[Amended 3-23-2009]
All buildings, dwellings, dwelling units, studio units, multiple dwellings, rooming units, rooming houses, yards, courts, open areas and vacant lots which are in violation of this chapter are hereby declared to be a nuisance and shall be abated by being corrected, made sanitary, repaired, vacated or demolished in accordance with the orders of the Director of Development by exercise of the powers and duties herein contained.
Five days after the mailing of a notice by regular mail to the last known address of the property owner, the Code Enforcement Officer shall make an inspection, and if such inspection discloses that the owner or occupant has not complied with said notice, the Code Enforcement Officer shall cause weeds, grass and other vegetation on such lands or portions thereof to be cut and removed.
If the topography of said land is such to make it impossible or impractical to use machinery in the clearing and cutting, the Code Enforcement Officer shall first grade the land in order that the cutting and removal may be done by machinery. The actual cost of cutting and removal, and grading if necessary, shall thereupon become and be a lien upon the property in accordance with the provisions of § 215-76.
[Amended 9-25-2017]
If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that the property is in a state of disrepair in accordance with this chapter and as a result needs to be secured and/or prepared for demolition, the actual costs of securing and preparing the property for demolition shall thereupon become and be a lien upon the property in accordance with the provisions of § 215-76.
[Added 7-28-2014; amended 9-25-2017]
The purpose of this Part 2 is to establish powers and duties for the basic and uniform administration of and compliance with the applicable standards of this chapter and to establish the responsibility of the parties concerned therewith.