[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Upper Allen as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-19-1981 by Ord. No. 305; amended in its entirety 6-17-1993 by Ord. No. 474]
The compensation of all Township Commissioners of the Township of Upper Allen, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, elected or appointed after the adoption of this article may be the maximum amount permitted as the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may, from time to time, determine, except as restricted by the provisions of Section 703 of the First Class Township Code, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 55101 et seq.
[Adopted 1-19-1989 by Ord. No. 420; amended in its entirety 4-3-2013 by Ord. No. 706]
[Amended 12-21-2016 by Ord. No. 758]
Effective January 1, 2017, the compensation or salary for the office of Tax Collector for Upper Allen Township shall be in the amount of $7,500 per annum, said sum to be the compensation or salary for the performance of all duties as Tax Collector, as prescribed by the First Class Township Code.[1] The Township shall reimburse the Tax Collector upon submission of proper voucher for the Tax Collector's actual expenditures for printing, postage and other expenses allowable by law as required to perform his or her duties. The Township shall pay the premium cost of any fidelity bond required by the Tax Collector for the performance of duties to or for Upper Allen Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 55101 et seq
The Board of Commissioners of Upper Allen Township shall appoint a Township Treasurer, who may also be the elected Township Tax Collector or an employee of the Township, to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Township Commissioners. Compensation for the Township Treasurer will be set by the Board.