidewalk or the property line of the site.
Where off-street parking, loading or service areas are to be located adjacent to a lot in any residential zoning district and where such parking, loading or service areas are not entirely screened visually from such lot by an intervening building or structure, there shall be provided along the lot line a continuous planting screen at least five feet in height. No such screen shall extend nearer to a street right-of-way line than the established front yard depth of the adjoining residential lot.
Every parking lot with more than 100 spaces shall be divided as nearly as possible into smaller lots of 50 spaces separated by landscaped dividing strips, except the area for access aisles.
Landscape strips shall have a minimum width of 10 feet.
They shall receive topsoil and be seeded. The use of maintenance-free material other than seeding and topsoil may be permitted if the same provides a safe and attractive alternative.
Unless otherwise approved by the municipal agency, said strips shall be planted with deciduous trees of two-inch caliber measured four feet above the ground, with a maximum distance between trees at ground level of 30 feet. All trees shall be planted in accordance with the appropriate requirements of § 215-85. The area between trees shall be planted with a minimum of three evergreen-type shrubs.
All landscaping for dividing strips shall be shown as part of the detailed landscaping plan submissions, where required.
The plantings required within the parking areas shall be considered exclusive from any other plantings that may be required for screening or safety island planting.
All parking areas shall be buffered in accordance with requirements of § 215-85 of this chapter and in compliance with the Standard Specifications.
All parking areas, appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial and industrial uses shall be illuminated adequately during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation. Adequate shielding shall be provided by commercial and industrial users to protect residential zones from the glare of such illumination and from that of automobile headlights.
All parking areas shall provide paint striping to delineate parking stalls, barrier lines, land lines, directional arrows, stop lines, fire lanes and other striping as may be required to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such striping shall be in substantial conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, except that all parking stall marking shall be "hairpin" style with eight inches between parallel stall dividing.
All parking areas shall provide traffic control signs and devices necessary to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such devices shall be in substantial conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Parking areas shall be so arranged as to provide adequate access to all buildings in case of fire or other emergencies.
No parking shall be allowed within 20 feet of the outer walls of any nonresidential structure or within such other adequate distance as the municipal agency, in consultation with City fire officials, may approve.
Free access between adjacent parking areas shall be provided.
The developer shall post adequate signs and provide pavement markings, approved by the municipal agency, prohibiting such parking in designating such areas as fire zones.
Driveways, aisles, and access roads shall be provided according to requirements of § 215-92 of this chapter.
No unrestricted vehicular access shall be permitted between adjacent properties. Vehicular access, if agreed upon by the owners of adjacent properties, or if required by the municipal agency, shall normally be limited to one opening providing two lanes of traffic and shall be located in such a manner as to offer continuity of a similar access drive on the adjacent property.
The opening shall occur at a point having the greatest distance from the street line which would facilitate the joining of properties.
Access shall normally be denied across the remainder of the side lines by construction of a landscaped dividing strip, five feet in width, on the property being developed. If and when the adjacent property is developed, there shall be a similar dividing strip at least five feet wide.
All dividing strips shall be landscaped as provided in this section.
The municipal agency may also require that provision be made for future connection to adjacent undeveloped properties.
In the event that parking is proposed on a lot or site having a slope greater than 10%, regardless of size, it shall be terraced, utilizing retaining walls or properly reinforced embankment slopes and providing for adequate safety, stability and drainage.
At no time should an embankment slope that is not reinforced, or any other earthen material having a greater elevation than the adjacent parking area, have a slope exceeding a ratio of three to one.
When retaining walls, terraces, embankment slopes or similar types of earthen retaining devices are necessitated adjacent to or within the parking area, they shall be kept in good repair or otherwise maintained so as to keep the parking area free of debris and dirt.
Required parking spaces for the physically handicapped should be located to provide convenient access to building entrances by way of depressed curbs and ramps in accordance with state regulations. Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width, and the number of spaces to be provided shall be determined by the following table:
Total Parking Spaces in Parking Area
Minimum Number of Spaces to be Provided for Physically Handicapped
Up to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
Over 100
4, plus 1 for each 50 spaces over 100 spaces
Parking lots having 50 or fewer spaces shall be designed in accordance with the minimum design requirements contained herein.
Parking areas shall not be located within 20 feet of any street or right-of-way line.
The parking lot shall have a ten-foot unbroken landscaping strip along side and rear property lines. The ten-foot landscaping strips shall have the same minimum planting requirements as safety islands, except that:
Where screening is required under this chapter, the screening requirements shall take precedence.
Where the property abuts a lot zoned for nonresidential purposes, but utilized for residential purposes, the Planning Board may also require screening.
No more than one two-way access drive or two one-way access drives shall be permitted on any street.
Where possible, access drives shall not be located closer than 100 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.
No parking stall shall be located to require a vehicle to back into any portion of the right-of-way in order to enter or exit the parking stall.
All parking areas for 10 or more vehicles shall have artificial lighting that will provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal footcandle throughout the parking area and access drives. Shielding shall be required where necessary to prevent glare upon adjacent properties or streets.
Parking lots which have a capacity for parking more than 50 vehicles shall be designed in accordance with the minimum design standards contained herein.
All the minimum design standards for small parking areas shall apply.
All entrance drives shall extend a minimum distance of 100 feet back from the street curbline or to an access aisle.
All exit drives shall extend a minimum distance of 60 feet back from the street curb or to a major access aisle.
No parking stalls shall utilize the required entrance and exit drives or major circulation drives as access aisles.
Wherever feasible, access drives located along one-way streets or divided highways shall be separate one-way drives. Said drives shall be located so that vehicles enter the parking area at the beginning of the property and exit at the far end of the property unless other considerations, such as a median opening, dictate otherwise.
Access drives shall not be located closer than 100 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street, except that for uses such as shopping centers, which in the opinion of the municipal agency will generate large traffic volumes, access drives shall not be located closer than 200 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.
No driveway shall be located less than 10 feet from the side property line or within 30 feet of an existing drive, whichever is greater.
Properties having a frontage in excess of 500 feet on any one street shall be permitted two-way and one-way access drives providing for not more than two entrance and two exit movements on the street. Properties having a frontage in excess 1,000 feet on any one street may be permitted to have additional access drives, subject to the approval of the Planning Board.
Where the municipal agency determines that the total number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter may not be immediately required for a particular use, it may permit a staged development plan, which requires that only a portion of the parking area, but not less than 75% of the required spaces, be completed initially, subject to the following regulations:
The site plan shall clearly indicate both that portion of the parking area to be initially paved and the total parking needed to provide the number of spaces required by this chapter.
The site plan shall provide for adequate drainage of both the partial and total parking areas.
The portion of the parking area not to be paved initially shall be landscaped in accordance with § 215-85 of this chapter.
The applicant shall post separate performance guarantees in addition to the performance guarantees required under Article VII of this chapter, which shall reflect the cost of installing the additional parking facilities necessary to provide the total number of parking spaces required.
In lieu of a permanent certificate of occupancy, a temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a period of two years. Prior to the expiration of the two-year period, the applicant may either:
Install the additional parking shown on the site plan and apply to the Construction Official for issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy; or
Apply to the municipal agency after the use has been in operation a minimum of 18 months for a determination as to whether or not the initial parking area provided is adequate.
If the municipal agency determines that the parking facility is adequate as originally constructed, the performance guarantees may be released and a permanent certificate of occupancy issued.
If, however, the municipal agency determines that the partial off-street parking area is not adequate, the applicant shall be required to install the additional parking facilities in accordance with the terms of the performance guarantees prior to issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy.
Any change of use on a site for which the municipal agency may have approved a partial paving of an off-street parking area, which use requires more parking spaces than are provided on the site, shall require submission of a new site plan.
Minimum off-street parking spaces required.
Automotive service station: five parking spaces for each service bay, exclusive of vehicle service area, plus four spaces for employees. In no instance shall there be fewer than five off-street parking spaces.
Banks, savings and loan associations and similar financial institutions: one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area, plus four spaces per teller facility.
Bar, cocktail lounge, nightclub, including restaurants with bars: one parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area.
Barber and beauty shop: three parking spaces for each chair.
Bowling alley: four parking spaces for each alley. Other commercial uses within the same building will be computed separately in accordance with this section.
Business offices and mixed office uses: one parking space for each 175 square feet of gross floor area.
Car washes: five parking spaces for employees, plus off-street storage (stacking) space equal to at least five times the number of cars that can be in the wash process at one time. For self-wash or self-service car washes, the requirements for employee parking shall be eliminated.
Church, temple or chapel: one parking space for each 2 1/2 seats in the main congregation seating area. Where no individual seats are provided, 20 inches of bench shall be considered as one seat. Where seats or benches are not provided, or are provided only in a portion of the main congregation seating area, one parking space for each 50 square feet of floor area within the main congregation seating area.
Community center, library, museum, art gallery: one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Community club, private club, lodge: one parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 1/2 parking spaces for each boat slip, where applicable.
Drive-in restaurant: one parking space for each 35 square feet of gross floor area.
Dwellings: two parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
The requirements of two parking spaces and the driveway shall be deemed met if paved area equals or exceeds 300 square feet.
Dental or medical offices: one parking space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area
[Amended 4-26-1988 by Ord. No. 7-1988]
Furniture, appliance stores, or similar types of uses requiring large amounts of storage: one parking space for each 400 square feet up to 4,000 square feet, plus one parking space for each 800 square feet of gross floor area above 4,000 square feet.
Government office: to be determined by the Planning Board, except that government offices within privately owned buildings shall provide a minimum of one parking space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Hardware, auto supply stores: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Hotel, motel: one parking space for each rental unit. Each commercial use within the building shall be computed separately according to the requirements for such use set forth herein. The Planning Board may allow up to 50% of the required parking for commercial uses in the hotel or motel to be satisfied by guest room parking. Parking for conference centers and banquet rooms shall be calculated separately from room and commercial parking space calculations.
Laundromats or similar coin-operated cleaning: one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Manufacturing or industrial establishment, research or testing laboratory, bottling plant or similar uses: one parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Meeting rooms, assembly, or exhibition wall: one parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area.
Mortuary, funeral home: one parking space for every 25 square feet of floor area devoted to viewing rooms or services in addition to provision of off-street parking for four vehicles.
Nursery school, day camp, or similar uses: one parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Nursing, convalescent or rest home: 1 1/2 parking spaces per each bed.
Professional office (other than medical): one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor space. In cases where there is found to be an intensive work force or intensive customer or client demand, additional parking spaces may be required at the discretion of the reviewing agency.
[Amended 4-26-1988 by Ord. No. 7-1988]
Public and private utilities, electrical substation, gas regulator, water works, pumping station, and similar facilities: to be determined by the Planning Board based on the specific need of the use.
Restaurant, cafe, diner: one parking space for each 75 square feet of floor area, exclusive of kitchen and utility rooms, or one parking space for each three seats, whichever is greater.
Recreation facilities: those not specifically mentioned herein shall be determined by the Planning Board.
Retail stores.
General retail sales, but not including sale of food and not otherwise classified hereinafter: one parking space for every 200 square feet of floor area in the building, exclusive of utility rooms.
Retail uses, including warehouse space: one parking space for each 200 square feet of retail sales floor space and one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of storage space.
Food store, including supermarket and variety store: one parking space per 150 square feet of floor area.
Studio, art, music, dance, gymnastics, and similar for the purpose of giving instruction rather than shows or exhibitions: one parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Elementary: one parking space for each eight students based on design capacity.
Middle or junior high school: one parking space for each five students based on design capacity.
Theater: one parking space for each 2 1/2 square feet based on maximum capacity.
Veterinary clinics or hospital or animal care facilities: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Warehouse, wholesale, machinery, or large equipment sales: one parking space for each 1,500 square feet of gross floor area, plus one parking space for each vehicle used in connection with the business.
In computing the number of the above required parking spaces, the criteria contained herein shall apply.
Where fractional spaces result, the required number shall be construed to be the nearest whole number.
The parking space requirements for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the municipal agency upon that use mentioned. If there is no use enumerated herein having sufficient similarity to the use proposed to enable the municipal agency to establish rational parking requirements, the municipal agency may, in its discretion, direct the applicant to furnish the municipal agency with such data as may be necessary to enable the municipal agency to establish rational parking requirements.
Nothing in the above requirements shall be construed to prevent the joint use of off-street parking facilities by two or more uses on the same site, provided the total of such spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for various individual uses computed separately by the above requirements.
No part of off-street parking required by a structure or use shall be included as part of an off-street parking requirement of another use unless substantial proof and assurances are presented and it is determined by the municipal agency that the use of this parking will not be simultaneous.
The collective provisions of off-street parking facilities by two or more buildings or uses located on adjacent lots is permitted, provided the total of such off-street parking facilities shall not be less than the sum of the requirement for the various individual uses computed separately in accordance with the standards contained in this chapter, and further provided that the land is owned by one or more of the collective users.
Employee parking. In all nonresidential zones, parking formulas shall be as outlined in this chapter for each use or one parking space for each employee, whichever is greater.
[Amended 1-21-1997 by Ord. No. 1-1997]
Public open space or common open space shall be proposed to be provided in conjunction with applications for development for subdivisions or site plans in accordance with requirements contained herein.
Natural features such as trees, brooks, hilltops, and views shall be preserved whenever possible in designing any subdivision containing such features.
If the Master Plan or the Official Map provides for the reservation of designated streets, public drainageways, flood control basins, or public areas within the proposed development, before approving a subdivision or site plan, the municipal agency may further require that such streets, ways, basins, or areas be shown on the plat in locations and sizes suitable to their intended uses.
The municipal agency may reserve the location and extent of such streets, ways, basins, or areas shown on the plat for a period of one year after the approval of the final plat or within such further time as may be agreed to by the developer.
Unless, during such period or extension thereof, the City shall have entered into a contract to purchase or institute condemnation proceedings according to law for the fee or a lesser interest in the land comprising such streets, ways, basins or areas, the developer shall not be bound by such reservations shown on the plat and may proceed to use such land for private use in accordance with applicable development regulations.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to streets and roads, flood control basins or public drainageways necessitated by the subdivision or land development as required for final approval.
The developer shall be entitled to just compensation for actual loss found to be caused by such temporary reservation and deprivation of use.
In such instance, unless a lesser amount has previously been mutually agreed upon, "just compensation" shall be deemed to be the fair market value of an option to purchase the land reserved for the period of reservation; provided that determination of such fair market value shall include, but not be limited to, consideration of the real property taxed apportioned to the land reserved and pro rated for the period of reservation.
The developer shall be compensated for the reasonable increased cost of legal, engineering, or other professional services incurred in connection with obtaining subdivision approval or site plan approval, as the case may be, caused by the reservation.
Any land shown on the master plan as proposed for park, playground, school site, or other public use shall be designated and reserved for such use.
Where it is considered appropriate by the municipal agency, portions of proposed open spaces may be designated for passive and/or active recreational activities.
Passive recreational activities may include, but are not limited to, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, sitting areas and naturally preserved areas.
Active recreation activities may include, but are not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, and ball fields.
The location and shape of any land to be designated for recreational activities shall be approved by the municipal agency based on, but not limited to, the standards contained herein:
The Board shall consider the natural topography and shall attempt to preserve the same to the greatest extent possible.
The Board shall attempt to tailor the location and shape of recreational areas to harmonize with the shape of the entire development.
The Board shall consider the extent to which specific recreational areas shall be used for passive or active recreational purposes.
The Board shall request and consider recommendations from the appropriate City officials.
The Board shall consider the extent to which the residents of the development shall be served by other existing or future recreational facilities or lands within or in the vicinity of the development.
The Board shall consider the sequence of development.
The Board shall consider the effect which the location and shape of recreational areas in the development will have upon the application of sound planning principles as well as the general welfare, health and safety of the residents of the development.
Within open space areas, the municipal agency may require a developer to make certain site preparation improvements, which may include, but are not limited to, those contained herein:
Removal of dead or diseased trees.
Thinning of trees or other growth to encourage more desirable growth.
Removal of trees in areas planned for ponds, lakes, active recreational facilities or pathways.
Grading and seeding.
Open space areas shall be subject to these requirements:
Open space areas should not be less than 50 feet in width at any location; except where such open space is to be utilized primarily for walkway access from a public street to the open space at the rear of building lots, it may have a minimum width of 20 feet for a length not to exceed 250 feet.
Where possible, certain land areas and features shall be preserved as open space:
Floodway and flood hazard areas.
Areas containing a significant number of trees.
Existing watercourses, ponds.
Land with a seasonal high water table of less than two feet.
Wetlands as defined by the New Jersey Wetlands Act of 1970 (N.J.S.A. 13:9A-1 et seq.) and delineated on wetlands maps prepared by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
The type of ownership of land dedicated for open space purposes shall be selected by the owner, developer, or subdivider, subject to the approval of the municipal agency.
These shall include:
The City of Northfield (subject to acceptance of the City Council).
Other public jurisdictions or agencies (subject to their acceptance.)
Quasi-public organizations (subject to their acceptance).
Homeowners' or condominium associations or organizations.
Shared, undivided interest by all property owners in the development.
Any lands dedicated for open space purposes shall contain appropriate covenants and deed restrictions, approved by the municipal agency, which insure that:
The open space area will not be further subdivided in the future.
The use of the open space areas will continue in perpetuity for the purpose specified.
Appropriate provisions are made for the maintenance of the open space areas.
No final approval of a subdivision or site plan containing open space created pursuant to this section shall be granted until the developer has submitted, and the municipal agency has approved, the master deed for such open space and the bylaws of the organization established pursuant to Subsection H below.
The City or other municipal agency may, at any time and from time to time, accept the dedication of land or any interest therein for public use and maintenance, but the municipal agency shall not require, as a condition of approval, that land proposed to be set aside for common open space be dedicated or made available to public use.
The developer shall provide for an organization for the ownership and maintenance of any open space for the benefit of owners or residents of the development, if said open space is not dedicated to the City or other municipal agency.
Such organization shall not be dissolved and shall not dispose of any open space, by sale or otherwise, except to an organization conceived and established to own and maintain the open space for the benefit of such development.
And thereafter such organization shall not be dissolved or dispose of any of its open space without first offering to dedicate the same to the City.
Action in case of failure to maintain.
In the event that such organization shall fail to maintain the open space in reasonable order and condition, the administrative officer (Zoning Officer) may serve written notice upon such organization or upon the owners of the development setting forth the manner in which the organization has failed to maintain the open space in reasonable condition.
Said notice shall include a demand that such deficiencies of maintenance be cured within 35 days thereof, and shall state the date and place of a hearing thereon, which shall be held within 15 days of the notice.
At such hearing, the administrative officer (Zoning Officer) may modify the terms of the original notice as to deficiencies and may give a reasonable extension of time, not to exceed 65 days, within which they shall be cured.
If the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or in the modification thereof shall not be cured within said 35 days or any permitted extension thereof, the City, in order to preserve the open space and maintain the same for a period of one year, may enter upon and maintain such land. Said entry and maintenance shall not vest in the public any rights to use the open space by the owners.
Before the expiration of said year, the administrative officer (Zoning Officer) shall, upon his initiative or upon the request of the organization theretofore responsible for the maintenance of the open space, call a public hearing upon 15 days' written notice to such organization and to the owners of the development to be held by the administrative officer (Zoning Officer), at which hearing such organization and the owners of the development shall show cause why such maintenance by the City shall not, at the election of the City, continue for a succeeding year.
If the administrative officer (Zoning Officer) shall determine such organization is not ready and able to maintain said open space in a reasonable condition, the City may, in its discretion, continue to maintain said open space during the next succeeding year, subject to a similar hearing and determination in each year thereafter.
The decision of the administrative officer (Zoning Officer) in any such case shall constitute a final administrative decision subject to judicial review.
The cost of such maintenance by the City shall be assessed pro rata against the properties within the development that have a right of enjoyment of the open space in accordance with assessed value at the time of imposition of the lien, and shall become a lien and tax on said properties and be added to and be a part of the taxes to be levied and assessed thereon, and enforced and collected with interest by the same officers and in the same manner as other taxes.
Where recreation areas and facilities are required or provided, the regulations and standards contained herein shall apply, along with appropriate sections of § 215-107 of this chapter.
Sufficient outdoor play and activity equipment shall be installed in accordance with standards of the National Recreation and Park Association for the expected number of residents in the development.
It should be located in an area which will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or uses.
It should not produce objectionable features emanating from such facility.
The provision and location of such equipment shall be subject to Planning Board approval, after review by the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Private swimming pools in residential areas shall have a gross area of water and deck designed for the needs of the residents of the development.
All swimming pools shall be fully enclosed by a six-foot chain-link or other fully approved fence equipped with gates and locks.
All swimming pools shall have adequate lifesaving equipment.
Within an accessory building(s), all swimming pools shall have adequate lavatory facilities, plus, under lock and key, storage facilities wherein shall be kept all pool chemicals and equipment.
All swimming pool facilities shall comply with the regulation set forth in § 215-123 of this chapter.
In order to preserve and assure the harmonious relationship of residential units to the comprehensive neighborhood pattern and to prevent undue similarity of design which may lead to undue impairment of the stability and value of residential units and produce neighborhood degeneration and blight with attendant deterioration of conditions affecting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants thereof and the ownership at large, no major subdivision shall be approved until the planned construction (including front, side, and rear elevations) of residential units has been reviewed and approved by the design committee in accordance with the standards enumerated below, or unless a waiver of these requirements has been granted by the municipal agency as provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
The residential unit shall be of such character, quality, or architectural design, and construction materials as will assure that the proposed structure will be in keeping with the general character of the area in which it is located:
That the proposed structure will have a harmonious relationship with area residential structures.
That the proposed structure is not likely to produce any of the harmful effects which lead to neighborhood degeneration and blight with attendant deterioration of conditions affecting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the City at large.
The floor plan for each residential unit shall be sufficiently different from the existing or planned residential unit immediately adjacent to it on either side and from the existing or planned residential unit on a lot which is immediately across a street from any portion of its lot or of the adjacent lots, to be deemed sufficiently different.
Said floor plan shall have a substantial reorganization and relocation of the various living areas of the residential units.
Mere variation or room sizes or reversal of floor plans, whether from side to side or front to back, shall not be construed as sufficiently different.
The front facade for each residential unit shall be substantially different from the front facade of any existing or planned residential unit within five lots in either direction on the same side of the street from any portion of the above-described lots; in the case of corner lots, the side and rear elevations of any existing or planned residential unit or any other corner lot at the same street intersection. To be deemed substantially different, the facade or side and rear elevation thereof, as the case may be, must be different in at least three of the following five respects:
The relative location of a garage, if attached, a portico, if any, or any other such structural appurtenance with respect to the residential unit itself.
The relative location or type of windows and doors.
The type or pitch of the roof.
The type of siding material.
The type of roofing material, or the color thereof or the pattern.
There shall be no fewer than four different residential unit floor plans, together with no fewer than three different front, side, and rear elevations for each.
Such floor plans and elevations shall be sufficiently different and distinct so as to meet the design standards of this chapter.
Such plans and elevations shall be accompanied by a map of the tract indicating the plan and elevation to be placed on each lot in the tract.
In the event that the subdivider contemplates selling lots only or building custom-designed and -built residences, and so indicates on his application, this requirement shall be waived.
Roadways and all appurtenances, including subgrade, subbase, base courses and pavements, shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications as modified herein. All subsurface utilities, including service connections (terminating at least two feet behind sidewalk) to each lot, and all storm drains shall be installed in all roadway areas prior to the construction of final pavement surfaces.
All roadways shall be constructed with either a bituminous concrete flexible pavement structure or a portland cement concrete rigid pavement structure. Only one type of pavement shall be utilized throughout any development.
The pavement structure design for each particular development utilizing either a flexible or rigid pavement type shall be the responsibility of the developer or his engineer.
The pavement design shall be based upon traffic loading projections and field sampling and laboratory analysis of the subgrade soils to be encountered in roadway areas in the development and shall follow current design recommendations of the Asphalt Institute, the Portland Cement Association or such other generally recognized standards as may be acceptable to the City Engineer.
As minimum requirements, rigid portland cement paving shall be expansion joint type paving utilizing joints similar to Type A expansion joints, according to the Standard Construction Details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
Pavement shall be reinforced, constructed with Class B air-entrained concrete and shall have a minimum thickness of 6 1/2 inches for local, local collector, and minor collector streets and eight inches for other classifications.
Flexible bituminous concrete pavement.
Flexible bituminous concrete pavements shall have an equivalent structural depth of at least 10 inches for local, local collector, and minor collector streets, having a minimum wearing surface of not less than 1 1/2 inches of pavement, Type FABC-1, Mix I-5, and a minimum bituminous stabilized base course, Mix I-5 or I-2 of not less than 2 1/2 inches and a dense graded aggregate base course to provide the remaining depth.
Flexible bituminous concrete pavements shall have an equivalent structural depth of at least 13 inches for other street classifications, having a minimum wearing surface of not less than two inches of pavement, Type FABC-1, a minimum bituminous stabilized base course of not less than three inches, and a dense graded aggregate base to provide the remaining depth.
Bituminous stabilized base may be substituted for aggregate base on a 1:3 ratio (stabilized base to aggregate base, all in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications).
All subgrade shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications for bituminous concrete and reinforced concrete pavements.
Prior to the construction of any subbase, base or pavement course, all soft or unyielding portions of the subgrade which do not attain the required stability will be removed and replaced with the suitable material, and the whole surface of the subgrade shall be compacted.
The provision of a uniform roadway subgrade meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications shall be the full responsibility of the developer.
In certain cases, special treatment may be required because of the character or nature of the subsoil.
Such special treatment may include lime or cement stabilization, wet excavation, or construction of underdrainage fields.
Any proposal by the developer to stabilize subgrade shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
Where granular subbase courses are included in the pavement design section proposed by the developer, they shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.
Bituminous concrete pavements (and stabilized bases) may be constructed on subgrade without subbase or aggregate base courses, provided that the subgrade can be satisfactorily prepared as hereinbefore described.
Dense graded aggregate base courses shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Soil Aggregate, Mix I-5.
Portland cement concrete pavements must be constructed with a minimum of six inches of a granular-type subbase meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Soil Aggregate, Mix I-4 or I-5.
Any subbase course or aggregate base course to be utilized with any type of pavement shall have a minimum thickness of four inches.
Bituminous base course for use with bituminous concrete pavements shall consist of plant-mixed bituminous stabilized base course (stone mix or gravel mix) in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications; except that the requirements for the construction of the base course shall be amended to allow the laying of the base course with a single lift maximum thickness not exceeding four inches.
Bituminous pavements shall consist of a bituminous concrete surface course, Type FABC-1, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
The bituminous pavement wearing surface should generally not be installed until just prior to the time the streets are prepared for final acceptance.
Prior to the installation of a bituminous concrete surface, the bituminous base course shall be inspected by the City Engineer.
Any areas of the base course in need of repair shall be removed and replaced at the direction of the City Engineer.
If the City Engineer directs, a leveling course of FABC material shall be placed on any uneven or belowgrade base courses prior to the placement of finished pavement.
No pavement surfaces shall be placed unless permission to do so has been granted by the City Engineer.
Concrete pavements shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
Expansion joints shall be New Jersey State Department of Transportation Type A expansion joints.
The developer may submit, at the time of the submission for the preliminary plat, an alternate expansion joint detail.
The use of such an alternate detail must be recommended by the City Engineer and approved by the municipal agency.
Where existing concrete roadways are being widened as a result of the development of abutting properties, the widened pavement shall be required to be of portland cement concrete.
The remaining pavement in the development may, if the subdivider elects, be bituminous concrete.
This will be an exception to the requirements that all pavement constructed within a development be of one type.
In areas where alternate pavement types are proposed or desired either for decorative purposes, because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, or because of limitations or shortages in certain types of construction materials, a detail of the type and/or location of alternate pavement types proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat.
The use of alternate pavement types may only be permitted if the applicant submits for review and approval details and specifications concerning the equipment, materials, and methods proposed for use, and if the City Engineer has inspected the installation of and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such pavement.
In the event the City Engineer does not approve the sample section of pavement, the developer shall remove the same section and replace it with a type of pavement permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the municipal agency.
When the effective operation of a building or structure, or equipment within a building or structure, necessitates placing machinery, motors, generators, or similar devices for cooling, heating, or generating purposes outside or on top of any structure, they shall be screened from public view. This screening shall consist of densely planted evergreen shrubs which shall grow to not less than five feet after one growing season, along with a solid screening element, such as:
A solid and uniform fence at least five feet in height on four sides of said equipment.
A masonry wall at least five feet in height on four sides of said equipment.
Extensions of parapet walls or mansard roof lines or structural or ornamental screens or baffles.
Any similar type of solid or uniform screening which will prevent exposure of such equipment to public view.
The above requirements shall not be construed to prevent an opening in any required screening for maintenance purposes. However, any such opening shall be made as inconspicuous as is possible so as not to present any unsightly display of said equipment to public view.
Sanitary sewers may be required by the municipal agency on advice by the City Engineer or other competent authority.
The design and construction or approval of all public systems for extensions of an existing system(s), either publicly or privately owned, shall be under the jurisdiction of the City Council.
Design and construction of sanitary sewer systems shall comply with the standards and practices listed in the design and construction of sanitary and storm sewers: WEF Manual of Practice No. 9, ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice No. 37, as revised.
Prior to the approval of any final plat, the full approval of any sanitary sewage disposal system must have been obtained from the City Council and all other agencies having jurisdictional review.
Public sewage disposal system shall be installed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and in accordance with other requirements of law and subject to the approval of the Municipal Council and all other agencies having jurisdictional review.
Individual sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of law and in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of local, county and state health agencies.
Sidewalk construction shall be required on both sides of all streets within a development and entirely around the perimeter of all culs-de-sac. Where the development abuts an existing street, the sidewalks shall be constructed only on that side. Sidewalks shall also be constructed at any other places, such as pedestrian walkways or access points to open space, as shown on or required at the approval of the final plat. Installation of sidewalks may be waived by the Planning Board at the request of the developer or on its own initiative, provided that the Planning Board, in exercising its discretion, determines that the neighborhood scheme would not be impacted by waiving the installation of sidewalks. Nothing contained herein shall affect the right of the City to enact ordinances requiring assessments for sidewalks from property owners as authorized under N.J.S.A. 40:65-2, or other statutory rights granted to municipalities.
[Amended 6-28-1988 by Ord. No. 10-1988]
Sidewalks within street rights-of-way shall generally be located three feet from the curb face but not less than one foot from the property line. Sidewalks not within street rights-of-way shall be located to provide for the most likely routes of pedestrian travel. In cases where the topography dictates or a proposed development provides for the extension of an existing street or abuts an existing street, where sidewalks have already been installed in a location other than as specified above or where such variations in sidewalk locations are needed to preserve trees or natural features, the municipal agency may approve alternate sidewalk locations in order to provide for the preservation of physical features or the continuation of the existing sidewalks.
Sidewalks shall be four feet wide and four inches thick of concrete according to specifications required for curbing in § 215-90 of this chapter.
Where sidewalks cross driveways, the thickness shall be increased to six inches for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of fewer than 50 spaces, and to eight inches for all other uses.
Where the municipal agency determines that a sidewalk may be subject to unusually heavy pedestrian traffic, it may require that its width be increased to a maximum of eight feet.
All sidewalk construction and curing precautions shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.
Concrete shall be Class B, air-entrained.
Preformed bituminous cellular joint fillers 1/2 inch thick shall be placed at intervals not exceeding 20 feet.
Dummy (formed) joints shall be cut into the concrete sidewalk between the expansion joints at equal intervals not exceeding the width of the sidewalk.
The sidewalk subgrade shall be compacted prior to the placement of any sidewalk. Any unsuitable material encountered in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable material acceptable to the Engineer.
All six-inch or eight-inch sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be reinforced at the midpoint or 1/3 points, respectively, of the sidewalk section. Reinforcing shall be welded wire fabric (6x6-10/10) or an equivalent approved by the City Engineer.
The Engineer may also require that four-inch-thick sidewalk be similarly reinforced if unsuitable ground conditions are encountered.
Reinforced concrete aprons shall be constructed at all driveways between the concrete curb (or combination curb and gutter) and the concrete sidewalk.
Such aprons shall be six inches thick for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of fewer than 50 spaces and to eight inches for all other uses.
They shall be reinforced with welded wire fabric (66-4x4), or an equivalent approved by the City Engineer.
Reinforcement shall be located at the midpoint or 1/3 points, respectively, of the section.
Concrete shall be Class B, air-entrained.
The width of the apron at the curbline shall not be less than the width of the driveway plus 10 feet or a minimum of 20 feet, whichever is greater.
At each driveway without curb return radii, the concrete curb or combination curb and gutter shall be depressed to form a driveway opening. The depression shall be equal in length to the width of the driveway plus 10 feet, but not less than 20 feet.
At driveways with curb return radii, the curb depression shall accommodate the exterior limits of the radii.
The depression shall be smoothly formed to maintain a lowered curb face across the depression of at least one inch, but not more than two inches.
The bottom of the curb shall be lowered to maintain full curb depth across the depression.
In areas where alternate sidewalk or apron types and/or locations are proposed or desired, either for decorative purposes or because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, a detail of the type and/or location of sidewalk and apron proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat.
Continuous slip-formed sidewalks may be permitted if such is considered to be desirable by the City Engineer.
The use of continuous slip-formed sidewalks may only be permitted if the applicant submits, for review and approval, details and specifications concerning the equipment, materials, and methods proposed for use; and if the City Engineer has inspected the installation and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such sidewalk.
In the event the City Engineer does not approve the sample section of continuous slip-formed sidewalk, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of sidewalk permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the municipal agency.
Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed on all curb returns and, where appropriate, in parking areas.
In general, two curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner (see Figure 8A[1]).
Editor's Note: Figure 8A is included at the end of this chapter.
A single ramp at the center of the corner is acceptable when site conditions preclude the use of the two-ramp system (see Figure 8B[2]).
Editor's Note: Figure 8B is included at the end of this chapter.
Curb ramps shall be provided at all four corners of full intersections.
Curb ramps shall be provided at the two corners plus a location across the street from both of the ramps at T intersections.
Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed in accordance with the standards shown on Figures 8A and 8B.
Curb ramps shall be constructed with a rough broom finish in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications and shall be flush with the street pavement at the gutter line.
If there is a grass or landscaped area between the curb and sidewalk, side ramps need not be provided.
The developer shall submit a detailed intersection grading plan for approval of the City Engineer prior to installation of the curbs, sidewalks and curb ramps at the intersection.
[Amended 2-16-1993 by Ord. No. 6-1993]
General provisions.
Any signs not specifically permitted are hereby prohibited.
No signs, except window or special event signs, shall be placed on private or public property except for the purpose of identifying a use or uses actually conducted upon the premises upon which such signs are erected and for no other purpose.
No sign shall be located in such a manner as to materially impede the view of any street or intersection.
Except where otherwise provided, no sign or any part thereof shall be located closer than 15 feet to any lot line.
All height limitations shall be measured from ground level to the highest part of the sign or its supporting structure, whichever is higher.
The maximum height for freestanding signs, unless otherwise provided, shall not exceed 12 feet above ground level.
Except where specifically prohibited, all signs may be double-faced, and the maximum area shall apply to each side. The areas of the sign shall include each and every part of the sign, including moldings and frames. Where the sign is supported by a post or pylon whose surface is being used for advertising purposes, the areas of this post, pylon or other supporting members shall be considered as part of the total sign area.
Wherever the name or advertising message on a sign is divided between a number of panels or parts, the total area of all of the panels or parts shall be considered as one sign; and where a sign consists of individual letters or numbers, the area of the sign shall be considered as the total area of the smallest rectangle or rectangles which can collectively enclose all of the letter or numbers. The total area of a neon, LED or electronic light sign shall be measured as provided in Subsection L(3).
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Signs erected flat against the side of a building shall not extend above the height of the vertical wall or cornice to which they are attached.
Unless specifically prohibited, all signs may be illuminated as provided for in Subsection E below.
Whenever a parcel is bordered by more than one street, additional signage may be permitted by the municipal agency, in accordance with the standards of this section, for each major street upon which the parcel fronts. This standard shall also apply to the installation of neon, LED or electronic light signs in accordance with Subsection L(3).
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
No display vehicles or display trailer devices for commercial purposes shall be permitted to remain in any district for longer than a consecutive twenty-four-hour period.
No portion of any sign shall be located within or suspended over a public right-of-way or pedestrian walkway.
No sign, other than exempt signs, shall be permitted within 50 feet of the property line of any historical site or monument.
Setbacks from residential district. No sign shall be located closer than 25 feet to any residential zone boundary and, further, shrubbery, a wall or other suitable device shall be provided as a visual barrier between said sign and adjoining residential properties.
No existing sign shall be enlarged, rebuilt, structurally altered, or relocated except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and until a permit has been issued. The issuance of a permit shall not relieve the owner or lessee of the premises from the duty of safely maintaining such structures.
With the exception of any neon, LED or electronic light sign existing on the date of adoption of Ordinance No. 6-1993 which was and can be conclusively established by the owner of the premises to have been in existence prior to June 24, 1986, all other neon, LED or electronic light signs within the City of Northfield require a permit to be issued and must satisfy the requirements of this chapter as they pertain to the placement and operation of neon, LED or electronic light signs, and a permit must be obtained not later than 45 days from the effective date of Ordinance No. 6-1993; and any sign which requires such a permit which shall not have been obtained within 45 days shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter. No permit shall be issued for any neon, LED or electronic light sign to be installed within any building or structure where there exists any signage in violation of this chapter.
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
All signs and advertising displays, other than those expressly excluded herein, shall require a sign permit. To obtain such permit, the owner of the proposed sign shall make application to the Zoning Officer on forms provided by him/her. The applicant shall also provide all plans and specifications of the proposed construction as provided below.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Officer to determine whether the proposed signs will be in compliance with all the provisions of this section and all other laws and ordinances of this chapter, and that the same will be erected in such manner as not to constitute any hazard to the public or not likely to cause damage to property. The Zoning Officer shall approve or deny the issuance of a sign permit within 30 days of the receipt by him/her of the completed application form and fee. In the event the Zoning Officer approves the issuance of the sign permit, he/she shall promptly forward the same to the applicant. In the event the Construction Official denies the issuance of the sign permit, the Zoning Officer shall so notify the applicant. Upon such denial, the applicant may appeal the determination of the Zoning Officer, pursuant to § 215-7 of this chapter and all other applicable sections thereof. If the work authorized under a sign permit shall not be completed within one year after the date of its issuance, the permit shall become null and void.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Application for sign permits shall be made on forms to be furnished by the City and shall be accompanied by a fee of $75 by cash or check payable to the order of the "City of Northfield," which fee shall not be returnable for any reason. The application shall contain the following information hereinafter set forth:
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Name, address and telephone number of the owner of the premises upon which the sign is sought to be erected, and if the applicant is a person other than the owner, then the applicant, in addition, shall set forth his, her or its name, address and telephone number as well as his, her or its relationship to owner.
Name of person, firm, corporation or association erecting the sign.
Written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the sign is to be erected, if applicant is other than the owner.
Attached to each copy of the application shall be a sketch plat prepared by the applicant or on his behalf, which shall include the following information:
Location of the premises on which the sign is to be erected, in relation to surrounding properties, and showing the Tax Map block and lot numbers of said premises along with the names of the owners of all adjoining properties and their respective Tax Map block and lot numbers, and the names of all streets which abut said premises.
The location and dimension of all boundary lines of the premises.
The location and dimensions of all buildings and structures, including existing signs, on said premises, showing their respective setbacks from the boundary lines.
Also attached to each copy of the application shall be an additional sketch prepared by the applicant or on his behalf, which shall include the following information:
A diagram of the proposed sign, with all its dimensions and height above ground shown, and a description of the message, trademark, symbol or insignia to be contained thereon.
The method and materials of construction of said sign, including the mode of illumination, if any, and the manner in which it will be connected to the ground or building. In any business, commercial or industrial zone, this information shall be supplied by virtue of being set forth in blueprint plans.
Nonconforming signs.
Continuance. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the lawful use of any sign existing at the date of the adoption of this chapter may be continued, although such sign does not conform to the regulations specified by this section for said sign; provided, however, that no nonconforming signs shall be enlarged, extended or increased or changed in material, character, location or illumination, with the exception of any neon, LED or electronic light sign which was, and can be conclusively established by the owner thereof to have been, in existence prior to June 24, 1986; all neon, LED or electronic light signs within the City of Northfield must satisfy the requirements of this chapter pertaining to the placement and operation of neon, LED or electronic light signs; and all neon, LED or electronic light signs, whether preexisting the June 24, 1986, date, shall be subject to the permitting requirements of this chapter.
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Abandonment. A nonconforming sign shall be presumed to be abandoned when there occurs a cessation of any use of activity pursuant to ordinance. Failure to keep signs in good repair for a period of 12 consecutive calendar months shall constitute abandonment and such sign may not then be replaced or reused and must be removed.
Restoration. If any nonconforming signs shall be destroyed by reason of windstorm, fire, explosion or other act of God or the public enemy, to an extent in excess of 50% of its then true value, said sign shall not be rebuilt or reconstructed except in conformance with the provisions of the section.
Reversion. No conforming sign shall, once changed into a conforming sign, be changed back again into a nonconforming sign.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
All signs shall conform to the structural requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code and applicant shall be responsible for obtaining any and all other necessary permits and/or approvals, including, but not limited to, the City of Northfield Construction/Building Department, prior to sign installation.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Freestanding signs shall be supported by posts or pylons of durable materials which may include concrete, steel, treated wood, other suitable materials, or any combination of same. Supports for freestanding signs shall be set securely in the ground or concrete so that the sign will be capable of withstanding high winds. No other bracing or guy wire shall be permitted.
Any sign attached flat against the surface of a building shall be constructed of durable material and attached securely to the building with nonrusting metal hardware. When a sign is to be installed on a masonry building, holes shall be drilled in the masonry, and proper nonrusting hardware of the expansion type shall be used. The use of wood or fiber plugs is prohibited.
All neon, LED or electronic light signs shall satisfy the requirements of this Subsection C, shall be subject to review and inspection by the Electrical Inspector of the City of Northfield if required, shall be properly insulated and grounded, and shall meet or exceed the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code and the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019; 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Maintenance. All signs shall be kept and maintained in a safe, secure and good condition. Failure of a permittee and/or property owner to maintain a sign as set forth herein shall constitute a violation of this section by both the permittee and property owner enforceable by the Code Enforcement Officer in a court with appropriate jurisdiction. If the Code Enforcement Officer shall find that any sign is unsafe, insecure or in need of repair, or is not maintained in proper condition, the Code Enforcement Officer may, within his/her discretion, give written notice to the permittee thereof and the owner of the property on which said sign is located. If the permittee fails to repair or remove as required within 10 days after such notice, such sign may be removed by the Code Enforcement Officer at the expense of the permittee and/or owner of property on which it is located. The Code Enforcement Officer may cause any sign or other advertising structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed at the expense of the permittee or owner of the property upon which the sign is located and without notice to said persons.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012; 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Wiring for illuminated signs shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the electrical codes of the City. Any fee for an electrical inspection shall be in addition to the fee provided for in the sign permit.
Where illuminated signs are permitted, illumination may be provided by floodlights, spotlights, ordinary incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes, LED or mercury vapor lamps. Neon tube lights and LED strip lights are specifically prohibited except within the C-B Community Business, the O-PB Office Professional Business and the R-C Office Professional Business and the R-C Regional Commercial Zones. However, no neon, LED or electronic light sign shall be permitted to be placed within any window of any structure within any such zone if such window shall face or front upon an immediately adjacent residential zone (R-1, R-1A, R-2, R-3, R-SC, AH), even if separated from the residential district by a street, road or highway. Regardless of the type of illumination employed, all illuminated signs shall be properly shielded and so located as to prevent glare or blinding effects upon motor vehicle traffic and so as not to cause a nuisance to residents of the area.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012; 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer, with or without consultation with any member of the City of Northfield Police Department, determines that the lighting on any sign now or hereafter erected constitutes a safety hazard to motor vehicle traffic in the vicinity, the Code Enforcement Officer shall serve written notice of this determination upon the property owner and permittee, directing them to correct the condition within 15 days from the date of the mailing of the notice. Failure to correct the condition or file an appeal within the time specified shall constitute a violation of this section by both the sign owner and property owner.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Signs permitted without a permit. The following signs shall be permitted in any zone in the City without a permit:
Nonilluminated directional signs identifying parking areas, loading zones, entrances, exits, and similar locations. The signs may include a business name or professional name but shall not include any advertising message and shall not exceed three square feet.
Temporary and permanent traffic signs and signals installed by the City, county or state for the purpose of directing and regulating the flow of traffic.
Signs indicating public transportation stops when installed by the City or a public transportation utility.
Historical tablets, cornerstones, memorial plaques and emblems which do not exceed six square feet in area and which are installed by government agencies or civil or religious organizations.
Warning and no-trespassing signs, not exceeding three square feet in area.
Flags or emblems of religious, educational, civic or governmental organizations flown from supports on the buildings or grounds occupied by the organization and the American Flag whenever and wherever flown in accordance with the laws and rules promulgated by the federal government.
Name and number plates identifying residents and affixed to a house, apartment or mailbox, not exceeding 50 square inches in area.
Lawn signs identifying residents, not exceeding 72 square inches in area for each side. The signs shall not contain any advertising message and shall be nonilluminated except by a light which is an integral part of a lamppost if used as a support.
Signs posted by governmental agencies or pursuant to governmental statute, order or regulation.
Signs which are an integral part of vending machines, including gasoline pumps and milk machines, provided that they do not exceed two square feet in area.
Real estate signs, announcing the sale, rental, or lease of the premises on which the sign is located, such sign not to exceed five square feet in area. If double-faced, the sign shall not exceed 10 square feet in area for both sides. The sign shall be nonilluminated. Such sign shall not be closer to the lot line than 1/2 the distance between the building line and the lot line, as defined by this chapter. Such signs shall not be located closer to other such signs than one in every 200 feet, measured either along the front of a lot or along the depth of a lot.
Temporary signs or other advertising materials attached to a window shall be removed at the expiration of the event sale for which it was erected or posted or 90 days whichever is less in duration. Not more than 25% of the square footage of any single window or single window display areas shall be devoted to signs or other advertising material attached thereto or otherwise exposed to public view. Wherever permanent neon, LED or electronic light signs have been installed, no temporary signs or other advertising materials may be attached to any window in which such neon, LED or electronic light sign has been placed.
[Amended 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012; 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Temporary signs for advertising public functions or fund-raising events for charitable or religious organizations shall be permitted for a period of 90 days prior to and during the event and shall be removed within five days after the event. The signs shall be nonilluminated, not larger than eight square feet in area, not exceeding eight feet in height and may be erected flat against the building or freestanding. No temporary sign shall be placed within the area of any window in which a neon, LED or electronic light sign has been installed.
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Path-marking signs for garage sales, provided that not more than six signs not exceeding two square feet in size are posted no earlier than one week before the beginning of the sale, are removed the day following the sale and are not otherwise prohibited in Subsection G below.
Professional signs indicating the name and profession of the occupant of a dwelling, provided such signs do not exceed one square foot on any one side.
One sign advertising a permitted nonprofit or public nonresidential use, provided said sign is located on the same premises as the use, and provided that said sign shall not exceed eight square feet in area on any one side. No sign advertising a permitted nonprofit or public nonresidential use shall be placed within any window in which a neon, LED or electronic light sign has been installed.
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Political signs, including banners, which are political in nature and which promote the election of a particular candidate(s) or otherwise contain political speech may be placed upon property within the City, provided all such signs and the placement thereof meet the following criteria:
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
A sign may be no more than a maximum of 16 square feet.
Each sign shall be a maximum of four feet in height and shall be a maximum of four feet in width and shall not exceed, in the aggregate, a maximum of 16 square feet.
There shall be no moving parts, flashing lights or illumination on or of any sign.
If attached to a building, the top of the sign shall not extend more than six inches above the roof line of said building.
No sign shall be placed or positioned so as to obstruct any intersection or to impede the vision of motorists nor to create a traffic hazard.
No sign shall be erected at a height greater than six feet from the ground to the base of the sign.
There shall be no more than five signs per property (regardless of the number of lots owned).
If a sign contains writing on two or more sides, the maximum square footage of all sides, in the aggregate, shall not exceed 16 square feet, the sign shall meet all other requirements of this chapter as to height and location, and such sign shall be counted as one sign.
There shall be no fees charged by the City for the placement of such signs.
All provisions and conditions pertaining to signs of a political nature shall be applicable within all zones, residential, commercial or otherwise, within the City of Northfield.
Any signs forbidding trespassing, hunting, fishing or trapping as authorized by the New Jersey Fish and Game Laws.
Logoed umbrellas, as portable signs, at sidewalk cafes or restaurants when used for shading approved seating areas.
[Added 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Signs pertaining to First Amendment speech rights.
[Added 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Temporary signs advertising the initial/grand opening of a new business in the City of Northfield shall be permitted for a period of 45 days from either the issuance of a mercantile license or the date the new business operations commenced, whichever is earlier. Said signs shall be immediately removed upon the expiration of the aforesaid forty-five-day period. The signs shall not be illuminated, shall be not larger than eight square feet in area, shall not exceed eight feet in height and may be erected flat against the building or freestanding. No temporary sign shall be placed within the area of any window in which a neon, LED or electronic light sign has been installed.
[Added 4-6-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021; 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Prohibited signs. The following signs are prohibited in all zones in the City:
Signs using red, yellow and green lights which, in the judgment of the Chief of Police, interfere with the operation of any traffic control signal.
Moving or revolving signs, strips, tubes or lamps, of any illumination source, using any mode of blinking, flashing, vibrating, flickering, tracer, color changing or sequential lighting, used as sign or as an architectural accent, except for the standard movement of clocks and temperature gauges or signs that indicate the "open" status of business. Signs indicating the "open" status of a building shall not be larger than two square feet in area.
[Amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019; 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Signs using any material which sparkles or glitters, but nothing herein contained is intended to prohibit the use of reflective paint on signs directing traffic or identifying various locations within a lot or parcel. Signs using neon lights are prohibited in all zones except as specifically provided in Subsection E(2).
Any sign which, in the judgment of the Chief of Police, unreasonably tends to distract drivers or otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard.
Roof signs. No sign may be constructed which attaches to or projects above the roof line. No sign attached to any building may project above the roof line.
Signs or advertising matter of an indecent or obscene nature.
Signs using words such as "stop," "look," "danger," etc. which are placed in a manner or position which, in the judgment of the Chief of Police, constitute a traffic hazard or otherwise interfere with the free flow of traffic.
Signs which attempt to imitate or otherwise cause confusion with existing signs erected by any governmental board, body or agency.
Except where specifically permitted, signs advertising a product or service not sold on the premises, signs advertising or directing attention to another premises and any other signs unrelated to the premises on which the sign is erected.
Signs causing interference with radio or television reception.
Signs obstructing doors, fire escapes or stairways or keeping light or air from windows used for living quarters.
Banners, strings of banners, pennants, pinwheels, sidewalk signs, curb signs, and similar advertising devices.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Any sign or banner spanning a public street.
Signs placed on trees, fences, utility poles, light poles, signs attached to other signs and signs placed upon motor vehicles which are continuously or repeatedly parked in a conspicuous location to serve as a sign, but nothing herein contained is intended to prohibit the placement of signs directing traffic or identifying various locations within a lot or parcel on light poles and utility poles erected therein.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Any series of two or more signs placed along a street or highway carrying an advertising message, part of which is contained on each sign.
Signs which advertise that real estate has been sold.
A sign on a motor vehicle, truck, trailer, whether or not operational and whether or not self-propelled, which is used or parked or designated to be parked for advertising purposes. Specifically exempted from this section are those signs, nameplates, or letters affixed to or printed upon commercial vehicles regularly used in the course of business for regular deliveries, pick-ups or other such purposes and/or in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-46. Specifically included are signs on vehicles, trailers, and the like which have as their prime purpose the advertising of goods, wares, or services of a business which are maintained in a stationary manner at one or more locations for extended periods of time.
Outdoor advertising signs, billboards, or devices which are not directly related to an activity currently being conducted on the lot or premises upon which such sign is located.
Signs permitted in residential zones (R-1, R-1A, R-2, and R-3).
Residential nameplates, lawn signs, and real estate signs as specified in Subsection F.
Signs in connection with each housing or land development, as follows:
At the main entrance to the development, two nonilluminated, freestanding signs which shall state the name of the development and no other advertising material. Each sign shall not exceed 25 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
At each entrance other than the main entrance, one nonilluminated, freestanding sign not exceeding 15 square feet in area and not more than eight feet in height.
At the rental or sales office of the development, one freestanding illuminated sign advertising the office, not to exceed 15 square feet in area and not more than five feet in height.
Signs permitted in the R-SC Senior Citizen Residential District, AH Adult Housing District, AH1-AR Affordable Housing 1 - Age-Restricted, AH2 Overlay Zone Adult Housing and AH3-AR - Affordable Housing 3 - Age-Restricted Overlay District.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012; 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
Residential nameplates as specified in Subsection F.
One freestanding, externally illuminated or nonilluminated project identification sign for each direction of travel on any public street on which the development has frontage, not to exceed 30 square feet in area nor six feet in height and located not less than 20 feet from any street or adjacent property line. Such signs may bear only the name of the development and the owner, the street address, and the presence or lack of vacant units.
Real estate signs, the sole purpose of which is to direct the public to the development; four temporary, freestanding, nonilluminated signs at key intersections. Each sign shall not exceed 15 square feet in area and eight feet in height above the ground. The sign permit shall be issued for a period of six months and shall be renewable for additional periods of six months during the period of construction.
Such other signs as the approving authority may in its discretion deem appropriate.
Signs permitted in the O-PB Office Professional Business Zone.
One facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said signs shall not exceed an area of one square foot for each one foot in width of the front of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use or activity.
Freestanding signs, under the standards/criteria set forth in § 215-113L(2) of this chapter.
[Added 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
Signs permitted in the C-C Country Club Zone.
One nonflashing sign identifying a church, golf course, public building, public or nonprofit recreational use or other such permitted use and not exceeding 16 square feet in area on any one side, provided said side shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any lot line.
Signs permitted in the N-B Neighborhood Business, C-B Community Business, R-C Regional Commercial, and O-P Office Professional Zones.
Attached signs. A sign attached to the main building advertising a business conducted on the premises shall be subject to the following regulations:
Such signs shall not exceed 1/2 square foot in area for each one foot in width of a building facade which is devoted to the business and to which it is attached, and in no case shall such sign exceed 100 square feet in area.
Such sign shall not project more than 18 inches from the building facade to which it is attached; provided, however, that where a sign extends more than three inches from the face of said wall, the bottom of said sign shall not be closer than eight feet to the ground level under said sign.
Such sign shall not have a vertical dimension in excess of five feet.
Freestanding signs.
Such signs shall not exceed a height of 15 feet measured from the ground level to the topmost portion of the structure. The bottom edge of the sign shall be not less than three feet above the ground. Supporting frames for all such signs shall be of permanent materials such as steel, concrete, or masonry. All freestanding signs shall be located in a curbed island.
Such sign shall have a minimum area of 10 square feet, and thereafter such sign shall not exceed one foot in area for each ten-foot interval of street frontage of the lot on which the sign is to be located, provided no such sign shall exceed 50 square feet in area.
Not more than one freestanding sign per principal building shall be permitted for each 300 feet of street frontage.
Such sign may be interior lighted with nonglaring lights or may be illuminated by shielded floodlights. No lights of an intermittent or flashing type shall be permitted.
Such signs shall advertise only such business as is conducted on the premises on which the sign is located.
Such sign shall be no closer than 15 feet to any property line nor closer than 50 feet to a residential zone boundary line.
All freestanding signs shall have the numerical address of the property prominently displaying on the sign.
[Added 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
Interior neon, LED or electronic light signs.
[Amended 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012; 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
With the exception of any neon, LED or electronic light sign which was, and can be conclusively established by the owners thereof to have been, in existence prior to June 24, 1986, all neon, LED or electronic light signs within the City of Northfield must be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. No neon, LED or electronic light sign shall be permitted to be placed in any zone within the City of Northfield other than the C-B Community Business, the O-P Office Professional, the O-PB Office Professional Business and the R-C Regional Commercial Zones.
All neon, LED or electronic light signs shall be subject to the provisions of Subsections A through G of this section and shall be further subject to the following requirements:
Every neon, LED or electronic light sign requires a sign permit.
No neon, LED or electronic light sign may revolve, flash or display movement or the illusion of movement.
All neon, LED or electronic light signs must be installed within and attached to the area of the interior window of the business premises in which they are installed.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
No neon, LED or electronic light signs shall be installed within doorways nor attached to any glass within a door or door frame; nor shall any neon, LED or electronic light sign be permitted to be installed in any window area other than on the first floor of the business premises.
The area of any neon, LED or electronic light sign shall not exceed 25% of the total window area in which such neon, LED or electronic light sign is to be installed. For purposes of this section, the limitation is imposed upon the aggregate window area of the specific window in which the neon, LED or electronic light sign is placed. The aggregate of all window area of a premises cannot be used to calculate the size of a neon, LED or electronic light sign permitted to be installed within a single window. A window shall be defined as the area of glass within a frame or panel.
The area of the neon, LED or electronic light sign to be measured in calculating the 25% limitation shall be calculated by measuring around the exterior edges of a framed or enclosed sign; or by measuring the area utilized by isolated words and/or symbols, which shall include the background area as if the sign had been enclosed or framed and had been squared off at the highest and widest points, regardless of whether the neon, LED or electronic light sign is open or enclosed; but excluding any bracing incidental to the display itself and which is not made of neon, LED or electronic light or otherwise self-illuminated.
Whenever a parcel in the C-B, O-PB or R-C Zone is bordered by more than one street, road or highway, neon, LED or electronic light signage may be permitted to be installed in compliance with the requirements of this chapter within the first-floor window(s) facing each such street, road or highway upon which the subject business within said parcel fronts; unless prohibited by Subsection L(3)(b)[8] of this section.
No window within any structure situated in a zone within which neon, LED or electronic light signs are permitted shall be eligible for the placement or installation of any neon, LED or electronic light sign if such window faces or fronts upon an adjacent residential district (R-1, R-1A, R-2, R-2, R-SC, AH) as shown on the Zoning Map of the City of Northfield, regardless of whether such residential district is separated by a street, road, or highway. This limitation shall not apply, however, unless the residential district is directly adjacent to the property upon which the structure is located or immediately adjacent to the street, road or highway between the residential district and such structure.
When neon, LED or electronic light signs have been placed in compliance with this section, no other temporary or permanent signs shall be placed within any window in which such neon, LED or electronic light sign has been installed. This prohibition is intended to apply to all types of temporary or permanent signs, whether constructed of paper, cardboard, wood, or any other material whatsoever.
Electronic message boards; purpose and intent. More businesses desire to utilize advancements in sign technology which permit signs to change content electronically which are known as “electronic message boards,” e.g., LED-type signs. These electronic message boards may adversely impact adjacent areas unless they are regulated in a reasonable fashion. The intent and purpose of this subsection is to establish standards and regulations for electronic message boards to minimize potential adverse impacts, preserve the character of adjacent areas to the extent practical and reasonable and minimize potential traffic safety concerns.
[Added 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012; amended 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Electronic message boards shall be permitted uses in the N-B Neighborhood Business; C-B Community Business; and R-C Regional Commercial Zones.
An electronic message board may be placed on a freestanding sign.
On an electronic message board:
Text and messages shall be limited to no more than four lines, shall be nonmoving and shall not contain any animation.
Electronic message boards may display nonmoving pictures, graphics or logos of businesses and/or products sold on premises.
A maximum of one message change every 60 seconds shall be permitted. All transitions between messages shall be by way of nonmoving fades or cuts.
Electronic message boards must conform to all dimensional, location and placement standards as prescribed for nonelectronic message boards in the applicable zoning districts. In no case shall an electronic message board sign face exceed 24 square feet in size.
Electronic message boards are required to have an automated device to be able to dim the sign to the requirements of this chapter. This may be a photocell or a schedule programmed into or by the electronic message board's control system. From sunset to sunrise, an electronic message board shall be controlled to restrict the brightness /luminance of the display to 50 nits or cd/m2, measured while a 100% plain white image is displayed on the electronic message board. Owners or tenants of properties with electronic message boards are required to display a 100% plain white image for measurement upon reasonable written notice and demand from the appropriate enforcement agent for the City of Northfield. The measurement sensor will be positioned to integrate the emission of all colors on the electronic message board, or a diffuse media will be used, to mix the colors of the electronic message board emitters allowing an accurate measurement. If diffusion media is used to accomplish the measurement, a correction factor allowing for the transmission loss of the diffusion will be added to the measurement. This measurement is to be taken no more than six inches from the front of the electronic message board display, on the center axis of the electronic message board's brightest light emitting devices.
If the Code Enforcement Officer finds that the electronic message board causes a glare, illuminates neighboring buildings or otherwise impairs the vision of drivers of motor vehicles, the property owner and/or permittee of the electronic message board, within 24 hours of a notice by the City, will reduce the intensity of the electronic message board to a level acceptable to the City.
f[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Preexisting nonconforming signs may not be converted to electronic message boards unless approved by the appropriate land use board and the proposed electronic message board and structure completely conform to all sign regulations, as set forth in Subsection L(4)(d) above.
Only static images may be displayed on electronic message boards. No movement or animation is permitted in the message, whether same consists of text or images. Transitions between messages can only be by way of dissolves or cuts only. There shall be no wipes or moves. Time and temperature may be displayed on the sign. An electronic message board would not be a violation of this chapter should the time or temperature change during the display of the information.
The content of the electronic message board should reflect the character of the business and respect the environs of the community. The images should be clearly readable and understandable to prevent distraction to drivers. Darker backgrounds should be scheduled during evening hours to facilitate reading and help maintain night vision for drivers.
The liability, content, control and ownership of the electronic message board is strictly limited to the owner/lessee of the property on which the electronic message board is constructed. All advertisement on the electronic message board shall strictly be for products or services offered by the business owner/lessee on the property on which the electronic message board is constructed.
No electronic message board may be used on a portable vehicle or trailer.
Barbershops are entitled to display one barber pole limited in size to 39 inches in height and eight inches in diameter. They shall be mounted to the building wall and shall not project higher than the highest part of the eaves. Low-level, constant internal lighting may illuminate barber poles.
[Added 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Time and temperature displays shall be allowed as long as the square footage of these displays is included in the calculations for the entire sign and remains within the total allowable size permitted.
[Added 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Additional signage permitted in N-B Neighborhood Business, C-B Community Business, C-C Country Club, R-C Regional Commercial and O-PB Office Professional Business Zones and preexisting nonconforming businesses in other zoning districts.
[Added 6-18-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019]
Sandwich board or A-frame signs. A sandwich board or A-frame sign is a freestanding temporary sign, with no moving parts or lights, no larger than seven square feet total sign size, displayed outside a business during business hours to advertise the business hours of operation, an event, a promotion or the like. A sandwich board or A-frame sign is not intended to be permanent business signage. One sandwich board or A-frame sign per business street frontage shall be permitted as follows:
Location. Signage shall be placed within the subject property boundaries and in the area located between the main business entrance and the portion of sidewalk closest to the main business entrance. The sign shall not interfere with or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic and shall be in compliance with the City Code. Signs shall not be located within or interfere with any sight triangle or driveway access, ingress or egress. Signs shall not be anchored to the ground nor attached or chained to poles, fences, newspaper vending boxes, or other structures or appurtenances.
Size. Sandwich boards and A-frame signs shall not exceed 24 inches in width and shall have a maximum height of 42 inches for a maximum total area of seven square feet per side. Within these specified dimensions, creative shapes that reflect the theme of the business are encouraged (i.e., ice cream parlors may display a sign in the shape of an ice cream cone).
Appearance. The sign must be constructed of materials that present a finished appearance. Rough-cut plywood is not acceptable. The sign frame shall be painted or stained wood, plastic or anodized aluminum or metal. A locking arm or device is required to keep the sign from collapsing while displayed. Stenciled or spray-painted signs are prohibited. Windblown devices, including balloons, may not be attached or otherwise made part of the sign. The sign lettering should be professionally painted or applied. A yard sale or graffiti look with hand-painted or paint-stenciled letters is not permitted. Artistic chalkboard signs shall be permitted. The written message of the sign should be kept to the minimum necessary to communicate the name of the business or a special message of the business. Lettering on the sign shall be small enough to not be legible from automobile traffic on the street.
Lighting and display hours. Sandwich boards and A-frame signs shall not be illuminated, shall be removed at the end of the business day and will only be displayed during regular business hours. Sandwich boards and A-frame signs must be weighted down or removed if winds gust to 20 m.p.h.
Prohibited signs and devices. Signs made wholly or partially of highly reflective material or high-visibility colors (i.e., neon color on black background), so as to generate a contrast between the sign and adjacent surfaces or the surrounding area are prohibited.
Any person intending to use a sandwich board or A-frame sign is required to obtain a yearly temporary sign permit from the Zoning Officer of the City of Northfield. The permit application form and process shall be in a form and manner acceptable to the Zoning Officer of the City of Northfield. The application fee shall be $25. The application and permit shall confirm the sign location address, the business and property owner's name and address and contact information. A sign number will be assigned for tracking purposes. In the application, the applicant shall indemnify and hold the City of Northfield, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any claim arising out of the presence of the sign on the City of Northfield property or rights-of-way. A copy of the permit must be attached to the back of the board.
Any signs that do not meet the criteria outlined in this policy shall be subject to removal by the Code Enforcement Office.
Additional signage allowed in the C-B Community Business, R-C Regional Commercial, and O-PB Office Professional Business Zones, for commercial businesses that have frontage along Tilton Road or US Route 9 (aka New Road).
[Added 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Sail Sign
An advertising sign composed of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a vertical pole, and resembles the shape of a boat sail. This type of sign does not require wind to stay open.
Feather Sign/Feather Flag/Feather Banner
An advertising sign composed of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a vertical pole, and resembles the shape of a bird's feather (aka quill).
Windless Flag Sign
Another name for sail sign, feather sign, feather flag or feather banner; this type of sign does not require wind to stay open.
Windless flag signs, which must be affixed at ground level, are permitted at businesses that have frontage on Tilton Road or US Route 9 (aka New Road), and shall only be placed along Tilton Road or US Route 9 (aka New Road).
As defined in this section, said signs are subject to the following:
No more than one sign per business is allowed.
Signs may only be displayed during hours of operation for the business, and only in the approved location.
Signs must be installed and exhibited within property boundaries.
A minimum separation of 25 feet between signs is required.
All signs must be securely attached to the ground in accordance with manufacturer specifications.
Signs shall not be illuminated.
Signs shall not exceed 12 feet in height at their highest point, nor shall they be wider than 2.5 feet wide at their widest point.
No sign shall exceed 30 square feet in area
Permit required.
A permit issued by the Zoning Officer for the City of Northfield shall be required.
The permit application form and process shall be in a form and manner acceptable to the Zoning Officer of the City of Northfield.
Sign permits shall be valid through December 31 of the year they are issued and are subject to annual renewal, in January of each succeeding year.
The application fee shall be $40; annual renewal shall be $20.
Any new application for a permit filed on or after June 2 of each licensing year shall be issued, upon approval, at 50% of the annual fee.
Applications for renewal of a sign permit issued pursuant to this section shall follow the same procedure as outlined for a new application. Sign permit holders are responsible for annually renewing their sign permit without further notice by the City of Northfield; renewal notices or reminders will not be sent.
Sign permits are not assignable or transferable.
No rebate or refund of any permit fee or any part thereof shall be made for any reason.
Revocation of permit.
Whenever the Zoning Officer determines that any sign is not exhibited in accordance with the Code of the City of Northfield, this chapter or constitutes a safety hazard to motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic in the vicinity, he/she shall serve written notice of his/her determination upon the permittee and the property owner, directing them to immediately render said sign compliant or remove same until the violation is cured.
Failure to immediately remove or render compliant shall constitute a violation of this section by both the permittee and property owner and may result in revocation of the permit by the Zoning Officer.
Violations and penalties.
Violations; penalties. Any person violating any part of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000.
All developments shall protect streams, lakes and ponds from sedimentation and shall control erosion in accordance with the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey, set forth in the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act, Chapter 251, Laws of 1975 (N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et seq.), as amended and supplemented.
All developments may be required to submit an erosion and sediment control plan and a sequence of installation or application of planned erosion and sediment control measures as related to the progress of the development, as part of the preliminary plat or site plan which shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer.
A soil erosion and sediment control permit shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit and as a condition of preliminary and final site plan or subdivision approval.
Stormwater management measures for major development include that all streets be provided with inlets and pipes where the same are necessary for proper drainage. The City encourages the use of natural vegetated swales in lieu of inlets and pipes, where practical.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Solid wastes from all uses other than single- or two-family homes, if stored outdoors, shall be placed in metal receptacles within a screened refuse area.
The screened refuse area shall not be located within any front yard area.
The refuse storage shall be surrounded on three sides by a solid uniform fence or wall not less than five feet nor more than eight feet in height. Such fence shall be exempt from the provisions of any ordinance of the City regulating the height of fences and requiring permits therefor.
A five-foot-minimum-width landscaping area shall be provided along the fence or wall enclosing the refuse storage area. The landscaping to be provided shall be shown on the site plan submitted for municipal agency approval.
The opening in the enclosed refuse area should be provided with a solid gate not less than five feet in height to permit access to the refuse enclosure and screening from adjoining properties and public streets.
If located within or adjacent to a parking area or access drive, the enclosed refuse area shall be separated from such parking area or access drive by curbing.
The enclosed refuse area shall not be located so as to interfere with traffic circulation or the parking of vehicles.
All refuse shall be deposited in containers maintained within the refuse area. No containers shall be maintained anywhere on a site except in a refuse area meeting these requirements.
If outdoor storage of solid waste is not proposed, the site plan submission shall detail the methods proposed for accommodating solid waste within the structure. The municipal agency may require that a suitable area be set aside, but not improved, for a future solid waste storage area meeting these requirements even if indoor accommodations for solid waste are proposed.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 315, Solid Waste.
Intent. The information contained herein is intended as a guideline and as minimum design standard. It is not intended as mandated design criteria.
Policy. All land development shall be designed and carried out to protect the rights of adjoining and downstream property owners and to maintain the quality of both surface water and groundwaters. Except as authorized herein, no land development shall be permitted that will increase the storm runoff to adjoining or downstream properties or that will degrade surface water or groundwater quality. All land development shall meet the minimum water quality standards of the county, state and federal government and shall be in compliance with applicable rules and regulations of the county, state and federal government.
Methodology. In general, the following engineering procedures have gained recognition as generally accepted engineering practice and may be used to calculate storm drainage runoff, peak rates of discharge and accumulated volumes to be stored. With the approval of the Municipal Engineer, other generally accepted methods may be used.
The rational method (provided that a minimum time of concentration of 20 minutes is used for calculating stormwater storage requirements).
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55 (TR 55).
National Engineering Handbook, NEH 4.
Criteria. The following criteria shall be used for all commercial development if less than 1/4 acre of new impervious coverage and less than one acre of clearing.
[Added 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
Stormwater discharge.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
On-site stormwater detention and retention facilities that recharge stormwater to groundwater are hereby designated as preferred stormwater discharge methods. These facilities shall be installed below ground level to minimize potential liability, reduce the cost of maintenance and enhance the site's appearance. All facilities shall be installed following the NJDEP Best Management Practices.
Surface groundwater recharge facilities, such as retention or detention basins, are hereby prohibited due to their associated risk, potential liability, their requirement for maintenance and their aesthetic appearance. Positive overflow connections into existing storm sewers or natural waterways is encouraged, provided that these connections are legal and will not adversely impact upon the capacity of these facilities.
Design storm.
[Amended 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
Both peak discharge rates and total volume shall not be increased for a two-, ten-, and one-hundred-year storm event.
The "Residential Site Improvement Standards" shall be utilized for all residential development.
All commercial development where 1/4 acre of impervious area is proposed or which project disturbs one acre or more shall utilize the design techniques in the "New Jersey Storm Water Best management Manual."
All major subdivisions shall form and utilize a homeowner association for maintenance of common properties and drainage basins, and all associated drainage structures.
The association will be responsible for all basin maintenance including any major repairs needed past the time of the two-year maintenance guarantee posted by the developer.
For a period of five years after the expiration of the maintenance guarantee, the homeowner association shall perform all routine maintenance, including all grass cutting, soil repair, and any other maintenance required to keep the drainage facility in top operating condition including any major repairs that might be needed.
After the five-year period, the City will accept the basin for overall general maintenance and repair; however, the homeowner association shall be responsible for all visual upkeeps, including grass cutting outside the basin limits, including all visual maintenance of all flowers, etc.
Stormwater runoff limitations. Stormwater runoff rates and volumes shall be limited to preconstruction levels through the use of on-site detention and retention facilities. Where this is not practical, a downstream impact statement may be required by the Planning Board depending upon the scope of the proposed development. No application for development shall be approved unless the applicant demonstrates that, in accordance with the guidelines contained herein, the rate and volume of stormwater runoff will not increase beyond the boundaries of the site as a result of development of the site.
Tributary area. Drainage areas shall include all off-site acreage draining onto or through the site in question.
Engineering worksheets. A drainage worksheet and certification by an appropriately licensed professional shall be required for each storm drainage system. Acceptable documents shall include Rational Method worksheets and the peak discharge worksheets, TR Notice 55-A.
Velocity restrictions. In general, velocities in closed conduits at design flow should be at least 2.5 feet per second, but not more than the velocity which will cause erosion damage to the conduit; and velocities in open channels at design flow shall not be less than 1.5 feet per second and not greater than that velocity which will begin to cause erosion or scouring of the channel.
For unlined earth channels, the maximum velocity allowed will be two feet per second. For other channels, sufficient design data and soil tests to determine the character of the channel shall be made by the developer and shall be made available to the City Engineer at the time of drainage review.
At transitions between closed conduits and open channels or different types of open channels, suitable provisions must be made to accommodate the velocity transitions. These provisions may include rip-rapping, gabions, lining, aprons, chutes and checks, or others, all suitably detailed and approved as part of the final plat submission.
For all flow of 15 cubic feet per second or more, tailwater depth and velocity calculations shall be submitted.
All drainage facilities carrying runoff from tributary areas larger than 1/2 square mile must have the approval of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources. Evidence of such approval shall be required to be submitted prior to the final approval of the site plan.
All encroachments of natural waterways must be referred to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources, for approval in accordance with statute. The state may retain jurisdiction, in which case a permit will be necessary as set forth above, or may refer the matter to the County Engineer for review.
Storm drainage systems shall be designed to include not only the proper drainage of the actual area of the specific development and the area tributary thereto, but shall also include the disposal of stormwater runoff to an area that promotes groundwater recharge, adequate outlet or other means of final disposal of the stormwater, such as an open field with high infiltration rates, a river, running stream, lagoon or an existing adequate storm sewer.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
All storm drainage design and storm drainage facilities shall comply with the standards and practices listed in the Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers, WEF Manual of Practice No. 9, ASCE Manual on Engineering Practice No. 37, as revised.
Stormwater management measures for major development shall be developed to meet the erosion control, groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quantity, and stormwater runoff quality standards at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.4 and 7:8-5.5. To the maximum extent practicable, these standards shall be met by incorporating nonstructural stormwater management strategies at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.3 into the design. If these measures alone are not sufficient to meet these standards, structural stormwater management measures at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.7 necessary to meet these standards shall be incorporated into the design.
[Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Nonstructural stormwater management measures, storm drains, culverts, catch basins, and other drainage structures shall be installed in each major development in accordance with the map submitted to the municipal agency.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007; 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
All storm drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.
The developer (or his/her engineer) shall submit complete calculations, specifications, plans and details for all proposed storm drainage facilities.
Any field samples or laboratory tests required to document the conclusions of such calculations shall be formed at the sole expense of the developer.
All storm drainage pipes shall be either slip joint type reinforced concrete or, subject to the restrictions herein, fully coated, corrugated aluminum culvert pipe meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
All pipe shall have a wall thickness sufficient to meet the proposed conditions of service; however, no wall thickness less than Class 3, Wall B, for concrete pipe or No. 14 gauge for corrugated aluminum pipe shall be allowed.
All pipe shall comply with the requirements of the current New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Standard Construction and Details governing construction.
Generally, concrete pipe will be used except in areas of steep grades or other restrictive physical conditions where corrugated metal or other types of pipe may be permitted.
No concrete pipe may be laid on grades exceeding 8%.
Concrete pipe below 30 inches or equivalent in size will be jointed using a mortared joint in accordance with the specifications.
Concrete storm drain pipes 30 inches or larger in diameter will be jointed using a preformed bituminous pressure type joint sealer or rubber-ring-type or other equivalent approved joint which will exclude infiltration.
All corrugated metal pipe shall be of a gauge meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications sufficient for the proposed service.
All storm drains shall be tangent between inlets, manholes, or other structures, except that the use of fittings or factory-curved pipe may be allowed by the City Engineer when necessary to accommodate existing geometry or utilities.
Prior to laying any storm drains, the bottom of all trenches shall be inspected by the City Engineer.
Should the Engineer determine that the trench is unsuitable for the placement of the pipe, the developer shall take all necessary action to remove or eliminate any unsuitable conditions.
These may include, but are not limited to, excavation and backfilling with suitable material, placement of bedding material, construction of pipe cradles or such other action necessary to remove all unsuitable conditions.
Proposed storm drainage installations which do not conform to the above must be fully detailed and approved as part of the final plat.
Inlets and manholes shall be constructed where required in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications and Standard Construction Details.
All street inlets shall be New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Type B. Casting heights on any streets shall be two inches greater than the specified curb face, and the gutter shall be properly transitioned approximately 10 feet on either side of the inlet. Whenever design engineers use a curb-opening inlet, the clear space in that curb opening (or each individual clear space, if the curb opening has two or more clear spaces) shall have an area of no more than seven square inches, or be no greater than two inches across the smallest dimension.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
All yard inlets shall be Standard Type A or E.
In continuous conduit runs, spacing between structures (inlets or manholes) shall not exceed 600 feet.
Structures (inlets or manholes) shall be located so as not to interfere with primary routes of pedestrian travel or any proposed handicapped ramp or similar facility.
In general, surface flow length, for flows or four or more cubic feet per second, on paved surfaces shall not exceed 750 feet, provided that:
Gutter flow widths on local and local collector streets shall not exceed 11 feet, or such narrower width as may be necessary to provide a twelve-foot-wide clear lane in the center of the roadway.
Gutter flow widths on collector streets shall not exceed nine feet, or such narrower width as may be necessary to provide two twelve-foot-wide clear lanes in the center of the roadway.
Gutter flow widths on major collector streets without shoulders shall not exceed five feet, or such narrower width as may be necessary to provide four ten-foot-wide clear lanes in the center of the roadway.
Gutter flow widths on minor and principal arterial streets and major collector streets with shoulders shall be retained within the shoulder areas.
Swale gutter flow widths in parking areas shall not exceed 12 feet.
Gutter flow widths shall provide for the maintenance of two ten-foot-wide clear lanes in all access and major circulation drives and one twelve-foot-wide clear lane in all other aisles in all parking areas, except as otherwise provided in § 215-105.
Maximum design capacities which may be used to determine actual inlet location spacing are:
Not in sump conditions.
Type B: four cubic feet per second.
Type E (in paved areas): four cubic feet per second.
Type E (in yard areas): 1.5 cubic feet per second.
In sump conditions: to be individually designed.
Only Type B inlets shall be used in curbed roadways or curbed access or major circulation drives.
Generally, sufficient inlets will be placed to eliminate any flow exceeding two cubic feet per second across any intersections.
Open channels shall be designed to contain the required flow and shall have a design velocity low enough, in the judgment of the City Engineer, to prevent erosion.
The minimum easement for open channel sections shall be the maximum design top width of the channel section segment plus 25 feet, rounded to the next highest five-foot increment.
The excess easement area shall be provided offset to that side of the channel most convenient for use by maintenance crews.
The minimum distance between the channel top edge and any easement line shall be five feet.
Excess velocity, if any, as determined by the City Engineer, in open channels must be controlled by sod, rip-rap, paving, ditch checks, or other suitable methods.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Changes of direction in open channels must have a maximum radius of 800 feet or be adequately paved or rip-rapped.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Generally, unlined open channel cross sections shall have side slopes not steeper than 4:1 for channel depths of two feet or less and not steeper than 8:1 for channel depths of more than two feet. Lined open channel side slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1.
The bottoms of all unlined open channels and the channel side slopes, to at least the design flow level, will be sodded with suitable coarse grass sod.
All unlined open channel side slopes above the design minimum flow level will be topsoiled and seeded or otherwise suitably stabilized in accordance with an approved soil disturbance permit.
All unlined open channel which can be expected to have a base flow of five cubic feet per second or more for at least two out of every 12 months will be provided with a low-flow channel using gabions, rip-rap, lining, 1/3 pipe sections, or other arrangements approved as part of the final plat submission.
Culverts or drains shall be constructed as specified herein.
The location, length, depth, grade, type, and size of pipe shall be designated on the plans indicated herein except where unusual or exceptional soil or other conditions are discovered at the time of construction, which are not provided for in the plans, in which case such construction shall be determined by the City Engineer.
Trenches shall be bridged at the street crossings, intersecting streets, public and private entrances in such a manner that traffic will not be interrupted during construction.
The contractor shall have a sufficient quantity of timber and equipment constantly on hand for planking, sheet piling, fencing or shoring, and adequate pumping apparatus to meet all requirements of construction for use in case of accident or emergency.
All trenches for culverts, drains or french drains shall be excavated at least nine inches and not more than 30 inches wider than the external diameter of the pipe to be used therein.
When rock is encountered, it shall be removed to at least six inches below the grade line, the trench then being filled with earth to the grade and form the pipe and thoroughly tamped.
The pipe shall be laid on a firm bed, and the bottom of the trench shall be excavated to the line and grade given or directed by the City Engineer.
The bottom of the excavation shall have the shape and dimensions of the lower half of the pipe.
When rock or rubble is encountered and removed from the trench as specified, this excess depth shall be refilled with suitable materials and tamped thoroughly.
The pipe shall be laid and all joints shall be treated as determined by the City Engineer.
The filing around the pipe shall be made in layers with approved materials free from rock, and each layer shall be tamped thoroughly around and over the pipe.
Where indicated or directed, old pipe or insufficient sized culverts shall be removed and relaid, extended or renewed in the same manner as specified above for new pipe culverts or drains.
Easement of a width sufficient to allow proper maintenance, but in no case less than 15 feet, shall be provided for the outletting of all drains, pipelines, etc. to streams, existing storm drains, or other legal drainage courses. These easements shall be granted to the City in writing, subject to the approval of the City Solicitor.
All non-pipe culverts shall be designed for AASHTO H20-44 loading.
All culverts of any type shall be carried to the roadway right-of-way and shall terminate with headwalls or other approved end treatment.
All conduits terminating or beginning in open channels shall be provided with headwalls or other appropriate end treatment.
Headwalls shall be provided at all terminations. These shall be poured concrete headwalls, precast concrete end sections or corrugated metal end sections in accordance with the approved final plan. Poured concrete headwalls shall be wing-type headwalls with aprons in accordance with the Standard Construction Details.
Retaining walls installed in slope control areas shall be constructed of heavy creosote timber or logs, or reinforced concrete, other reinforced masonry or of other acceptable construction and adequately designed to carry all earth pressures, including any surcharges. The heights of the retaining walls should not exceed 1/2 of the horizontal distance from the foundation wall of any building to the face of the retaining wall.
Guardrails and/or railings shall be placed at all drainage structures where the interests of pedestrian or vehicular safety would dictate.
The municipal agency may require that any open channel, other than naturally occurring streams, be fenced with chain-link fencing six feet high if the total depth of the channel exceeds two feet.
For maintenance purposes, gates may be required by the municipal agency at approximately two-hundred-foot intervals.
The developer shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any siltation of streams during the construction of the site.
If required by the municipal agency as a condition of approval or by the Planning Board Engineer during construction, the developer shall provide adequate provisions to prevent all deposits of silt or other eroding material in any stream or watercourse.
Such provisions may include, but not be limited to, construction and maintenance of siltation basins or holding ponds throughout the course of construction.
The use of siltation and oil separation basins with controlled outflows will be required to prevent pollution of waterways when discharge is into a lagoon, bay or other standing body of water.
All drainage arrangements (either piped or overland flow) for sites on county roads or state highways shall be approved by the County Engineer or the New Jersey Department of Transportation, respectively; in addition to being acceptable to the municipal agency.
Special drainage provisions.
The existing system of natural drainage within each development shall be reserved to the maximum extent possible. To this end, the municipal agency may require the preservation of natural drainage swales, recharge areas, wet weather ponds and similar features and may require suitable drainage and conservation easements and possible increases in lot size to allow usable lots with the preservation of such features.
Subject to review and approval by the municipal agency, the design of the development may be modified to take advantage of the natural drainage features of the land. In such review, the municipal agency will use the following criteria:
The utilization of the natural drainage system to the fullest extent possible.
The maintenance of the natural drainage system as much as possible in its unimproved state.
When drainage channels are required, wide shallow swales with natural vegetation will be preferred to other sections.
The construction of flow-retarding devices, detention areas and recharge berms to minimize runoff value increases.
Maintenance of the base flow in streams reservoirs and ponds.
The reinforcement, improvement, and/or extension of the natural drainage system to such an extent as is necessary to eliminate flooding and excess maintenance requirements.
Storm drainage recharge facilities.
Leaching basins and beds shall be constructed of reinforced precast concrete structures, pipes and crushed stone.
The bottom of the basin and beds shall be above the estimated seasonal high water table.
The leaching bed shall be covered on the top and sides with filter cloth, but the bottom of the bed shall be left open.
[Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007; 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012; 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
The following design criteria shall be used for all street design and construction in conjunction with the "Residential Site Improvement Standards" New Jersey Administrative Code Title 5. In the event of any conflict, the "Residential Site Improvement Standards" shall apply.
All major and minor arterial, collector, local collector, local and marginal access streets shall be designed in accordance with the proposals contained in the Master Plan of the City and/or in accordance with this section.
Upon receipt by the municipal agency of any subdivisions or site plans calling for the installation of new streets or the extension of old streets, the plats shall be reviewed as follows:
Recommendations shall be made as to the acceptable minimum widths of each street, which recommendations shall be based upon such factors as the location, proposed use and intensity of traffic, with an emphasis upon safety considerations of both a fire and police nature.
These recommendations shall be submitted to the City Engineer to be considered in conjunction with such studies and statistics and other data which the Engineer shall have assembled as a basis for determining minimum street widths within the City.
The design and location of collector, minor and marginal access streets shall be determined by the municipal agency in its review of the applications so as to conform to the Schedule of Street Design Standards (see Figure 9[1]).
Editor's Note: See Figure 9, following Subsection G of this section.
The enumerated standards are to be construed as minimum standards and may be increased where, because of high traffic volumes, steep grades or other such reasons, the municipal agency determines that such action is necessary.
In residential subdivisions, the minimum street cartway width required by the attached Schedule of Street Design Standards[2] shall only be the minimum of 30 feet for certain minor streets designed solely to allow access by residents to their homes. Under no circumstances is the minimum width of any street in the City of Northfield to be less than 30 feet.
Editor's Note: See Figure 9, following Subsection G of this section.
The arrangement of streets not shown on the Master Plan or official map shall be such as to provide for the appropriate extension and/or realignment of existing streets, except that local and collector streets should only be extended when such extension is necessary and the municipal agency concurs that such extension will promote safety and conform to the street standards contained elsewhere in this chapter.
Where developments abut existing roadways, sufficient right-of-way shall be reserved to provide the right-of-way width proposed for the functional classification of the street in question.
Subdivisions that adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to widths as shown on the Master Plan or official map of the street width requirements of this chapter shall dedicate additional width along either one or both sides of said road.
If the subdivision is along one side only, 1/2 of the required extra width shall be dedicated. The additional dedicated width, when improved, shall have a foundation course which shall be constructed in accordance with the street construction standards stated elsewhere in this chapter.
The new cross section for the existing road shall be constructed so as to provide a parabolic contour constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Local streets shall be designed in accordance with the Schedule of Street Design Standards[3] and the requirements contained herein.
No street or road shall be designed which has an elevation at the center line of less than 12 feet above mean low tide and as indicated by the United States National Geodetic Survey.
Local streets shall be arranged so that there exists a minimum possibility of their use by traffic which does not have its origin or destination at the lots to which the local streets provide access.
Culs-de-sac (dead-end streets) should have a center line length, from the intersecting street center line to the center point of the turnaround of the cul-de-sac, of not less than 100 feet nor longer than 600 feet and should not provide access to more than 25 lots.
They shall provide an end turnaround with a pavement radius of not less than 50 feet and a property line radius of not less than 60 feet and tangent whenever possible to the right side of the street, when viewed toward the closed end.
In the event it is contemplated that a dead-end street shall be extended in the future, a temporary turnaround, meeting the aforementioned design criteria, shall be required, and provisions made for future extension of the street and reversion of the excess right-of-way to the adjoining properties.
Loop streets should provide access to not more than 45 lots.
Where access is provided by a combination of a short loop street and cul-de-sac, the maximum shall be 60 lots, provided that the length of the loop street alone will not exceed 3,000 feet.
Loop streets shall have both of their termini located on the same street.
P-loops, which are loop streets with a single access point, should have an entrance not exceeding 700 feet in distance from the loop intersection.
There should also be provided an emergency vehicular and pedestrian right-of-way of 15 feet minimum width from the loop providing access to a street which is not a part of the P-loop.
The loop of a P-loop should have a street length not exceeding 3,000 feet.
P-loops should provide access to no more than 60 lots and the entrance street should be designed in accordance with the design standards for collector streets.
Artificial modifications in street rights-of-way for the purpose of increasing lot frontage shall be prohibited. Such prohibited modification shall include, but not be limited to, widening the right-of-way of a continuous street through the use of semi-circular projections.
Use of reduced paving width may be considered by the municipal agency when a cul-de-sac or loop street provides access to 25 or fewer lots, where, by reason of topography, physical features or other conditions, the reduced paving width would substantially reduce disruption of the development's environment. In no case shall the paving width of a two-way cul-de-sac or loop street be reduced to less than 30 feet.
If a developer is given a variance to exceed the maximum allowable percentage of imperviousness, the developer must mitigate the impact of the additional impervious surfaces. This mitigation effort must address water quality, flooding, and groundwater recharge. A description of mitigation plan requirements is included in the municipal stormwater management plan.
Editor's Note: See Figure 9, following Subsection G of this section.
In any development, it shall be the duty of the municipal agency to approve classification of proposed streets according to their use and in accordance with the federal classification of roadways. In making decisions, the municipal agency shall refer to the Master Plan and the Atlantic County Planning Board classification of roadways and shall consider conditions within the development and the surrounding areas and shall use as a guide the street classification and criteria contained herein.
A local street is a street serving only single-family residences and, where feasible, should be either a cul-de-sac or a loop street meeting the requirements hereinabove set forth.
A street which serves traffic having origins and destinations other than within the lots which abut the street shall not be considered a local street.
The traffic normally expected on a local street shall be 400 vehicles per day.
A collector street is generally a street gathering traffic from local streets and feeding it into a system of arterial highways.
Even if laid out as a local street, a street should be considered a collector street if it provides access or could provide access to more than 150 lots, or would be utilized by traffic other than residential in nature.
Collector streets should generally be expected to carry traffic volumes of approximately 3,000 vehicles per day.
The design speed of collector streets, for alignment and sight distance purposes, should be 50 miles per hour.
Arterials are any federal, state or county highway intended to carry traffic between other arterials and from the City to destinations outside the City.
Arterial highways should have a design speed 55 miles per hour and should be designed to carry traffic exceeding 10,000 vehicles per day.
Street classifications will be approved by the municipal agency in accordance with the foregoing definitions, in accordance with the provisions of the Master Plan and Official Map, if such be adopted, in accordance with the provisions of applicable county and state regulations or plans or, in the absence of specific information from the above, in accordance with its own best judgment concerning the use to which the various streets in any development will be put.
In any subdivision abutting or being traversed by a collector street or arterial highway, one of the following conditions shall be required as the municipal agency deems appropriate:
A marginal street meeting the classifications herein for a local street shall be provided along each collector, or arterial highway, and shall be separated from the collector or arterial highway by a landscaped strip at least 25 feet in width.
The frontage of all lots abutting the collector or arterial highway shall be reversed so that the lots will front on an internal local street; a natural wooded or landscaped buffer strip at least 50 feet in width will be provided on the abutting lots along the right-of-way of the collector or arterial highway. The area of such buffer strip shall not be considered part of the required minimum lot size.
All lots abutting collector streets may, in lieu of the above, be provided with suitable driveway turnarounds eliminating any necessity for vehicles to back into the collector street.
Other means of providing a satisfactory buffer separating through and local traffic shall be provided as may be deemed proper by the municipal agency.
Dwellings on corner lots shall have their driveway access on the roadway designed and intended to carry the lesser amount of traffic.
Street design standards shall be appropriate to the expected use of the street, soil, topographical and other physical conditions, and to the maintenance of the purposes of this chapter, but shall not be less than those set forth herein and also in the Schedule of Street Design Standards (Figure No. 9). All street shall be constructed and graded and surfaced in accordance with these standards and specifications.
Figure 9
Schedule of Street Design Standards
Local Streets
Collector Streets
Arterial Highways
Minimum curb return radius at intersection2
15 feet
25 feet
45 feet
Vertical curves5
Shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO's Police on Geometric Design of Highways and street standards.
Crest: Minimum length equals 100 inches - based on headlight illumination and stopping sight distance at design speed
Maximum superelevation
Shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO's Police on Geometric Design of Highways and street standards.
Pavement cross slope minimum
Curb face required6
6 inches
6 inches
8 inches
Minimum property line corner radius2
5 feet
15 feet
30 feet
Normal traffic capacity (ADT)
Minimum right-of-way width
50 feet
60 feet
100 feet
Minimum paving width:
30 feet
40 feet
60 feet
22 feet
Shoulder (or parking area width)1
2 at 8 feet each
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
Setback (from face of curb)
3 feet
3 feet
7 feet
Design speed (mph)3
Minimum radius of horizontal curvature at center line
150 feet
500 feet
2,000 feet
Minimum tangent between reverse curbs
100 feet
200 feet
600 feet4
Maximum longitudinal grade
Minimum longitudinal grade
Maximum longitudinal grade for 200 feet from each side of an intersection
Shoulders or parking areas as may be required.
When dissimilar streets intersect, the larger radius will be used.
For sight distance and vertical curve calculation only.
As required to run superelevation (1% per sec. of travel at design speed).
Not required if algebraic difference of intersecting grades does not exceed 1.
Except in superelevation areas.
Six-inch crown.
Eight-inch crown.
All topsoil shall be stripped from the proposed subgrade. The subgrade, when completed, shall be true to the lines, grades and cross sections given on the plan accompanying the road profile.
After the profile has been shaped correctly, it shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire surface with a three-wheel power roller weighing not less than 10 tons.
All soft and spongy places shall be excavated to such a depth as shall be necessary to stabilize the foundation of the road and shall be refilled solidly with subbase consisting of broken stone, broken slag, gravel, suitable earth or sand as directed by the City Engineer.
All loose rubble shall be removed or broken off six inches below the subgrade surface. All stumps and roots shall be removed in their entirety.
This shall be done before completing the rolling of the entire surface of the subgrade.
Embankments (fills) shall be formed of suitable material placed in successive layers of not more than 12 inches in depth for the full width of the cross section and shall be compacted by distributing uniformly over each succeeding layer, or by rolling with a ten-ton roller as directed by the City Engineer, to a compaction sufficient to prevent settling.
Stumps, trees, rubbish, and any other unsuitable materials or substances shall not be placed in the fill.
The fill shall be allowed to thoroughly settle before constructing the pavement upon it and must be approved by the City Engineer.
French underdrains shall be installed where the character and composition of the earth in the roadbed itself or adjacent terrain renders such installation necessary.
These underdrains shall consist of vitrified tile, perforated metal pipe or porous wall concrete pipe, to be of a minimum diameter of six inches and to be laid in the bottom of a trench at such depth and width as shall be necessary in view of the conditions involved.
The trench shall then be filled with clean washed gravel or broken stone or other equivalent porous material approved by the City Engineer.
The stone shall be covered with a layer of salt hay a minimum of one inch thick or approved filter fabric and the remainder of the trench shall be filled with suitable earth properly compacted.
No pavement shall be laid unless the subgrade has been thoroughly inspected by the City Engineer and approved by him.
Materials, inspection and general requirements which pertain to this section are as follows:
All material and appurtenances, unless otherwise specified herein, shall comply with the requirements set forth in the current New Jersey State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications.
The work shall be inspected throughout the course of construction by the City Engineer or his duly authorized representatives, who shall be notified in writing 24 hours before any work is started or continued.
The requirements herein shall be considered as minimum requirements for street improvements. Where special circumstances or conditions of drainage, terrain, character of soil or otherwise require different construction or materials, such construction or materials shall be determined by the City Engineer.
All subsurface utilities shall be installed prior to the application of the wearing surface on the streets.
Street intersections shall be designed according to the standards contained herein.
No more than two streets shall cross the same point. Street intersections shall be at right angles wherever possible, and intersections of less than 60° (measured at the center line of streets) shall not be permitted.
Local streets should not enter the same side of collector streets at intervals of less than 500 feet, or arterials at intervals of less than 1,200 feet.
Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 125 feet shall be avoided. Streets which enter collectors or arterials from opposite sides shall be directly opposite to each other or must be separated by at least 300 feet between their center lines measured along the center line of an intersected collector; of 500 feet along the center line of an arterial.
Four-way (cross) intersections involving minor or collector streets shall be avoided.
Approaches of any collector or arterial street to any intersection of another collector or arterial street shall be tangent or have a center-line radius greater than 5,000 feet for at least 500 feet from the intersection.
Where a collector or arterial street intersects with a collector or arterial street, the right-of-way of each collector shall be widened by 10 feet (five feet for each side) for a distance of 300 feet in all directions from the intersection of the center lines and the right-of-way of each arterial shall be widened by 20 feet (10 feet each side) for 500 feet in all directions from the intersection of the center lines.
Approaches of any local street to any other street shall:
Be tangent (straight) for a distance of at least 50 feet from the intersection; or
Have a center-line radius greater than 1,000 feet for at least 150 feet from the intersection; and
Have a clear site of a point three feet high in the intersection for a distance of not less than 400 feet.
Street layout should be in accordance with the provisions contained herein.
Curved local streets are preferred to discourage speed and monotony. The maximum straight-line distance should not exceed 1,000 feet.
The municipal agency in all cases may require provisions for continuing circulation patterns onto adjacent properties and, for this purpose, may require the provision of stub streets abutting adjacent properties.
Residential development areas containing more than 150 lots should have two access points from collector streets or arterial highways.
A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
Street names and development names shall not duplicate, nearly duplicate or be phonetically similar to the names of any existing streets or developments in the City or contiguous areas of other communities. Any continuation of an existing street shall have the same street name.
The developer shall complete all improvements to the limits of the development, unless other provisions have been made and approved by the municipal agency.
In those instances where completion of certain improvements would not be possible until the development of adjacent land takes place, alternate temporary improvements may be constructed subject to the approval of the municipal agency.
Cash or a certified check representing the difference between the value of the temporary improvements and the required improvements may be accepted by the City Council to be credited toward the completion of such improvements at such time as the adjacent land develops.
The right-of-way width and other standards for internal roads and alleys in multifamily, commercial and industrial developments shall be determined by the municipal agency on an individual basis and shall, in all cases, be of sufficient width and design to safely accommodate maximum traffic, parking and loading needs, and maximum access for fire-fighting equipment and shall generally conform to the requirements herein.
There shall be no reverse strips or areas controlling access to streets except where control and disposal of the land comprising such strips or areas has been placed under jurisdiction of the City Council under conditions approved by the municipal agency.
All developments, upon municipal approval of plans and prior to the issuance of a building permit, shall obtain a street excavation permit for any excavation, removal, replacement, repair, construction, or other disturbance of any portion of the public improvements within a public street or drainage right-of-way, and shall be required to observe all other regulations as set forth in this chapter or by the City Engineer.
For all major subdivisions and multifamily developments which require site plan approval, the developer shall arrange with the serving public utility to provide streetlighting service upon the appropriate tariff and prevailing government rules and regulations. The streetlighting shall be installed at the average pole spacing of 150 feet on centers for post-top luminaires at an approximate mounting height of 13 feet or 200 feet on centers for standard streetlighting luminaires on a six-foot bracket at an approximate mounting height of 25 feet. The Planning Board may alter the streetlighting requirements as it deems appropriate due to special circumstances including but not limited to intersections, curves, culs-de-sac, and collector or arterial roadways.
The serving public utility shall install wiring in addition to that on the approved streetlighting plan where said additional wiring is required to accommodate the full plan in accordance with the utility's filed tariff and approved procedure at the time.
The cost of this additional wiring shall be the responsibility of the subdivider.
Streetlighting shall be installed as directed by and subject to approval by the municipal agency prior to the certificates of occupancy being issued.
The cost of the additional wiring and electricity for streetlighting for all streets within the development shall be paid for by the owner or subdivider until streets are accepted by the City, all certificates of occupancy have been issued, and the City Council has authorized the release of all performance bonds upon completion of all improvements for the development.
No major subdivision plat or major site plan for multifamily development shall receive final approval unless the suggested streetlighting plan of the electric utility is shown thereon.
No subdivision plat shall receive final approval unless the suggested streetlighting plan of the electric utility is shown thereon.
After final acceptance, operation and maintenance costs of the streetlighting shall be the responsibility of the City.
Street signs shall be appropriate metal street signs of a type and size approved by resolution of the City Council and shall be properly installed at each street intersection.
Street signs shall be placed two per intersection on the near righthand corner as viewed from both directions on the street which is expected to carry the greatest traffic through the intersection at locations approved by the City Engineer.
Mountings shall be in accordance with the standard procedures of the City, or with requirements adopted by the City Council.
Street signs shall be placed before any certificate of occupancy for houses on the subject street are issued.
Street and traffic signs shall be designed in compliance with Section 5:21-4.13 of the "Residential Site Improvement Standards."[1]
[Added 10-9-2012 by Ord. No. 9-2012]
Editor's Note: See N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.13.
Any person erecting or constructing any new buildings or residences within the City which require site plan or subdivision approval shall plant pollution-resistant shade trees on the property owner's side of the sidewalk adjacent thereto.
In each subdivision of land, the developer shall plant between the sidewalk and right-of-way line proper shade and/or decorative trees of a type recommended by the Atlantic County Agriculture Extension Service Tree/Shrubbery List for Atlantic County.
Planting sites shall be indicated on the final plat.
Street trees shall be planted on the property owner's side of the sidewalk, not to lie closer than five feet to existing or future sidewalks.
In all cases, said trees shall be planted within the municipal right-of-way in a place which shall not interfere with utilities.
Trees shall be of pollution-resistant varieties as defined below.
The municipal agency may reduce or waive such plantings if there are approved varieties or trees growing along such right-of-way or on the property abutting the street line. A developer shall make a donation to the Shade Tree Fund in lieu of the required plantings.
The subdivider or developer shall be required to plant such number of trees as shall be necessary, when taking into consideration existing trees, to provide at least one tree in every 30 feet of front yards.
Pollution-resistant shade trees shall be planted along all private streets, undedicated roads, drives and parking areas at intervals not more than 30 feet of curbing or edge of pavement.
Pollution-resistant shade trees shall be planted along the frontage of all existing and proposed public streets, at intervals of not more than 30 feet in accordance with the applicable specifications.
No tree shall be planted less than 25 feet from an existing or proposed streetlight or street intersection.
Such plantings shall not be required within sight easements as required elsewhere herein.
Pollution-resistant trees referred to above shall be approved by the municipal agency. Species may include those approved for this purpose by the Cape Atlantic Conservation District. Suitable trees shall be selected on the basis of specific site conditions.
All shade trees to be hereafter planted in accordance with this chapter shall be nursery grown, or of substantially uniform size and shape and shall have straight trunks.
Ornamental trees need not have straight trunks, but must conform in all other respects with the provisions for trees and tree plantings outlined in this chapter.
All trees shall be of "Grade A" nursery stock, with a minimum caliper of two inches by 2 1/2 inches measured one foot from the butt.
All trees planted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be placed in a proper manner and in a good grade of topsoil and within the area of the tree well at the point where the tree is planted. In the event that any individual person or group of individual persons desire to plant a tree or trees in a tree well or within the jurisdiction of the City, such person or persons may do so, provided that they conform to the provisions of this chapter.
All trees planted pursuant to this chapter shall be planted in a dormant state or at other times only subject to the approval of the City Engineer in consultation with the municipal agency.
Subsequent or replacement plants shall conform to the type of existing tree in a given area, provided that if any deviation is anticipated, it must be done only with the permission of the municipal agency. In a newly planted area, only one type of tree may be used on a given street, unless otherwise specified.
Street trees shall be planted in accordance with the Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, as amended.
All types of private swimming pools to be located within residential side or rear yards are governed by the requirements contained herein, including:
Permanent in-ground.
Permanent aboveground: aboveground pools equipped with fences built above the top level of the pool.
Temporary aboveground: aboveground pools not equipped with fences built above the top level of the pool.
All lighting fixtures for a private swimming pool shall be installed so as to comply with all applicable safety regulations, and shall be shielded so as to prevent any direct beam of light from shining on any adjoining property.
No overhead electric lines shall be carried across any swimming pool or wading area.
No activities shall be conducted at any private swimming pool which shall cause undue noise or constitute a nuisance to any neighbor.
Application requirements.
When an application is made for a permit to construct and locate a private swimming pool, the applicant shall show an approval from the Board of Health as to the suitability and adequacy of design, materials, and construction or construction specifications of said pool, including all accessory equipment, apparatus, and appurtenances thereto.
The application for a private swimming pool building permit shall identify the building pool, all accessory equipment and apparatus, type of pool, all basic dimensions, location of steps, diving stands, boards, and location and detail specification of enclosure and gate on the lot.
An outdoor private swimming pool shall be located not less than eight feet from the side or rear of the residence on a building lot, to the rear of the building setback line.
The pump of a filtration or pumping station of a private swimming pool shall be located not less than 10 feet from any side or rear property line.
Private pools situated in or extended above ground level and less than 50 feet from an abutting property shall be surrounded by a suitable drainage system leading to a street or brook so as to be able to carry away all the water in the pool in the case of a break.
[Amended 5-9-2006 by Ord. No. 7-2006]
The International Residential Code 2000, New Jersey Edition, Appendix G, included with this chapter shall apply.[1]
Editor's Note: The International Residential Code 2000 is on file in the City Clerk's office.
Topsoil shall not be removed from the site during construction, but shall be stored, stabilized in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, as amended, and subsequently redistributed to areas most exposed to view by occupants and the public, and to areas where landscaped open space is required.
Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed to provide at least six inches of cover to all areas of the subdivision and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. Said seeding and planting must have attained a growth sufficient to stabilize the soil before this section of this chapter will be considered as being complied with.
No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as spoil unless topsoil is remaining after all improvements have been installed in accordance with an approved site plan or subdivision map and has been redistributed in accordance with this subsection.
Removal from the site is also bound by provisions of § 215-45 of this chapter.
Topsoil removal shall be subject to the issuance of a development permit in accordance with the provisions of § 215-58.
At least 48 hours prior to removing any excess topsoil, the developer shall cause notice of the intent to perform such removal to be given to the City Engineer and Construction Official.
If sufficient topsoil is not available on the site, topsoil meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications shall be provided to result in a four-inch minimum thickness.
The developer shall, prior to final acceptance, install all traffic control devices required within any development or, with the consent of the City Council, may pay to the City Treasurer a nonrefundable sum, in cash or certified check, in the amount set by the City Engineer equal to the cost of all necessary traffic control devices not installed by the developer.
Traffic control devices shall include, but are not limited to, signs, traffic lines, lights, reflectors, and channelizing markers.
The number, type, legend, placement and size of all traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices by the United States Department of Transportation and the requirements of city and state regulations.
Proposed devices shall be according to an approved plan submitted at the time of final plat approval.
Construction details of all proposed traffic control devices shall be in accordance with standards prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council.
All utility lines and necessary appurtenances, including, but not limited to, electric transmission and electric and gas distribution, communications, streetlighting and cable television, shall be installed underground within easements or dedicated public rights-of-way in accordance with the Figure 10, Typical Utility Layout and Typical Road Section,[1] or in such other configuration as set forth by the approving body, City Engineer, and utility companies where necessary and appropriately coordinated.
The installation of all underground utilities shall conform to the regulations of the New Jersey State Board of Public Utilities.
Installation of all utilities shall conform to the construction standards of the appropriate utility.
Editor's Note: Figure 10 is included at the end of this chapter.
Utilities may be required to be located along the rear property lines or elsewhere within easements as provided in § 215-93 of this chapter.
All utility installation shall be connected with a public utility system and shall be adequate for all present and probable future development of the subdivision.
Wherever the utility is not installed in the public right-of-way, an appropriate utility easement not less than 25 feet in width shall be provided and located in consultation with the utility companies and/or City departments concerned.
For all major subdivisions, the developer shall arrange with the serving utility for the underground installation of the utility's distribution supply lines and service connections in accordance with the provisions of the applicable standard terms and conditions incorporated as part of its tariff as the same are then on file with the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and shall submit to the municipal agency, prior to the granting of final approval, a written instrument from each serving utility which shall evidence full compliance with the provisions of this section; provided, however, that lots in such subdivisions which abut existing streets or public rights-of-way where overhead utility distribution supply lines have theretofore been installed on a portion of the streets involved may be supplied with service from such overhead lines, or extensions thereof, but the service connections from the overhead lines shall be installed underground.
In any event, new building service connections for all multifamily developments, and for any industrial, commercial, or office development containing a floor area of 10,000 square feet or more, shall be installed underground. All other new service connections shall also be installed underground unless specific waiver is granted by the municipal agency.
Where a state permit is required for utilities, the applicant shall submit said permit prior to any final approval or issuance of a building permit as determined by the Planning Board.
Meters may be mounted on exterior walls. All meters shall be screened so that they are not visible from any internal or public street and access satisfactory to the supplying utility is maintained.
Water mains in major subdivisions must be connected with the local water company approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
The design and construction approval of all public and individual water supply systems (or extensions of existing systems) shall be under the jurisdiction of the local water company.
Prior to the approval of the final plat, the full approval of any public water system must have been obtained from the local water company and filed with the municipal agency, or the final approval will be conditioned upon full approval from the water company.
In all districts in the City where the maximum percent of lot coverage is 15% or less, no more than 20% of such wooded areas within the net tract area may be cleared or developed. The remaining 80% shall be maintained as permanent open space or preserved within the lot.
In zone districts in the City where the maximum percent of lot coverage is greater than 15%, no more than 40% of such wooded areas within the net tract area may be cleared or developed. The remaining 60% shall be maintained as permanent open space or preserved within the lot.
Individual healthy specimen and mature shade trees of twelve-inch caliper or healthy specimen trees of eight-inch caliper or greater, or individual healthy ornamental trees of four-inch caliper or greater, shall be preserved wherever possible. All site plans shall take into consideration the location and quality of all vegetation and shall incorporate the preservation of said trees in relationship to buildings, parking and open space.