Section 105.2(a)(i) of the Building Code and Section R105.2(a)(i) of the Residential Code are hereby amended to define requirements to prevent nuisance animal and pest infestation in accessory buildings, as provided in the State Construction Code Act, No. 230 of the Public Acts of Michigan 1972 [MCLA 125.1508a(10)]. Nuisance animal and pest prevention must be provided to prevent the infestation and harborage of insects and rats or other burrowing den-building animals. All detached accessory buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
For buildings requiring continuous foundations, the minimum footing depth shall be 24 inches.
For buildings not requiring a continuous foundation, the following requirements shall apply:
Aprons. Where an apron is provided, the apron shall not be less than eight inches (203 mm) above nor less than 24 inches (610 mm) below grade. In all cases the apron shall not terminate below the lower edge of the siding material. The apron shall be constructed of an approved nondecayable, water-resistant, ratproof material installed around the entire perimeter of the building. Apron material shall be 26-gage or heavier galvanized-steel material or four-inch-thick (102 mm) masonry or concrete material. Alternate material may be approved at the discretion of the Building Department.
Grade floors. Where continuous concrete grade floor slabs are constructed, open spaces shall not be left between the slab and walls.
All openings shall be protected as follows:
Wall or apron openings required for ventilation or other purposes shall be guarded with corrosion-resistant ratproof shields of not less than nominal 0.034-inch (0.032 inch) or nominal 0.064-inch expanded-steel or wire-mesh screen, with not more than one-half-inch (13 mm) mesh openings.
Slab openings shall be protected with concrete, masonry, metal or other corrosion-resistant noncombustible cover of adequate strength to support the floor loads.
All openings for pipe, conduit, cable and similar purposes at or near grade shall have snugly fitted collars to eliminate all open spaces.
Windows and doors must be gasket sealed or weather flashed for resistance to rodent entry.