[Amended 2-22-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024, effective 2-27-2024]
The preliminary layout and the supporting documents for a proposed subdivision constitute the material to be officially submitted via delivery to the Department of Planning, Environment and Land Management. The layout shows the general design of the subdivision and its public improvements so that the Planning Board can indicate its approval or disapproval of the subdivision prior to the time that the final plat, including the design and detailing of the public improvements and utilities, is completed. Approval of the preliminary layout does not constitute an approval of the final plan, nor should it be considered a valid basis for the construction of site improvements or for other commitments which depend upon its design characteristics.
[Amended 2-22-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024, effective 2-27-2024]
Before starting the engineering and surveying work, in preparation for making preliminary plans of a subdivision, it is recommended that the developer consult with the Department of Planning, Environment and Land Management. It is also advisable to obtain copies of the Zoning Code, Zoning Map, Building Code and Subdivision Regulations and Construction Specifications.
The submission of a preliminary layout shall consist of the following items:
Three copies of the application for the subdivision of land, together with the filing fee.
Six paper prints of the preliminary layout.
The subdivider shall file a complete submission for the preliminary hearing and the filing fee at the Department of Planning, Environment and Land Management.
Copies of proposed subdivision maps which have frontage on, access to or otherwise directly relate to any existing county road or drainage system or county road or drainage right-of-way proposed by the County Official Map shall be forwarded to the County Department of Public Works and the County Planning Commission, pursuant to § 239-k of the General Municipal Law.[1]
Editor's Note: General Municipal Law § 239-k was repealed L. 1998, c. 451, § 2, effective 7-1-1998. See now General Municipal Law § 239-f.
The Planning Board shall take formal action at the public hearing, after the complete preliminary subdivision is made, allowing a reasonable length of time for review by the interested departments. Following the hearing, the subdivider will be notified of the Board's action either approving or disapproving the subdivision.
[Amended 11-20-2018 by L.L. No. 26-2018, effective 12-3-2018]
The filing fee shall be that fee as established by Town Board resolution.
The Planning Board approval of a preliminary layout submission shall expire six months after the date of such formal action. No Planning Board action will be taken after such expiration until a new application and filing fee are submitted. A waiver for a reasonable period of time may be given to cases of hardship upon petition to the Planning Board. Application fees are not returnable.
The preliminary layout shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and/or land surveyor, except that all drainage design shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, and shall provide the information noted in this section:
The size shall be either:
Thirty-six inches by 24 inches; or
Thirty-six inches by 40 inches.
The scale shall be suitable for property presentation. The minimum scale shall be one inch equals 100 feet.
Title block and notations:
The North point and scale.
The name of the subdivision.
The post office address of the subdivision.
The school district and fire district.
The water company or district.
The name and address of the subdivider.
The name, address, license number and seal of the professional engineer and/or land surveyor who prepared the drawings.
The total acreage of the entire tract and of each building zone district within the tract.
The total number of proposed lots for the entire tract and for each section.
The zoning district.
Key map:
Scale: one inch equals 600 feet.
The relationship to the primary and secondary highway system and main intersections.
Boundary lines: building zone district, special districts and municipal areas.
Subdivision streets, blocks and recharge basins in scale.
Match lines as needed when there are two or more drawings to show the complete subdivision.
Subdivision boundary description.
Boundaries of proposed sections numbered in accordance with an intended plan of development.
Boundaries and recorded owners of adjacent properties. Adjacent properties which are a part of a subdivision plat filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office may be identified by subdivision name.
Other boundary lines:
Building zone districts.
School districts.
Special districts.
Incorporated areas.
Topographic contours at two-foot intervals in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum of mean sea level.
Smaller or larger intervals, when advisable due to the terrain, shall be used after approval by the Planning Board.
Contours shall extend 200 feet beyond the subdivision boundary line.
Existing site conditions:
Street rights-of-way on the subdivision and within 200 feet of its boundaries:
Location and width.
Center-line elevations at intersections and other critical points.
Extent and type of street improvements.
Other rights-of-way and easements on the subdivision or within 200 feet of its boundaries:
Location and width.
Restrictions of use, if any.
Drainage structures on the subdivision and within 200 feet of its boundaries:
Type of structure.
Location, invert elevations, gradients and sizes of all pipe and of all other structures, where applicable.
Other utility structures, such as water and gas mains and power lines, on the subdivision and within 200 feet of its boundaries:
Location and size or capacity.
Marshes, ponds, streams or similar conditions on the subdivision and within 200 feet of its boundaries:
Location and area covered, indicating apparent mean high water or normal water line if not subject to tidal effect.
Water line referred to date of survey.
Maximum depth of water at critical points.
Test hole data:
The date, location, elevation and graphic representation of findings for all test holes, including groundwater level.
Locations shall include critical areas where drainage structures requiring seepage are to be constructed.
Town or other public lands and lands designated as parks, open spaces or for some other public use.
Buildings and other structures located on the subdivision and within 200 feet of its boundaries.
Proposed site conditions:
Right-of-way width.
Tentative center-line elevations at intersections and at principal changes in gradient and rate of grades.
Lot layout:
Lot lines and dimensions to the nearest foot.
Building setback line (dashed) and dimension.
Easements and restricted areas with notation as to purpose or restriction.
Identification of lots and parcels for special use to be offered for dedication.
Preliminary stormwater drainage system plan:
Storm drains and structures and the required capacity for each stormwater recharge basin shall be shown on the preliminary layout.
Watershed outlines and their approximate area, in acres, including those which extend beyond the boundaries of the subdivision, shall be shown. If preferred, indicate this with colored pencil on two copies of the preliminary layout.