Prior to formal application for any site plan approval, the applicant is encouraged to meet with the Planning Director to review the proposal.
Any application where abutter notification is required shall be filed at the Planning Board office not less than 21 days before any regularly scheduled meeting.
[Amended 2-1-2017]
The Planning Board office shall provide the applicant with a receipt stating the date, time of the application and all fees received, if so requested by the applicant or his/her agent at the time of application delivery.
An application which has been submitted to the Planning Department office for submission to the Board shall not be supplemented, revised or modified after public notice of hearing has been given except upon vote of the Planning Board at the hearing.
An application may be withdrawn prior to the hearing; however, all application fees shall be forfeited and the applicant shall remain liable for all consultants' fees incurred prior to withdrawal of the application.
All applications will be scheduled for action by the Board in the order in which they are received.
By filing an application with the Board, the applicant, including all the applicant's agents, consultants and representatives, consents to the review of the application by independent consultants retained by the Board at the applicant's expense for the purpose of:
Confirming that the application conforms to applicable state and local requirements; and
Recommending to the Board any additional studies or investigations and/or information from land surveyors, engineers, architects, attorneys, soil scientists, wetland scientists, or others with expertise in a particular field and which could facilitate the Board's actions on the application.
All plans submitted to the Board for review shall be prepared by a professional engineer or land surveyor, as applicable, who is licensed to practice in the State of New Hampshire.
Failure to comply with these application procedures or failure to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, ordinances and regulations shall be grounds for disapproval of the application.
For conceptual consultation, an applicant should provide information sufficient for the Planning Board to give meaningful comments.
The applicant should provide information on how a proposed multifamily or residential development will comply with the terms of the Growth Management Ordinance (GMO)[1] and a general schedule for development under the GMO of all land holdings of the applicant or by entities owned or controlled by the applicant.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 165, Zoning, Art. XIV.
Presentation requirements.
Scale of all drawings shall be 50 feet to the inch or less for all design review phase submittals and shall be limited to a sheet size of 22 inches by 34 inches with a one-inch margin on three sides for binding.
Lettering size shall be not less than 1/8 (0.12) inch.
If more than one sheet is necessary to show the entire site at the required scale, an index plan at a scale adequate to show the entire site on one plan sheet shall be provided and shall be drafted so as to create a graphical index of sheets.
All match lines shall be clearly shown and labeled.
The design review application shall be accompanied by eight copies of the proposed site plan which shall include the following information:
Proposed development name, location, North arrow, scale, and date of preparation.
Boundary information prepared from existing deeds and field information. Distances may be shown to the nearest foot and bearings shall be shown to the nearest one minute. Area of subject parcel(s) in acres and square feet and location and elevation of any flood hazard areas situated on the parcel shall be shown.
Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner(s) of record, applicant, and engineer and/or land surveyor.
Locus map at a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch or less.
Abutting lot lines, streets, alleys, easements, parks, public open spaces, and zoning districts. All shall be clearly labeled and tax map numbers indicated where applicable. Names and addresses of all abutters shall be included and shall also be submitted on a separate sheet of paper.
United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service soil survey mapping of subject parcel where the site is to be served by municipal water and sewer; high-intensity soil survey mapping where served by on-site facilities.
Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed easements, building setbacks and other restrictions.
Existing topography showing surface contours at an interval of two feet or less, watercourses, ponds, standing water, wetlands, rock outcrops and ledges, tree lines, utility poles, buildings, pavement and gravel areas, and other physical features as may be found. Topography shall extend a minimum of 50 feet beyond the parcel boundary.
Existing and proposed water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and culverts, including size, material and direction of flow.
Location and dimensions of existing and proposed buildings and accessory structures. A note shall be provided on the plan which indicates the total gross floor area of each existing and proposed building with a breakdown of the total gross floor area in each building assigned to a particular use. Pedestrian access and service/loading provisions for each building will be identified as applicable.
Location and layout of all existing and proposed parking areas, aisles, driveways and public or private streets and access drives. Parking calculations based on proposed site use shall be provided.
[Amended 3-28-2007]
Preliminary exterior lighting and landscape plan.
Preliminary drainage report and calculations.
Drainage plan showing the following: the direction of runoff, both existing and proposed, through the use of arrows; the existing and proposed methods of handling stormwater runoff; and the location, elevation and size of all catch basins, storm sewers, culverts, drainage ditches, swales and retention/detention basins.
Preliminary design plans of any proposed off-site improvements.
The applicant will submit a completed design review application, a completed design review application checklist, and all required fees.
[Amended 3-28-2007; 6-18-2008; 6-4-2014, effective 6-5-2014]
A complete final application for the purposes of these regulations and for the purposes of RSA 676:4, I (c), shall be accompanied by 19 copies of the proposed plans (three full size sets and 15 eleven-by-seventeen sets), which shall include the following information:
Proposed development name or identifying title, name and address of the owner of record and subdivider, and the name of the consultant(s), date, scale, North point, lot numbers, location map at a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch or less, revision block, surveyor's certifications and plan notes, and Planning Board approval block [located at lower-right corner of recordable site plan sheet(s)].
The area of the parcel, street frontage and zoning requirements for minimum lot size and frontage.
Zoning classification(s) of the parcel and the location of any abutting zoning districts or municipal boundaries.
Sufficient data to determine readily the location, bearing and length of all street lines, lot lines, boundary lines and to be able to reproduce such lines upon the ground. All dimensions shall be shown to the hundredth of a foot and bearings to the nearest one second. The error of closure shall not exceed one in 10,000. The final plat shall show the boundaries of the property, the location and description of all monumentation, a benchmark referencing USGS datum and shall be prepared and shown on a plan(s) and shall be sealed by a licensed land surveyor, unless taken from a reference plan meeting the above requirements. If boundary data taken directly from a reference plan, the registry recording number and title of said plan shall be cited.
Abutting lot lines, streets, alleys, easements, parks, public open spaces and similar relevant facts. Parcel ID number, owners' names and addresses for all abutting parcels matching similar data provided on the abutters list submitted with the application.
Horizontal and vertical features shall be adjusted to the New Hampshire State Plane Coordinate System (Second Order - Class II, NAD 83/92-NGVD88), shown at two boundary corners.
Location and elevation of any designated flood hazard areas.
Street lines, building setback lines, pedestrian ways, lot lines, reservations, easements and areas to be dedicated to public use and areas, the title to which are reserved by the developer.
All stipulations and restrictions intended to remain in perpetuity shall be shown on the final plat.
A Planning Board approval block with a place for signature and date of approval by the Board shall be placed on each recordable sheet in the lower right-hand corner of the sheet. A note shall appear on the project plans indicating:
The total number of sheets in the plan set;
Which sheets will be recorded upon approval; and
That the full set of project plans is on file at the Derry Planning Department.
Two-foot contour interval topographical survey data of the subject site and immediate surroundings. This existing conditions survey shall show all existing site improvements on subject site and immediate vicinity. Topographical survey data provided shall be referenced to USGS datum.
High intensity soil survey mapping (showing soil types and locations) shall be prepared, shown on a plan(s), and shall be sealed by a certified soil scientist, where a site is to be served by on site water supply and sewage disposal facilities. United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service mapping shall be provided where a site is to be served by municipal utilities.
Wetlands mapping shall be prepared, shown on a plan(s), and shall be sealed by a certified wetland scientist.
Location and exterior dimensions and height of existing and proposed buildings and accessory structures.
A note on the plan indicating total gross floor area of each existing or proposed building to remain, as well as a breakdown of the total gross floor area for each building by use classification.
Access points and service loading areas for all buildings.
Location and layout of all proposed/existing driveways, parking areas, fire lanes and walks.
Detailed parking calculations.
Solid waste storage areas, snow storage areas, traffic control signs and pavement markings.
Exterior lighting provisions and details of all proposed lighting fixtures.
Landscape design plans and details.
A detailed erosion and sedimentation control plan.
Commercial signage details and locations.
Construction details of all site improvements.
A detailed site grading plan.
Detailed off-site improvement plans, where applicable.
Drainage calculations shall be prepared and sealed by a licensed professional engineer; and drainage improvements shall be shown on a plan(s).
Sanitary sewer design calculations shall be prepared, when applicable and sealed by a licensed professional engineer; and sanitary sewer improvements shall be shown on the plan(s).
Water distribution design calculations shall be prepared and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, and water distribution system improvements shall be shown on the plan(s).
Traffic impact statements (TIS), when required, shall be prepared and sealed by a licensed professional engineer. The scope of a TIS shall be as directed by the Planning Director in conjunction with the Town Engineer.
Drawings required with the final plat shall be prepared, certified and sealed by a licensed professional engineer and shall include:
Profiles of all proposed streets, water mains, sewers and open waterways with a horizontal scale of one inch to 50 feet, and vertical scale of one inch to five feet. All elevations shall refer to an established benchmark.
Drainage, sanitary sewer and water distribution plans subject to the following requirements:
Outlines of streets, lots, easements, etc., as shown on the final plan with distances to the nearest foot;
Location of all manholes, catch basins, hydrants, structures downstream drainage facilities and utility poles or underground lines and pipes;
Sizes and type or class of all pipe, including storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water and gas mains and service stubs;
Location, type and detailed design of special structures or bridges; and
Proposed tax map and lot number for each lot.
Design plans and construction detailed, as applicable for providing fire protection systems complying with the requirements of the Growth Management Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 165, Zoning, Art. XIV.
Copies of all required state and federal project permits necessary for the subject site development proposal.
A block shall be placed on the cover sheet of each site plan for signatures by the Public Works Director; Code Enforcement Officer; Derry Fire Department; Conservation Commission Chair; and Police Department, or their designers. Prior to submission of application, applicant shall review the proposed site plan with each party noted above and obtain said signatures.
A minimum of two boundary corners on each site plan shall be tied to the Town of Derry Geodetic Control Network (Second Order - Class II, NAD 8392 - NGVD 29).
Drawing format. All information shown on drawings shall be left to right reading, with the lettering shown in a plane parallel with the bottom edge of the drawing. If dimensions or other data have to be shown in a plane other than parallel with the bottom of the drawing, the lettering placement in all planes shall be such that the information is readable as the drawing is rotated clockwise. The type of lettering shown on the drawings shall be vertical uppercase Gothic. The size of lettering shall be a minimum of 1/8 (0.12) inch high, which shall be used for the majority of information shown on the drawing. Space between adjacent one-eighth-inch-high characters shall be such as to not exceed a maximum of 10 characters to the inch.
Electronic format and filing requirements.
All plans shall be submitted to the Planning Director in the three electronic formats noted below.
Adobe Acrobat pdf.
Drawing file: Two formats shall be submitted: a .dxf (Drawing Exchange File) format and a .dwg (AutoCad drawing) format.
Electronic filing requirements: The above shall be accomplished with the following guidelines:
Horizontal and vertical features shall be adjusted to the New Hampshire State Plan Coordinate System (Second Order-Class II, NAD 83/92-NGVD88).
All digital files shall be submitted on a CD/DVD. No other form of submittal will be accepted.
The following information shall be labeled on the disk: file name(s); property owner name; parcel identification number (tax map and lot number); and name of submitting consultant. The file name format shall be as follows: MapLot_ProjectName_Owner(lastname)_Consultant.xxx (example: 30060_MunicipalCenter_TownOfDerry_ABCSurvey.dwg).
The submitted drawing format shall be rotated to grid (NAD 83/92).
Horizontal control points shall have an adjusted accuracy of 1:10,000 (Third Order, Class I);
The referenced entities and their layer properties shall correspond to the following:
The digital file shall have a layer named "NHSPCS." NAD83 referenced points and the easting, northing and vertical descriptions of the required points shall be annotated on this layer. The NHSPCS layer shall be magenta in color.
All lines representing property lines shall consist of continuous line work snapped to endpoints. Stonewall representations, unless created using a line type will not be accepted.