In Rural A (RA) Districts, only the following structures and
uses shall be permitted:
D. Home occupation in a principal residential structure (subject to the provisions of §
E. Residential accessory use.
The following structures and uses shall be permitted in the RA District only upon the issuance of a special use permit by the Zoning Board of Appeals as provided in §
165-114 of this chapter (and, where applicable, site plan approval from the Planning Board):
A. Animal day care, kennel or shelter.
E. Emergency service facility.
I. Golf course/country club.
L. Veterinary practice (animal hospital, animal clinic).
M. Low-impact
service business.
N. Day-care
[Added 11-4-2019 by L.L.
No. 6-2019]
In RA Districts, all structures and uses shall be subject to
the following dimensional area and yard regulations:
A. Minimum street frontage.
(1) For permitted residential-based uses, family day care and bed-and-breakfasts:
250 feet (average of 100 feet for conservation subdivision density
(2) For all other uses, mixed uses and for specially permitted uses:
300 feet.
B. Minimum lot area: three acres.
C. Minimum front yard setback depth: 85 feet from center line of the
abutting street or 50 feet from the front property line, whichever
is further.
D. Minimum rear yard setback depth: 50 feet.
E. Minimum/Maximum height.
(1) Principal structure: one story (minimum); total of 35 feet maximum
overall height.
(2) Accessory structure: No accessory structure may exceed 35 feet in
height to the highest point of the roof.
F. Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet.
G. Minimum required open space for building lot: 60%.
H. Maximum impervious surface: 20%.
I. Maximum residential density: one dwelling unit per three acres. Therefore,
two-family dwellings will require a minimum of six acres to maintain
density requirements (In all cases, for purposes of calculating density
for a conservation subdivision, three acres per unit shall be used.).