The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the
Council, and should he be absent, the Council President shall preside.
Should both be absent, the senior member of Council shall preside.
The Mayor shall:
A. Appoint special and standing committees of the Council.
B. Preside at all meetings of the Council and of the
committee of the whole.
C. State the question and announce the result of all
matters upon which the Council may vote.
D. With the assistance of the Attorney, rule on all questions
of order, subject to appeal to the Council as a whole.
E. Have such other functions, powers and duties as may
from time to time be prescribed by general law, ordinance or resolution.
The Borough Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the
Council in accordance with this chapter. In the absence of the Clerk,
the Mayor shall appoint a Clerk Pro Tempore.
An agenda for each regular meeting of the Council
shall be prepared by the Clerk in consultation with the Mayor where
necessary or appropriate.
The Mayor or, in his absence, the Council President,
shall call the meeting to order. In their absence the Clerk shall
call the meeting to order, and those present shall select a temporary
presiding officer. The Mayor shall assume the chair as soon as he
is in attendance at any meeting which may have been called to order
in his absence, and the Council President shall do so when someone
other than the Mayor is presiding.
At the opening of each meeting of the Council, the Clerk shall call the roll and the names of those present shall be recorded in the minutes. A quorum shall be constituted as set forth in §
The order of business at the meetings shall
be as follows:
C. Reports of officers and committees.
D. Presentation of communications, petitions, bills,
etc., public comments.
E. Unfinished business, final passage of ordinances.
F. New business, introduction of ordinances.
The Clerk shall, so far as practicable, prepare
and distribute to the Council the minutes of each meeting promptly
after the meeting. The minutes of any meeting may be approved without
reading whenever they have been distributed at least 24 hours prior
to the time of approval.
The vote upon every resolution or ordinance
shall be taken by roll call and the yeas and nays shall be entered
on the minutes. The minutes of each meeting shall be signed by the
presiding officer and by the Clerk.
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order
and shall be decided without debate.