[Adopted 6-15-2006]
Except in those instances where a lower speed is specified in the Michigan Vehicle Code, 1949 Public Act 300, as amended (MCL 257.1 et seq.), as adopted by Chapter 166 of the Code of Ordinances, § 166-3, it is prima facie lawful for the driver of a vehicle on Napier Road, between Five Mile Road and Eight Mile Road, within the Charter Township of Northville, to drive at a speed not exceeding 35 miles an hour, except when this speed would be unsafe. It is prima facie unlawful for a person to exceed the speed limit prescribed above. A person who violates this section is responsible for a civil infraction and shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 166 of the Code of Ordinances, § 166-3D, and/or any other applicable provision of this Code.