[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Franklin 8-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-1461 as Secs. 1.06, 12.01 and 3.01 of the 1997 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 7-15-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-2384]
The Board of Public Works shall consist of one Alderperson who shall serve during his or her tenure of office and six citizens, two appointed each year for three-year terms. The City Engineer shall provide technical and staff assistance to the Board and shall not vote.
[Amended 12-15-1998 by Ord. No. 98-1526; 5-4-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-1792]
The Board of Review shall consist of seven City residents, none of whom may be a member of the Common Council. Such members shall be appointed by the Common Council upon nominations by the Alderpersons and the Mayor, with each Alderperson and the Mayor nominating one member, respectively. Each of such members appointed shall serve for a three-year term, commencing on May 1, immediately following the election of the Mayor or Alderperson appointing such member; provided, however, that the term of each such member appointed shall expire earlier upon the appointment of a new member by a successor to the Office of Mayor or Alderperson originally appointing such member appointed. The City Assessor shall attend all meetings of the Board of Review.
[Amended 3-20-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1641]
Membership. The Board of Health shall be comprised of nine members, which shall include six citizens, an Alderperson, the Health Officer and the Medical Advisor. The Health Officer and Medical Advisor shall be nonvoting ex-officio members. In appointing members who are not elected officials or employees, a good faith effort shall be made to appoint a registered nurse and a physician. Members of the Board shall reflect the diversity of the community.
Appointment. The Mayor shall appoint the Alderperson and citizen Board members, subject to confirmation by the Common Council.
Term. Board members shall serve two-year terms. Terms shall begin on May 1. The Alderperson member shall serve only during that member's tenure in office. The Health Officer and Medical Advisor shall serve the Board by reason of their respective offices. In the event of a vacancy, the Health Officer shall assist the Mayor to appoint a new member within a reasonable time.
Officers. The Board shall annually elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary at its June meeting.
Meetings, quorum, report. The Board shall routinely meet on the third Monday of each month, but not less than quarterly. The Chairperson may call special meetings. The Chairperson shall notify the Common Council, City Clerk and Board members of any cancelled meetings. A quorum of voting members must be present to conduct official business. Meeting minutes shall be included in a written record and provided to the Common Council and City Clerk. The Health Officer shall maintain approved minutes.
Power and duties. The Board shall have and perform powers and duties prescribed to it by the Wisconsin Statutes, particularly Chapters 250 through 255, and by the Department of Health and Family Services administrative rules and the City of Franklin ordinances.
Rules and regulations. The Board may adopt rules and regulations, for its own guidance and for the governance of the Franklin Health Department, that it considers necessary to protect and improve public health. The regulations may be no less stringent than, and may not conflict with, the applicable Wisconsin Statutes and the rules of the Department of Health and Family Services. All rules and regulations established by the Board shall be published in the official City newspaper after approval by the Common Council. These approved rules and regulations shall have the force of ordinances, including penalties for violation.
Appointment authority for the Health Department. In the event that the Health Officer or Medical Advisor position becomes vacant, the Board shall assist the Mayor in filling the vacancy and the then-current Board of Health Chairperson and City of Franklin Human Resources Coordinator shall participate in the interview process of qualified candidates. The Board shall recommend upon the selection of Health Officer and Medical Advisor appointees to the Mayor, who shall have the power to appoint such officers, subject to confirmation by the Common Council.
[Amended 4-9-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-1747]
See Division 15-10.0100 of the Unified Development Ordinance.
[Amended 4-9-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-1747]
See Division 15-10.0200 of the Unified Development Ordinance.
The Council shall establish a Board of Fire and Police Commissioners consisting of five citizens as provided for cities of the 4th class under § 62.13, Wis. Stats., three of whom shall constitute a quorum. The Mayor shall annually, between the last Monday of April and first Monday of May, appoint in writing, to be filed with the Board Secretary, one member for a five-year term. No appointment shall be made which will result in more than three members of the Board belonging to the same political party. The Board shall keep a record of its proceedings.
[Amended 6-2-1998 by Ord. No. 98-1496; 1-4-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-1589]
[Amended 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-2366; 4-3-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-2604]
The Parks Commission shall consist of seven members, including one Alderman and six citizens, all appointed by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the Common Council. The term of the Alderman member shall be one year, only while in the office of Alderman, and expiring upon the April 30 following the appointment. The citizen members shall be appointed for three-year terms, expiring upon April 30 of the third year following the appointment, excepting that the initial appointments shall provide for two members to serve a one-year term and two members to serve a two-year term, expiring upon the April 30 of the first year and second year following such appointments, respectively. The Parks Director shall provide technical and staff assistance to the Commission.
In addition to the members mentioned earlier of the Commission, the Education and Recreation Liaison of the City shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Parks Commission, whose position shall not affect quorum determinations. If the individual appointed as the Education and Recreation Liaison is otherwise also appointed and confirmed as a member of the Parks Commission per Subsection A(1) above, the individual shall remain a voting member as conferred by that appointment. The Parks Commission shall appoint the Education and Recreation Liaison subject to confirmation by the Common Council. The Education and Recreation Liaison shall serve the Commission because of their respective office. Either the Parks Commission or the Common Council may rescind the appointment of the Education and Recreation Liaison, with or without cause, subject to a three-quarters vote of the respective membership.
In addition to the members mentioned earlier, the Parks Commission shall have ex officio, nonvoting members whose positions shall not affect quorum determinations. The Franklin Public School District Community Education and Recreation Department ex officio member shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. The term of this member shall be indefinite and may be terminated at the pleasure of the Common Council.
Oaths. Official oaths shall be taken by all members, in accordance with § 19.01, Wis. Stats., within 10 days of receiving notice of their appointment.
Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as appointments are made for a full term.
Organization. The Commission shall convene at City Hall within 30 days of appointment and organize and adopt rules for its government in accordance with this subsection.
Meetings shall be held monthly or at the call of the Chairperson or a majority of the full Commission and shall be open to the public.
Standing and special committees may be appointed by the Chairperson.
A quorum shall be four Commissioners, and all actions shall require approval of a majority of the full Commission, except a motion to compel attendance or to adjourn.
A written record shall be kept showing all actions taken, resolutions, findings, determinations, transactions and recommendations made; and a copy shall be filed with the City Clerk as a public record.
The Commission shall elect one of its members as Chairperson. A Vice Chairperson shall also be elected at the time the Chairperson is elected.
The Chairperson shall appoint one member to act as Secretary of the Commission. The term of office of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary shall be one year.
Powers and duties.
The Commission shall have such powers and duties as are provided by §§ 27.08, 27.09 and 27.10, Wis. Stats., with such other powers and duties as are provided herein or granted by statute or by the Council.
To appoint such agents and employees subject to approval of the Mayor and Council as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Parks Commission.
To have charge and supervision of all City parks and recreation programs, subject to Mayor and Council supervision.
To make reports and recommendations, including budgetary items, to the Mayor and Council.
Commissioners shall receive no remuneration.
[Amended 3-5-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1708; 3-19-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1709; 6-22-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-1801; 6-21-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-2052; 7-1-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-2143]
Purpose. The purpose of the Franklin Economic Development Commission is to promote and enhance the City of Franklin; to actively pursue, within the goals and guidelines of the Common Council of the City of Franklin, Wisconsin, commercial and industrial business development/investment for relocation into the City of Franklin to achieve a balanced tax base; to work with the business community in the retention and expansion of the businesses already within the City; and to promote the City in various manners as an excellent place to live and do business.
Composition. The Commission shall be comprised of seven members, one of whom shall be an Alderman. A quorum of the Commission shall be a majority of the members appointed, confirmed and then serving on the Commission, not counting or including any vacant position(s) in the majority calculation. The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Common Council and shall serve without compensation.
Terms of office. The Common Council member shall serve during his/her term of elected office and the term of the Common Council member shall expire, without regard to the qualification of any successor, upon the expiration of the term of elected office during which the Common Council member was appointed, or earlier upon the vacancy of such office. The initial terms of the remaining six members shall be as follows: three members shall serve for one year and three members shall serve for two years, from July 1 in the year of their appointment. Thereafter, each regular non-Aldermanic appointment shall be made for a term of two years.
Meetings. Meetings shall be held monthly (at a minimum) and at the call of the Chairman or a majority of the Commission members appointed, confirmed and then serving on the Commission and shall be open to the public.
Standing and special committees. The Chairman may appoint standing and special committees.
Minutes. Minutes shall be kept showing all actions taken, resolutions, findings, determinations, transactions and recommendations made; and a copy shall be filed with the City Clerk as a public record.
Assist the Common Council and the Community Development Authority to determine types and locations of commercial and manufacturing zoning throughout the City, for report and recommendation to the Plan Commission and Common Council, as the Common Council may determine appropriate or necessary from time to time.
Determine and target, with direction from the Common Council and input from City staff, specific industries, businesses and commercial developments for the various parcels zoned for such uses throughout the City and determine the economic impact of such developments compared to various other types of developments such as condominiums, single-family homes, apartments and the like. The economic evaluation should consider tax benefits and job growth, as well as the potential costs associated with various developments such as costs for roads, police and fire services, schools and other public facilities and services.
Act as a liaison to developers of commercial, industrial and retail business developments throughout the City. Assist and guide businesses and developers through the various procedures and departments.
Develop and implement a retention program to retain existing businesses in the City.
Develop and implement a plan to solicit businesses for relocation to the City.
Work with City departments to enhance services to the business community.
Determine local, state and federal tax incentives and other inducements for attracting quality businesses and developments.
Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to include promotional materials, public relations efforts, surveys and the enhancement of the City's existing web site from a marketing perspective.
The Economic Development Commission shall be the successor to all rights, duties, interests and obligations of the Forward Franklin Economic Development Committee, as it was a successor to the prior Economic Development Commission and as they were successors to the Franklin Industrial Commission as may be set forth in all other actions, ordinances and resolutions of the City of Franklin adopted prior to the effective date of this section (July 11, 2014) and all other agreements and documents executed and actions taken pursuant thereto, including, but not limited to Ordinance No. 85-864, creating Planned Development District No. 7, as amended, and the Franklin Industrial Park Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants/Architectural Controls, as adopted and amended by Resolution No. 88-3189 and Resolution No. 90-3473, as amended.
The Fair Commission shall consist of two Alderpersons, a member of the Board of Health and eight citizens, appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation of the Council. The Alderpersons shall serve on the Commission for their respective terms of office as Alderperson. The term of the Board of Health member shall be for the duration of his or her appointment to the Board of Health. The term of the citizen members shall be for three years. The term of not more than three members shall expire in any one calendar year. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. The Commission shall not incur any expenses without the majority vote of the members of the Council. The members of the Commission shall, within 10 days after their appointment, file an oath of office as required by law.
[Amended 5-16-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-2269]
In addition to the above-named members of the Commission, the Sanitarian of the City shall be an ex officio member of the Fair Commission.
[Amended 1-23-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1634]
Designation of site, rules and regulations. The Fair Commission shall regulate and designate a site or sites in the City to conduct fairs, and the Commission shall enact all rules and regulations for the proper control of such fairs; subject, however, to the approval by the Council.
Sales at other sites prohibited. No person shall sell or offer for sale from or in any open air stand, tent or other temporary structure within the City any goods, wares, merchandise, fruit, vegetables or other similar commodities or articles except on such land which shall have been designated by the Fair Commission for fair purposes. A violation of this subsection shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-19 of this Code.
Permit charges. The Fair Commission is authorized, in its discretion, to fix the annual rates and charges for permits to participate in any fair or fairs, but no such fee shall become effective until approved by the Council.
[Amended 12-15-1998 by Ord. No. 98-1526]
Membership. The Board of Water Commissioners shall consist of five Commissioners, each member serving a term of five years.
[Amended 12-18-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1691]
Powers and duties. See § 207-5 of this Code.
The Library Board shall consist of nine members, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, the original seven-member composition of the Library Board being increased by two members upon the passage of the City of Franklin from a 4th class City to a 3rd class City in 1997. Each appointment term shall be for three years from July 1 in the year of appointment, excepting that the initial terms of the aforesaid two additional members in 1997 shall be as follows: upon their initial appointment, one member for one year and one member for two years, from July 1 in the year of their appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms in the same manner as regular appointments are made.
The Mayor shall appoint as one of the members one school administrator or his or her representative to represent the Public School District and one member of the Council.
Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to any Board members for their service, but they may be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties outside the City, if so authorized by the Board.
Quorum. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Powers and duties. The Library Board shall have the powers and duties as prescribed under § 43.58, Wis. Stats.
[Added 12-4-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1687[1]]
The City of Franklin ("City") recognizes the importance and significant fiscal impact that personnel related issues have on City operations and finances. The Common Council, through its Personnel Committee, encourages uniformity and cooperation between City departments and the Common Council in personnel matters in an effort to best utilize City staff resources.
The purpose of the Personnel Committee is to make recommendations to the Mayor and the Common Council on those matters relating to personnel policies and practices, compensation, classification, employee relations, collective bargaining, and organizational structure. It is in the best interests of the City to combine all personnel related functions under the oversight of a Personnel Committee.
Composition. The Personnel Committee shall be comprised of nine members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. Three of the members shall be Aldermen. The Director of Administration and Human Resources Coordinator shall provide staff assistance to the Committee.
Term. Common Council members shall serve during their term of elected office and the terms of the Common Council members shall expire, without regard to the qualification of any successor, upon the expiration of the respective term of elected office during which the Common Council member was appointed, or earlier upon the vacancy of such office. The initial terms of the remaining six members shall be as follows: two members shall serve for three years, two members shall serve for two years, and two members shall serve for one year; thereafter, the term of each such member shall be three years. The members of the Personnel Committee may be removed for cause by the Mayor, with the approval of the Common Council.
Common Council retains jurisdiction. The Common Council is responsible for overall policy direction in matters relating to personnel. The Personnel Committee shall be subject to the authority of the Common Council. All fiscal control over personnel related expenditures and contracts is vested in the Common Council. All actions of the Personnel Committee shall be advisory only to the Common Council, unless involving action specifically and previously authorized by the Common Council. The Director of Administration and/or his/her designee is responsible for the implementation and administration of Personnel Committee policies and procedures.
Duties. The Personnel Committee shall advise the Common Council on these matters relating to personnel policies and practices, compensation and benefits, labor relations and collective bargaining, employee relations, staffing and organizational structure. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Have charge of all matters arising under Chapter 111 (Employment Relations) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as well as all state and federal laws that pertain to labor. The Committee may form a subcommittee to carry out this responsibility. The Personnel Committee is hereby authorized by the Common Council to take final action on behalf of the City upon matters within the scope of this Subsection E(1).
Make all necessary rules and regulations pertaining to the civil service system established under Charter Ordinance No. 64 and such applicable City ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations adopted thereafter, all as amended, and otherwise administer and enforce the civil service system as successor to the powers and duties of the previously existing Civil Service Commission. (Note: The Civil Service Commission was dissolved pursuant to Charter Ordinance No. 2001-1688.)
Establish guidelines governing the conduct of collective bargaining, not in conflict with any other existing ordinances or policies of the City.
Devise, implement, and maintain a mechanism for the performance evaluation of employees.
Hear employee grievances that have been unresolved at the steps designated in the various labor contracts. The Personnel Committee is hereby authorized by the Common Council to take final action on behalf of the City upon matters within the scope of this Subsection E(5).
Review and establish employee recruiting and retention procedures.
Oversee employee safety and employee assistance programs.
Recommend annual salary range adjustments and annual salary and wage rate adjustments of City employees.
Have oversight of all City approved personnel policies with the City, including sick leave, vacations, paid holidays, and leave of absence.
Make recommendations for the organizational structure and staffing levels of departments of the City.
Review departmental requests for creation, deletion, reallocation, and reclassification of positions.
Oversee the conduct of all labor negotiations and make recommendations to the Common Council.
Oversee the employee insurance benefit programs, including medical, dental, life, and worker's compensation.
Acts as a review board for nonrepresented employees regarding disciplinary action taken by department heads. The Personnel Committee is hereby authorized by the Common Council to take final action on behalf of the City upon matters within the scope of this Subsection E(14).
Responsible for the oversight of the City's affirmative action/equal opportunity responsibilities, ADA compliance, and FMLA.
Recommend changes to and enforce the City's civil service "Manual of Personnel Rules". The Personnel Committee is hereby authorized by the Common Council to take final action on behalf of the City upon matters within the scope of this Subsection E(16).
Annually, review wage and benefit levels of nonrepresented positions in comparable municipalities to ensure that City employees are being fairly compensated and that the City maintains its ability to competitively recruit and retain employees.
Other duties as may be assigned by action of the Common Council.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former § 10-12, Labor Negotiations Committee. Former § 10-12 was further repealed 3-5-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1708.
Composition. The Civic Celebrations Commission shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be an Alderperson.
Appointment. The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council.
Term. The initial appointment shall be made as follows: three citizen members shall serve for three years; one citizen member shall serve for two years; and two citizen members shall serve for one year; the Alderperson member shall serve for two years and only during his or her tenure in office, from July 1, in the year of his or her appointment. Thereafter, each citizen appointment shall be made for a term of three years, and the Alderperson appointment shall be for a term of two years.
Powers and duties. The Commission shall promote and organize the Fourth of July parade, fireworks and other Fourth of July activities for the purposes of celebrating the freedom and independence of our nation, state and City and shall promote and organize such other municipal celebrations as directed by the Common Council for the purposes of fostering civic pride and enhancing the quality and enjoyment of life within the community. Towards these ends the Commission may recruit volunteers to assist the Commission, and the Commission may accept donations. All donations shall be placed in the general fund. The Commission shall, upon direction of the Common Council, participate in promoting and organizing, for the benefit of the community, such plans and projects for building and other improvements and programs which further the general welfare of the community. These duties shall include meeting with other governmental, quasi-governmental and private agencies and entities with which the City may be required to obtain approvals from or participate with in order to attain or maintain any such improvements or programs.
Common Council retains jurisdiction. The Commission shall be subject to the authority of the Common Council. All fiscal control over receipts and expenditures, if any, shall remain the sole province of the Common Council, and all determinations of the Commission shall be advisory only to the Common Council, unless involving actions specifically and previously authorized by the Common Council.
[Added 1-4-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-1589]
Membership. The Environmental Commission shall consist of seven members, including one alderman and six citizens, all appointed by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the Common Council. The term of the Alderman member shall be one year, only while in the office of Alderman, and expiring upon the April 30 following the appointment. The citizen members shall be appointed for three-year terms, expiring upon the April 30 of the third year following the appointment; excepting that the initial appointments shall provide for two members to serve a one-year term and two members to serve a two-year term, expiring upon the April 30 of the first year and second year following such appointments, respectively.
Oaths. Official oaths shall be taken by all members, in accordance with § 19.01, Wis. Stats., within 10 days of receiving notice of their appointment.
Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as appointments are made for a full term.
Organization. The Commission shall convene at City Hall within 30 days of appointment and organize and adopt rules for its government in accordance with this subsection.
Meetings shall be held monthly or at the call of the Chairperson or a majority of the full Commission and shall be open to the public.
Standing and special committees may be appointed by the Chairperson.
A quorum shall be four Commissioners, and all actions shall require approval of a majority of the full Commission, except a motion to compel attendance or to adjourn.
A written record shall be kept showing all actions taken, resolutions, findings, determinations, transactions and recommendations made; and a copy shall be filed with the City Clerk as a public record.
The Commission shall elect one of its members as Chairperson. A Vice Chairperson shall also be elected at the time the Chairperson is elected.
The Chairperson shall appoint one member to act as Secretary of the Commission. The term of office of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary shall be one year.
Powers and duties. The Environmental Commission shall:
Review and recommend policies and procedures regarding City efforts to perform recycling and composting in the City as may be required from time to time due to changes in state laws, regulations or funding.
Make recommendations regarding environmental issues of concern to the City.
[Amended 12-2-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-1961]
Monitor federal and state laws and policies regarding environmental issues as they relate to the City.
Promote interest in obtaining grants to assist the City in environmental matters.
Promote citizen participation in events concerning environmental issues.
[Amended 12-2-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-1961]
In addition to the specified powers and duties set forth in the foregoing Subsection E(1) through (5), the Commission shall review and recommend upon such matters as are directed to it by the Common Council.
[Amended 12-2-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-1961]
[Amended 1-9-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1630]
The City of Franklin ("City") recognizes that access to and the use of technologies is an effective means for making government more accessible, efficient and responsive to the needs of City departments and the public. The Common Council through and with the Technology Commission encourages the use of technology that meets ethical standards and provides access to information, education or experience.
The purpose of the Technology Commission is to promote the City's technical and information infrastructure by evaluating, monitoring and recommending upon the use of technologies provided and to be provided by the City to its employees and the public. It is in the best interests of the City to encourage its employees or other persons legitimately affiliated with the City to learn and use new technologies that are fundamental to their success, and thereby the success of the City. The City's provision of technologies exists to facilitate the official work of the City. The appropriate use of technologies, Internet facilities and on-line services will contribute broadly to the mission of the City.
Composition and quorum. The Technology Commission shall be comprised of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. One of the members shall be an Alderman. The Director of Administration and the City Attorney, or their designee(s), shall provide staff assistance to the Commission upon the Commission's request or the request of its Chairman. Four members present shall constitute a quorum of the Commission.
[Amended 12-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1738; 8-7-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-2088; 3-5-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-2356]
Term. The Common Council member shall serve during his/her term of elected office and the term of the Common Council member shall expire, without regard to the qualification of any successor, upon the expiration of the respective term of elected office during which the Common Council member was appointed, or earlier upon the vacancy of such office. The initial terms of the remaining 10 members shall be made as follows: four members shall serve for three years; three members shall serve for two years; and three members shall serve for one year, from May 1 in the year of their appointment. Thereafter, each regular appointment shall be made for a term of three years.
[Amended 12-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1738]
Common Council retains jurisdiction. The Common Council is responsible for overall policy direction, and the setting of Common Council priorities to be implemented by staff. The Common Council establishes priorities and roles for the City's technology infrastructure, Internet presence, cable service providers and approves direction, funding and staffing. The Commission shall be subject to the authority of the Common Council. All fiscal control over receipts and expenditures, if any, shall remain the sole province of the Common Council, and all determinations of the Commission shall be advisory only to the Common Council, unless involving action specifically and previously authorized by the Common Council. The Director of Administration is responsible for the implementation of technology policies and priorities.
Definition of technologies. "Technologies" or "technology," when used within or with reference to this section, shall refer to a wide array of equipment and/or software, including, but not limited to:
Mainframes, network servers, routers, switches, network wiring, shared and standalone computers (both fixed and portable), their peripherals, and software.
Internet service providers, Internet connections, e-commerce, business to business (B to B) applications and Web sites.
Analog and digital telephone services (voice mail, message broadcasting, message/call forwarding).
Facsimile (fax) machines and servers, image scanning and copying equipment.
Pagers (test and voice), cellular phones, data networks, dial-up network facilities, geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), radios (VHF, UHF, 800 MHZ, fixed and portable units) and wireless services.
Cable television and high-speed Internet access providers.
Duties. The Technology Commission shall promote the City's technical and information infrastructure by evaluating, monitoring and recommending to the Common Council upon the use of technologies by City employees and those regulated by the City for its residents. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Web site and Internet.
The Technology Commission shall recommend upon the coordination, design and content of the City's Web site and is the initial agency point of contact for the staff, community volunteers and outside vendors or contractors that assist City staff in the maintenance, design and support of the City's Internet Home Page(s).
The Technology Commission shall recommend upon coordinating the design, content, approval and posting of new pages; providing overall guidance in establishing and maintaining Web pages; administering contracts for Web-related programs, programming and services; and the Commission shall act as a clearing house for concerns and suggestions related to the City's presence on the Internet, including maintaining contacts with the community and replying to questions regarding the City's home pages.
The Technology Commission shall recommend upon the overall coordination of Internet services and operations and issues of system reliability and stability; including the continued development and maintenance of the City's Internet presence, hardware, data communications needs and vendor contacts necessary for the City's Web site(s).
Technology policy. The Technology Commission shall recommend upon a policy to protect the City's technical and information infrastructure by governing the use of technologies provided by the City to its employees and users, and the resulting access to electronic mail, Internet and on-line services and to protect the City and its employees from any abuse of the technologies provided by the City, either from employees or third parties, and to provide a means for sanctioning the improper use or abuse of those technologies. The use of City-provided technologies is no different from the use of any other City-provided item in the workplace. When using technologies, as with any item in the workplace, employees' actions must comply with applicable statutes, orders, codes and other applicable rules and regulations.
Infrastructure. The Technology Commission shall recommend upon the implementation of policies for City-maintained computerized systems; security, use, privileges, and installation of associated software to ensure compatibility with Internet standards.
GIS. The Technology Commission shall recommend upon the need for, vendor of and software to use for geographical information systems (GIS) and other associated systems to ensure compatibility with its Web site and systems.
E-commerce implementation. The Technology Commission shall assist the Common Council to develop, oversee and implement policy, evaluate the City's presence on the Internet and define access to the Internet by City staff. The Commission shall be available to advise City departments and collectively further the City's presence on the Internet. It provides input and advice on the overall direction, goals, and investment in Internet development; assisting in the development of a City-wide training program for Internet use; and assisting in the development of City-wide policies and procedures to integrate City business practices with the Internet.
Electronic records. The Technology Commission shall assist the City Clerk in developing a policy for open records, the collection, distribution, and release of information to the public via the Web site and other electronic means and the retention of such information on appropriate storage media.
Cable television. The Technology Commission shall review and recommend upon applications for licenses and City contracts by cable television and high-speed data cable providers, telephone vendors and other technology providers. The Technology Commission shall review and recommend upon matters of compliance by a cable television franchisee with all ordinances and contractual obligations; the general use and programming of community access cable television; the adequacy, use, disposal and purchase of all cable television equipment; assisting potential and actual users with special guidelines; any cable television issues as directed by the multijurisdictional government body addressing cable television issues as directed by the Common Council; proper permanent and temporal control of cable television equipment; and generally the development, planning and operation of a community access cable television system within the City.
[Amended 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
See Division 15-10.0300 of the City of Franklin Unified Development Ordinance.
Editor's Note: Former § 10-17, Civil Service Commission, added 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639, was repealed 12-4-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1687.
[Added 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
See City of Franklin Common Council Resolution No. 92-3830.
[Added 6-4-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-2077]
Composition. The Quarry Monitoring Committee shall consist of six members, two of whom shall be Aldermen and four of whom shall be citizens. One of the four citizen members will be a nonvoting member.
[Amended 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-2425]
Appointment. The members of the Committee shall be appointed as follows: the Aldermen members and one citizen member shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. Two citizen members shall be separately appointed by the two Aldermen within whose districts the quarry is located, each of the two Aldermen separately appointing one citizen, which appointments shall be confirmed by the Common Council. One citizen nonvoting member shall be selected by the Committee and confirmed by the Common Council, for a term of three years. At least one of the citizen members shall not be a member of any other City board, commission, or committee.
[Amended 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-2425]
Term. The initial appointment shall be made as follows: one citizen member shall serve for one year; one citizen member shall serve for two years; and two citizen members shall serve for three years; the Aldermen members shall serve for three years and only during his or her tenure in office, from May 1, in the year of his or her appointment. Thereafter, each citizen appointment shall be made for a term of three years, and each Aldermen appointment shall be for a term of three years.
[Amended 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-2425]
Duties. The Committee shall undertake actions reasonably necessary to assist the City in reviewing the monitoring of the operations and activities of the quarry operators for compliance with the regulations set forth under Planned Development District No. 23 and Planned Development District No. 24, and matters related thereto, and shall review and provide comment and recommendation to the Common Council on performance and monitoring data, reports, and complaints related to quarry extraction operations and control procedures.
Common Council retains jurisdiction. The Committee shall be subject to the authority of the Common Council. All determinations of the Committee shall be advisory only to the Common Council.
The Planning Department, operating under the general direction and supervision of the Mayor, shall provide staff support to the Quarry Monitoring Committee.
Editor's Note: Former § 10-19, Board of Electrical Examiners, added 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639, was repealed 4-5-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-1787.
[Added 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
See § 36-5 of this Code.
[Added 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
The Finance Committee shall consist of three Alderpersons and four citizens appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council, each to serve a one-year term commencing May 1. (See § 19-4 of this Code.)
[Added 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
The License Committee shall consist of three Alderpersons appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council, each to serve a one-year term commencing May 1. (See § 19-4 of this Code.)
[Amended 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
Unless otherwise specifically provided, members of boards and commissions shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to Council confirmation. Terms begin May 1, unless otherwise provided.
[Amended 8-2-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-2227]
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth within this Municipal Code:
[Added 8-17-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-2018; amended 10-5-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-2025[1]]
All members of boards and commissions and committees appointed by the Mayor without Common Council confirmation shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, and all members of boards and commissions and committees appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council or appointed by the Common Council shall serve at the pleasure of the Common Council;
Any de facto status under § 62.09(5)(e), Wis. Stats., following the appointed term of any Common Council member appointed to a board or commission or committee shall expire and terminate upon the earliest of the appointment and qualification of a successor, the expiration of the respective term of elected office during which the Common Council member was appointed, the vacancy of such elected office, or the expiration of 60 calendar days after the date of the expiration of the appointed board, commission or committee membership term. Should the foregoing sixty-day time limit expire within the first 100 days after the election of a new Mayor for a first mayoral term of office, such time limit shall be extended to 120 calendar days after the date of the expiration of the appointed board, commission or committee membership term.
[Amended 5-6-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-2138]
Any de facto status under § 62.09(5)(e), Wis. Stats., following the appointed term of any nonelected official member appointed to a board or commission or committee shall expire and terminate upon the earlier of the appointment and qualification of a successor or the expiration of 60 calendar days after the date of the expiration of the appointed board, commission or committee membership term. Should the foregoing sixty-day time limit expire within the first 100 days after the election of a new Mayor for a first mayoral term of office, such time limit shall be extended to 120 calendar days after the date of the expiration of the appointed board, commission or committee membership term.
[Amended 5-6-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-2138]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance amended Ord. No. 2010-2018 to provide that it take effect and apply, upon passage and publication, to the terms of all board and commission and committee members, except those members appointed and confirmed prior to its effective date to which positions it apply and take effect 30 days after passage and publication. (Ord. No. 2010-2018, which added Subsections B and C, had provided that it take effect upon passage and publication and apply to the terms of all board and commission and committee members appointed after its effective date.)
This section does not apply to the terms of office of members of the Community Development Authority of the City of Franklin, Wisconsin, as they are regulated pursuant to § 66.1335(2)(b), Wis. Stats.
[Added 8-17-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-2018]
[Amended 3-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1639]
Any citizen appointed to a board or commission shall be a City resident for at least 10 days preceding the date of appointment, and any appointee or board or commission member subsequently moving his or her residence from the City shall constitute an automatic resignation and forfeiture of office and such office shall be then vacant. The aforesaid ten-day residency requirement shall not apply to any City employee appointed and confirmed or required to serve on any board or commission by ordinance or statute. A nonresident citizen may be appointed, confirmed and serve upon a board or commission, provided that prior to such confirmation and service, the Common Council determines by majority vote that such individual appointee has an expertise, experience, education, position or representation preferred by the Common Council for assistance to a particular board or commission and that such nonresident appointment is in the best interests of the City.
[Added 1-23-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1634]
Any member of any board, commission or committee within the City serving as a designated ex officio member shall not have any voting rights and shall not count towards any quorum requirement upon such board, commission or committee while serving as an ex officio member. This section shall not apply to the City Engineer membership on the Plan Commission or the Building Inspector membership on the Architectural Board.