Every plumber must enclose each opening which he or she may make in the road, street or public way with sufficient barriers. Flashing yellow lights must be kept burning from sunset to sunrise, one flashing yellow light to be placed at each end of openings in streets and the other flashing yellow lights to be placed at intervals of three feet. All necessary precautions shall be taken to guard the public effectually from accidents, damage or inconvenience to persons or property from the beginning to the end of the work. Plumbers will be held liable for all damages, including costs incurred by the City in defending any action brought against it for damages and costs of any appeal that may result from the neglect of his or her employees or himself or herself of any necessary precaution against injury or damage to persons, animals, vehicles or property of any kind.
Notification of Inspector. The plumber in charge shall notify the Plumbing Inspector at least 24 hours before starting any work in any road, street or public way. If, in the judgment of the Plumbing Inspector, sufficient equipment is on hand for the job to be done, he or she shall grant permission to commence work.
Prohibited openings. Openings will not be permitted when, in the opinion of the Plumbing Inspector or the City Engineer, the openings would be left open over a weekend or holiday period. Openings will not be permitted between December 15 and March 1 unless a special bond has been filed with the City Clerk in accordance with § 190-9B.
Closing off of streets. Openings in roads, streets or public ways shall not be made in a manner that impedes the flow of traffic. On specific main roads, as ascertained by the City Engineer, one traffic lane shall be maintained at all times, and such lane shall at no time be blocked by the excavating equipment. Where it is impossible to install a sewer lateral, water service or water tap in any road, street or public way without completely closing said way to traffic, the Plumbing Inspector, under direction of the City Engineer, may grant permission, in writing, stating a time limit. If such permission is obtained, the plumber must place adequate warning devices, barricades and detour signs before work starts, in such a manner as to provide the least amount of inconvenience for the public. Detour routes shall be as determined by the Plumbing Inspector or the City Engineer.
Timbering of trenches. All trenches and excavations in excess of three feet in depth shall be adequately and securely timbered and protected as provided for in the current General Orders on Tunnel, Caisson and Trench Construction of the Industrial Commission of Wisconsin.
Cutting and replacing street surfaces.
When opening any street surface or other public way, all material for paving or ballasting must be removed with the least possible loss of surfacing material and, together with the excavated material from the trenches, must be placed where it will cause the least inconvenience to the public. All such materials must be so placed that they will free passage of water along the ditches, and the street must at all times be kept open for traffic. As little as possible of the trench must be dug until the slant or junction piece to the sewer is found. The backfilling must be puddled and the paving and ballast must be replaced in as nearly the original condition as possible and to the satisfaction of the Plumbing Inspector or the City Engineer. When caving occurs, all the street surface thus disturbed must be restored in the same careful manner as though it were any excavation or a trench.
When any excavation is made in the gravelled or paved surface, shoulder or other surface subject to travel by vehicles in any street or highway, the clay excavated must be removed immediately and the excavation entirely backfilled to the lot line with sand or gravel thoroughly wet and consolidated. The character of the backfill material used shall be such as is approved and authorized by the City Engineer. Any tunnels dug under gravel roads or pavements shall be excavated and backfilled with concrete all in accordance with the standard specifications of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission for sewers in tunnel.
When excavations are necessary in permanent or semipermanent pavements, such as concrete or soil-cement stabilized surfaces, such pavement shall be replaced by the plumber in a manner as specified by the City Engineer.
When pavement replacement is done in a manner not satisfactory to the Plumbing Inspector or the City Engineer, said work may be corrected by City forces and the costs so entailed levied against deposits as set forth in § 190-12.