[Amended 9-16-1985 by L.L. No. 5-1985]
At the time any main building is erected or altered, off-street parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot therewith, but not in any required front yard or required exterior side yard in an R, R-L, R-R or R-A District, except as to a roadside stand, or in any required side yard in a B District. Off-street parking may be permitted by special use permit on a lot immediately adjacent thereto. Parking spaces shall be required as follows:
One parking space for each of the following:
A dwelling unit or family.
Two roomers, boarders or lodgers.
A tourist room or hotel room.
One hundred square feet of floor area used for doctor's or dentist's office, or commercial recreation establishment not otherwise listed.
Two hundred square feet of office floor area used for other offices not specified above.
Four seats in any auditorium, hall, theater, church or other place of public assembly.
School classroom, plus one space for each six seats in the auditorium or stadium, whichever is larger.
Two seats in any restaurant or other eating place.
A bed in any hospital, convalescent or nursing home.
Three parking spaces for each roadside stand.
Ten parking spaces for each lane in a commercial bowling alley.
For shopping centers or groups of stores over 20,000 square feet of gross floor area, a parking area in square feet equal to three times the gross floor area.
For individual retail stores, a parking area in square feet equal to two times the gross floor area of the entire building.
Parking spaces for uses which must be approved by the Town Board shall be as required by the Town Board.
For all buildings not herein enumerated or excepted, one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor space of the entire building shall be required.