[Adopted 1-2-1996]
The RMO or the RMO's designee shall be responsible for the records management program established by this Article, and subsequent amendments thereto. Said officer will be responsible for administering the noncurrent (inactive) and archival public records for the Town of Malta records according to quality control specifications and guidelines.
The records management officer or the RMO's designee shall have all the necessary powers to carry out the efficient administration of records, the determination of value, use, preservation, storage and disposition of the noncurrent (inactive) and archival public records kept, filed or received by the offices and departments of the Town of Malta.
The records management officer or his/her designee shall establish guidelines for proper records management in any department or agency of the Town of Malta in accordance with local, state and federal laws, regulations and guidelines.
The records management officer or his/her designee shall report annually to the Town of Malta on the powers and duties herein mentioned including, but not limited to, the cost/benefit ratio, efficiencies and administrative economies of programs implemented by the records management officer or the RMO's designee.
The records management officer shall have at his/her disposal adequate designated space dedicated specifically for the storage, processing and servicing of noncurrent (inactive) and archival records for all local government departments and agencies. The records center will be administered by the records management officer or the RMO's designee.
The records management officer or designee shall be the sole officer with authority over the disposition of local government records in consultation with the respective local government officer or department head who has custody of the records of his/her respective office or department and with the local Records Advisory Board, where one exists.
Records shall be transferred to the Town of Malta archives upon the recommendation of the RMO, with the approval of the head of the department which has legal custody of the records and the approval of the Records Advisory Board. Records of local government agencies now or in the future defunct shall pass to the legal custody of the Town of Malta archives.
The Town of Malta Counsel, in consultation with the RMO, may take steps to recover local government records which have been alienated from proper custody and may, when necessary, institute actions of replevin.
The Town Board of the Town of Malta shall appoint a Records Advisory Board composed of three members based on recommendations by the RMO.
The functions of the Records Advisory Board shall be to advise and make suggestions to the RMO or designee on future improvements of the Town of Malta records management program. The Board shall meet at least twice a year.
The RMO or the RMO's designee shall call all meetings of the Records Advisory Board, presenting progress reports of the program to the Board, reviewing local government records management and archives policies with the Records Advisory Board and examining and discussing recommendations offered by the Records Advisory Board.