In the preparation and development of this chapter, on the basis of the advice of experts and upon independent investigation, it has been recognized that there are activities and impacts which require regulation in view of the noise, dirt, dust and temporary and permanent changes to the topography and environment which are inherent in mining operations. It is the intent of the Township to regulate, inspect and monitor mining operations in order to minimize the existence of dangerously steep slopes, shifting earth, impairments or pollution of ground water, surface water and the watershed and to protect the air, water and natural resources and the public trust therein and the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of Northville Township. To meet these objectives, such mining operations shall be licensed and the fees required for licensure shall be utilized to offset costs and expenses of monitoring, inspection and administration.
All operations regulated by this chapter shall be conducted in a manner so as to meet all standards and requirements hereunder and, in addition, all other applicable laws, ordinances and regulations effective in this Township and the more restrictive provisions of this chapter and such other laws, ordinances and regulations shall govern in the event of a conflict.
This chapter regulates all types of strip and tunnel mining, including the mining of metals, the mining of bituminous coal and lignite and the mining and quarrying of all other minerals, including but not limited to the following:
Group I
Dimension stone mining
Crushed and broken stone
Sand and gravel
Clay, ceramic and refractory minerals
Chemical and fertilizer minerals, including:
Potash, soda and borate
Phosphate rock
Rock salt
Group II
Talc, soapstone and pyrophylite
Miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals, including:
Bituminous limestone
Bituminous sandstone
Diatomaceous earth
Fill dirt
Grinding peat
Grindstone quarrying
Oilstone oxokerite
Peat humus
Precious stones
Reed peat
Rubbing stone
Screening peat
Sedge peat
Semiprecious stones
Sharpening stone
Shredding peat
Volcanic ash
Whet stone
Other nonmetallic minerals with marketable value
For the purpose of construction and application of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
Defined as the removal from a parcel of land of any earth resource identified in § 110-2 as being regulated by this chapter. However, "mining" and "quarrying" shall not include the removal from a single parcel of land during any calendar year of not less than 1,000 cubic yards of material when such removal is not attendant to development in accordance with a subdivision preliminary approval; or less than 10,000 cubic yards of material when such removal is attendant to development in accordance with a subdivision preliminary approval. All removal which is not regulated as mining and quarrying shall be subject to the site plan review provisions of Chapter 170, Zoning, in the case of removal attendant to development subject to site plan review and to any soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations of the Township in the case of all removal. Such removal of earth resources may also be subject to any land improvement ordinance or other pertinent regulations which the Township may enact subsequent to the enactment of this chapter.
The establishment, recovery and reconstruction of the land contained in a mining site or part thereof to a condition approved by the Township Board as part of a plan incorporated into a permit issued hereunder.
The Charter Township of Northville, County of Wayne, State of Michigan.
The Northville Township Board.
The minimum ground or structure-borne vibrational motion necessary to cause a reasonable and normal person to be aware of the vibration by such direct means as, but not limited to, sensation by touch or visual observation of moving objects.
Terms not specifically defined herein shall have the meanings customarily assigned to them.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator or his/her designate or agent shall be responsible for inspections under this chapter and shall at all reasonable times have the right to peaceably enter upon the mining property for the purpose of conducting inspections to insure compliance with this chapter and with all other applicable law, ordinances, codes and/or regulations the Township is authorized to enforce. Any refusal to permit such inspection shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be cause for summary proceedings to suspend and/or revoke the license issued pursuant hereto pending such inspections. In addition to discretionary inspections, the administrator shall make regular inspections during operations and reclamation with such frequency as shall be necessary to ensure and monitor compliance under all of the circumstances and, further, shall utilize the services of such experts as the Township Board shall authorize for such purpose. The Administrator shall make quarterly reports to the Township Board concerning compliance with this chapter.
Should the Administrator or his/her designate and/or his/her agent discover any noncompliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter and/or the licensure permit issued hereunder and/or with any other applicable law, ordinance or regulation, the Administrator shall prepare a notice of this fact detailing the violations and shall send copies of same to the licensee and to the Township Board. Within 15 days following such notice, the licensee shall advise the Township, in writing, whether or not it concurs that a violation exists; and, if it is agreed that a violation does exist, the licensee shall take steps to remedy the violation. If the licensee does not agree, it shall, within the same period of time, state the reasons for such lack of agreement.
The licensee shall correct any and all violations forthwith and in all events in a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the violation notice unless, due to circumstances beyond licensee's control, completion of the corrective measures are not possible within such period, in which event the licensee may, upon approval of the Township Board sought within the sixty-day period, have a reasonable additional time within which to make the correction.
In the event of a dispute with respect to the existence of a violation, the Township Board shall set a reasonable time for a hearing and shall notify the licensee of the time, date and place of the hearing. After a review of the reasons stated by the licensee for its position that no violation exists, the Township may, in its discretion, include in the notice of hearing responsive allegations with respect to the claimed violation.
In the event the licensee has concurred that a violation exists but has not remedied the same in a timely manner as provided for herein, a notice of violation shall be sent and a hearing hereon established utilizing the same form and procedure as set forth herein with respect to the notice and hearing on a violation.
At the Township Board meeting, the matter of the disputed violation or the failure to timely cure a violation shall be considered, which consideration may be adjourned from time to time. Such consideration shall include a hearing conducted at the meeting or meetings and shall further include the opportunity of the licensee to appear in person or by a duly authorized representative to present argument, witnesses and other evidence on behalf and in the defense of the licensee or, in addition to or in lieu thereof, to file a written presentation prior to the initiation of the meeting. The licensee shall also be afforded the opportunity to examine individuals who have made statements or submitted other evidence supporting the existence of a violation or the failure to timely cure a violation, provided that such examination shall be limited in scope to matters relating directly to the statements made and evidence submitted. The Township Board shall, further, make an effort to prevent the occurrence of the violation or to cure the same in a timely manner.
In the event the Township shall determine that a violation of this chapter exists or that the licensee has failed to cure a violation in a timely manner, the Township Board is authorized to take the following action, taking into consideration whether the licensee made a reasonable effort to prevent the occurrence of a violation and/or cure the same in a timely manner:
If the violation constitutes the first uncured violation and/or the first failure to cure a violation in a timely manner and the same has not resulted in damage to person or property, the Board is authorized to suspend the license for a period of up to one month.
If the licensee has previously had one uncured violation and/or one failure to cure a violation in a timely manner and there is an additional uncured violation and/or failure to cure a violation in a timely manner and/or if any violation or failure to cure a violation results in property damages, the Township Board is authorized to suspend the license for a period of up to three months.
If the licensee is found to be in violation of this chapter on a third occasion and/or if the licensee is found to have failed to cure a violation in a timely manner for the third time or any combination of these and/or if there are violations and/or failures to cure in excess of three and/or if a violation has resulted in personal injury of one or more individuals, the Township Board may suspend the license for a period of up to one year or may revoke the license permanently.
In the event the Township Board shall determine, in its discretion, that serious and irreparable harm and damage is likely to occur to person or property or that an impairment or pollution of the environment is likely to occur, the Township Board may order an emergency summary suspension of the license which shall become effective upon service of same upon the licensee. The Township Board shall thereafter, as soon as is practical, conduct a hearing with the same notice and procedural standards set forth herein for violation hearings to determine whether to revoke the suspension order; to continue the suspension order for a fixed period of time; or to revoke the license permanently. The Board shall state the reasons for its determination. If the licensee wishes to expedite the hearing procedure, the licensee may waive the advanced notice requirement and proceed immediately to a hearing.
Following the entry of a determination by the Township Board to suspend or revoke licensure, the institution of a lawsuit in the Circuit Court or other court shall not constitute a stay of the suspension or revocation, as the case may be.
The procedures and remedial action authorized under this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, additional actions the Township may seek pursuant to the following section.
Any person who shall violate the provisions of this chapter shall be responsible for a municipal infraction, subject to the following penalties:
The following civil fines shall apply in the event of a determination of responsibility for a municipal civil infraction, unless a different fine is specified in connection with a particular section:
First offense. The civil fine for a first offense violation shall be in the amount of not less than $150, plus costs and other sanctions, for each offense.
Repeat offense. The civil fine for any offense which is a repeat offense shall be in an amount of not less than $300, plus costs and other sanctions for each offense.
In addition to ordering the defendant determined to be responsible for a municipal civil infraction to pay a civil fine, costs, damages and expenses, the Judge or Magistrate shall be authorized to issue any judgment, writ or order necessary to enforce, or enjoin violation of, the chapter.
Continuing offense. Each act of violation, and on each day upon which any such violation shall occur, shall constitute a separate offense.
Remedies not exclusive. In addition to any remedies provided for by the Code of the Charter Township of Northville, any equitable or other remedies available may be sought.
The Judge or Magistrate shall be authorized to impose costs, damages and expenses as provided by the law.
A municipal civil infraction shall not be a lesser included offense of a criminal offense or of an ordinance violation which is not a civil infraction.