[§§ 429-55—429-56 adopted 12-6-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08]
Within any R-2F Zone, no building, structure or lot shall be constructed or used for any use other than in conformity with the general regulations for all residential zones set forth in all of the provisions contained in Article VIII of this Chapter and in accordance with all the provisions therein, except that in the R-2F Zone a two-family dwelling, as defined hereunder, on one lot, shall also be a permitted use.
Lots and structure in the R-2F Zone shall conform to the requirements listed below. Additional requirements and the rules governing the application of these requirements are given in Article VIII.
Maximum height of buildings shall be as follows:
Flat roof: 2 stories / 20 feet.
Pitched roof: 2 1/2 stories / 35 feet.
Minimum lot area shall be as follows:
Interior lots: 15,000 square feet.
Corner lots: 17,250 square feet.
Minimum width of a lot shall be 100 feet.
Minimum frontage of a lot shall be 100 feet except for those lots located at and fronting on the turnaround of a dead-end street where the frontage requirement shall be reduced to 80% of the lot width requirement.
Maximum coverage of a lot shall be as follows:
By buildings: 25%.
By impervious surfaces: 50%.
Front yard setback shall be the greater of the following distances:
From street right-of-way line: 35 feet.
From center line of street: 60 feet.
Minimum side yards shall be as follows:
Total of both side yards: 25 feet.
Minimum for any one side: 12 feet.
Minimum rear yard shall be 30 feet.
Minimum lot depth:
Interior lots: 150 feet.
Corner lots: 175 feet.